Saturday, May 18, 2019

Blind Item #6

Interesting to see the alliterate former actress turned A+ list celebrity complaining about treatment she has received from others when she complained to producers to get two actresses fired because she thought they were getting too many lines at her expense.


  1. +1000
    One of the actresses was probably Gina Torres.

    1. People are posting the Birth Certificate online everywhere... I don’t get the whole intrigue but it’s really real lol

  2. lol @ the "why does everyone hate me???" sob stories.

    You got your tiara and your halfwit. Enjoy them.

  3. Oh boy, we are going to be invaded! Better get out of here with my tail tucked between my legs before that!

  4. All the people this manipulator has fucked over should start a #meghantoo movement.

  5. I think they are posting the birth certificate because they are outraged that she is listed as a princess and she's not. First world problems.

    1. Technically she became a Princess (as in that is her occupation) when she married Harry.

  6. The intrigue is that nobody (doctor/mid-wife) has said that they witnessed the birth. When you’re in the line of succession for the throne (even far down) there needs to be proof that the baby ‘came from her body’. So far it’s crickets. Every other person in line, including Beatrice & Eugenie, had the doctors sign off. They made a huge deal about hiding where she gave birth (which has now been revealed) but there are still no witnesses. For someone who thrives on publicity, why so shy suddenly? Either she’s playing a game with the press or she’s hiding something.

  7. Heard the Gayle King show was ridiculous. Her make-up artist was crying. Apparently Jessica Alba was also on the show. They don’t even know each other. The only connection is that they have the same make-up artist (the one who was crying.)

  8. She's a beard, so there's that

  9. This is made-up gossip or an outright bold faced lie but the "sheep" on here believe anything they read about Meagan and it's sad. Gina Torres left the show "Suits" because she hated filming in Toronto. Moreover, out of all the cast members on Suits, Gina Torres had the best resume/career and was married to Laurence Fishburne at the time. She had spent 6 years being away from her family for an extended period of time to film the show in Toronto. She was making "small time" money on "Suits" and at the end of season 6 her contract with "Suits" was up. She had an opportunity to take a role on the ABC tv show "The Catch" which was being produced by Shonda Rhimes. In the past, Shonda Rhimes tv shows like "Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder have been ratings juggernauts. This meant more money per episode for Torres plus "The Catch" filmed in Los Angeles. It was just a better work situation for her especially since she has a 10-year old child who's in middle school in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, "The Catch" did not fair well with viewers and was cancelled after 2 seasons. But a spin-off of "Suits" starring Torres had been in the works. Most importantly, Torres specified that she wanted the show filmed stateside and per her request they are filming in Los Angeles and Chicago. THIS BLIND IS TOTAL CRAP. Instead of taking everything for face value and believing every little tidbit fed to you, try doing your own research. You will find that a fair amount of these Meagan blinds are half-truths or overly exaggerated just to get clicks or views.

    1. +1000 like it all matters anyway but ya know hot fake gossip is the peak of their day they forget its mostly bullshit and innuendo..Harry and Megan are at home enjoying their life so that's the best revenge

    2. You can enjoy your life AND enjoy fake (or real) gossip. They aren’t mutually exclusive. This idea that people are all sad losers because they dislike certain celebs and make mean comments, is just flat out retarded.

  10. Nah, Meaghan is a horrible person.

  11. Meghan is Princess Harry, Kate is Princess William, in this name game they are equals. Silly bigots.

    1. I may be wrong but I always understood it as she was given the name Duchess of Sussex due to the wedding. But rules governing the monarchy which say only those with royal blood can use the title of Prince or Princess followed by their first name. Also someone told me once that only the first son and daughter can be considered as prince or princess. They might of changed that, I'm not sure.

  12. occupation: queen of the world

  13. Also the timeline does not add up. Season 6 of Suits, which was Gina's supposed last season started filming in April 2016. At this point, most of the general public had no idea who Meghan Markle was unless they watched Suits. I personally had never heard of her then. She didn't start dating Harry until well after Season 6 had already started filming, in June. So the blind is insinuating that she went on 1 single date with Harry and believed from that single date that she was bound for greatness and therefore immediately ran to producers and said "I'm just went on a date with Prince Harry. Compared to me these other actresses are 'blah' and have too many lines. Please fire them." This just makes no common sense. Meghan had no real clout or real notoriety until November 2016.I'm certain Harry asked her to keep their relationship private hush, hush and out of the public view. So she really couldn't go to producers and say I'm dating Harry so I'd like more lines. Really the couple was kinda forced to reveal the romance because rumors of Harry being smitten with someone got the internet in a tizzy and internet trolls started sending Meghan hateful, racist messages online.

    There was no official acknowledgement from the Royals/Harry confirming the relationship with Meghan until November 2016. This was after Season 6 of Suits had already wrapped production. So prior to November 2016, I don't feel as if Meghan had the pull to demand 2 people be fired. It was THAT official November 2016 statement, released by the Royals and circulated globally, that really elevated her. Because if you had not heard of her before you certainly had now.

  14. Give it a rest Princess Sparkles, no one really cares that much to read your paragraphs. Go back to princessing or whatever you do now.

  15. Some people just needs someone to hate for some reason. I mean I'm not even a Meghan stan/fan. But it's just very sad see. There are real world issues that need our real attention. Imagine redirecting some of that time and energy you spend on hating someone you will never, ever meet or even be in the same hemisphere with, and putting that energy towards good use. You can hate her all you want but in the end she still won. And if hating her makes your life better then you need to do some serious self-reflection. Peace

    1. Imagine not even being a fan/stan of a particular celeb, yet taking the time to write lengthy paragraphs in defense of them! And lecturing the “jelus h8rs” with the same old trite, done to death boilerplate about how sad commenters are and how they ought to redirect themselves, all because they don’t share your opinions.

      I am curious though, what did she “win”, exactly? Do you find her life and circumstances to be something to envy or aspire to? If so, then maybe it’s you that should do some serious self reflection.

  16. Who cares..harry knows the truth so it's all that matters lol ya some petty bitches coming for a innocent baby..dont you have puppies to kick..rainbows to bleach

  17. Everyone wanted a birth certificate- they got a birth certificate. Now they're not happy with the *details*?
    I wonder, are they're any food banks or women's shelters, crisis lines to volunteer time at?
    Or is this what they do for boredom?
    It's actually so sad

  18. Another birth certificate issue is his name is missing the honorific "Prince"

    1. Only MJ can name his kids Prince @Hunter!! Oh wait he is six feet under oops🤣

  19. He’s not technically a Prince because QE didn’t give him the title. She made the exception for Williams children but that’s because they’re legitimate heirs.

  20. @So Outrageous It's amusing that you claim not to be a fan. In any case, the event you are insisting is false is not, in fact, what the blind says. Your outrage would appear in this case to be entirely misplaced.

  21. What Jimbonius and J said

    Nobody’s reading your diatribes, Megs

    Nor paying attention to your Bot Army

  22. Point of fact Megs

    I for one want your marriage to be a happy one

    And I care not how or where you became a Mom

    Just don’t let that mask slip so you hurt Prince Harry

    You’re way out of your league though, Megs

    I don’t think HM is down with your permissions to speak to the press

    Martin Bashir and Panorama is probably something you should look up

    1. When I see “point of fact”, I think of the guy that’s standing in the doorway telling Dr Scott the paleontologist, some shit about dinosaurs.

      Dinosaur trainnnnnn, dinosaur train, ride ride ride riiiiiiiiiide, the dinosaur train 🚂 🦖🦕

  23. Love gina torres.

    Megs is a climbing fame ho. She loves & thrives on the drama she brings to the BRF because it keeps her and harry in the spotlight/press.
    If she really wanted to lead a private life out of the press, she wouldnt have her friends spill their guts about her a SECOND time...this time on national US TV with Oprahs BFF. She’s so obvious too, her friends can spill their guts and still be her dear friends.
    Her new celeb bff friends can talk about/ defend her and still be her friends ( because they are useful to her fame ho-ness).
    but god forbid her dad gets his picture taken, or has a heart attack, or talks to the press after she disses him, and she cuts him off because he’s useless, except to get more drama/press ( there’s no such thing as bad publicity )

  24. @Lauren, I think that Hunter was referring to Harry.

  25. When Meghan had a baby shower in the US, only well knowns were Gayle King and Serena the past , well knowns would love to accept an invitation of this magnitude. So, what do you think? (A) Meghan is indeed toxic? (2) Gayle King, best buds with Oprah and happy to celebrate her birthday on David Geffen's yacht? Despite Geffen being named as a violent hollywood pedaphile? And the picture of Oprah, Harvey Weinstein and some young hopeful which is painful to view.....Oprah is indeed expressive...her expression was "Look what I brought you Harvey? Hopeful child woman looked very very small.

    1. Don’t forget about Amal. And Jessica Mulroney. And her pimp, Markus Anderson.

  26. I know one thing about MM, and that is that she is distancing Harry from many of his old support network - friends, family, advisors, staff. People whom she doesn’t think are good influences on him. The problem is that his relationships with these people go back a long way and Harry can be himself around these trusted allies. The word is that MM is doing a combination of both mothering and gaslighting him as she moulds him to be her plus one. These friends would never talk to the press but there is a lot of conversation going on in the background. I hope MM settles and relaxes into her role as the wife of a prince, Duchess of Sussex, a part of the firm rather than trying to make herself, Harry and Archie celebrities and lifestyle gurus in the way she aspired to achieve in the US. The BRF is a lot more accepting of change than people think, but having these ridiculous magazine stories and television programmes where her friends espouse how wonderful MM is do not do her any favours with Buck House or the British public. The unwritten rule for members of the BRF is “Never complain, never explain, something that MM has failed to grasp yet. You also do not make try to make yourself more important or newsworthy than the firm or other members, especially if you are not born into it, She can do more by not trying so hard and showing class and dignity in the style of Sophie, Countess of Wessex, or Kate, Duchess of Cambridge.. I can understand why a determined adult in her late thirties who has made her own rules wants to shake things up so the pieces lay in her favour, but it won’t work. She’s had some some leeway from those that matter while she settled in but patience is wearing thin.

    1. She has no desire to ‘settle in.’

  27. Prince Harry has got his glow on lol. Every pic taken of him he looks very happy. That at the end of the day is what matters. The Anti Megan stans I think are underestimating how much more that means to him than the Royal establishment and its protocols.

  28. All these jealous wenches on trying their best to disgrace MM. Do you'll really think the queen let him marry her if she was this bad?! Not no but hell no! But her you'll are with that same old stupid sh!#. You need Jesus.

  29. PH is the Spare. He finally feels important with his marriage. He just doesn't understand what a Grifter MM is. MM will use PH as long as it suits her. When it doesn't, all PH will see is her dust.

    BTW: Gina Torres! Absolutely excellent actress. And beautiful.

  30. When MM finally ditches PH for the Hollywood High Life, she will be about 44 years old. Too old to be bankable as an actress, too little talent, looks fading, a mostly uninteresting personality, nothing interesting to say, and at the very best, boring. Good Luck on your social climbing MM! Oh, and No One will buy your parenting book, nor your cookbook. Signing bananas, we know where your "talent" lies.

  31. Yes. We are all jealous of a grifter. All of us. Jealous.

    1. Really takes me back to when I first got the internet, back in the late 80’s. Dial up, AOL Online, chat rooms, and yet, people are still pulling the “UR JUST JELUSSSS” crap. It’s been 20 years, it’s time to find a new “insult”.

  32. Wonder how much this sparkles shill swarm cost?
    Every single time you do this Meghan, people...real people hate you more.

    @molly...the “young hopeful” is actually Rita “whora” Ora... gives some light into her creepizoid story.

  33. So sick of the hateful MM blinds

    1. Then don’t read them? 🤷🏼‍♀️

  34. PH finally looks happy now that the baby is here. I hope it lasts for his sake.
    He’s looked absolutely miserable ever since the marriage. Must have been the happlily ever after home life with MM.

  35. @So Outrageous How bold of you to talk about about distance in the terms of hemispheres. Do not forget that sometimes the working public has presence inflicted on them.....

  36. DM had images of baby sussexes and also the baby cambridges birth certifcates. both catherine and megs were referred to as princesses and had the same order of names. Wills and Harry were princes but their order of names was slightly different than the girls. I’m guessing it’s due to legality or born to versus married into the BRF

    the only real differences i noticed were George and Charlottes certificates were hand written and signed.
    Louis’s was typed/printed like archie’s, but Louis was hand signed by Wills.
    Archies had a typed/ printed signature instead of a handwritten signature by Harry. which could add to the conspiracy theorys....

  37. So much drama over a tv show hardly anyone knew existed before Meghan left it.

  38. Let's back up and talk about Gayle King for a few minutes... It's as if Oprah's coattails keep getting longer and longer. I stopped being an Oprah fan so many years ago... but was King such a great, overlooked journalist when she landed on CBS's morning show and mentioned her friendship w/Oprah as well as Oprah's status, thoughts, etc., daily for her first couple of years. She continued to talk over Charlie and Nora and give her two cents worth on everything and every comment... Now that O has gone off the air, we're getting her bestie shoved down our throats... Not that he's a huge 'get', but without King being O's bestie, I doubt RKelly would've sat for an interview, much less the creatively choreographed and rehearsed spectacle that was.. UGH 'Robert'.... 'Robert'.... why tf would any one want to sit in a room with him if not for ratings. So now we have King jetsetting the world as Hollywood/US ambassador; hopefully she is smart enough to realize she road the coattails of her overrated bestie. these would, and are, no doubt, O's interviews and invitations - King is her stunt double and now the LEAD on CBS morning show...

  39. So much drama...MM is NOT a princess, end of the story, she is a duchess as long as she stays married, anyway, MM has a strong PR teM that is paid to read and write crappy comments, whatevs, no one likes her in UK because people feel she is fake

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. @Astra Worthington

    Don't you live in a trailer park in Virginia?

    Maybe that's why you're so ugly and hateful? Grow up!

    I don't like MM either, but losers like you are obviously envious of wealthy and successful people. I really wish this site didn't attract such low-class individuals.

    1. Hey look! Another “UR JUST A JELUS H8R” comment! How amusing.

      The thing is, you know nothing about anyone here. You have no idea what anyone has, does, who they are, where they live, how much money they have, etc. Not a clue. Nobody does. And no, I do not live in Virginia nor do I live in a trailer. However, I’m not such a classist cunt that I’d sneer down my nose at anyone that does. Really truly rich people, never ever do that shit. It’s déclassé to the extreme. That’s noveau riche behavior.

      Maybe you need to take your high brow ass somewhere more refined and sophisticated? I really wish this site didn’t attract such wannabe elitist twats. Especially when your comment marks you as a sad wannabe, not wealthy or successful at all. Bless your heart.....and kiss my ass 🖕🏻😘👋🏻

  42. Maybe Markle and Trump are in a death match to see who can get away with the most narcissistic behavior on the world stage.

  43. Funny that on a Gossip Site where we diss celebrities as a form of light entertainment and amusement

    We are labeled godless, jealous and need to grow up

    For having a different perspective on someone who has made polarizing people her life’s work

    Seriously? Why in the AF do you think we care what y’all think of our comments?

    Perhaps, put down the kool aid

    “As the polarizing person becomes larger and larger than life, they tend to attract followers who form a cult of personality”

    1. Because their parents told them they were special snowflakes and the world revolves around their feelings, and desires. Everyone should care deeply about what they want! They’re SPECIAL and IMPORTANT!

      The best part is when they use 20+ year old tired ass “insults”, and act like they’re flinging really scathing insults. Sad! But also, kind of funny.

  44. You sound triggered, cunt like typical appalachian dog shit 🖕🏻

    How many truckers have you sucked off, whore?

    Spoken like true TRIGGERED assaplachian trash. You have some mouth there, inbred hag.

    Did your cousin Bobby-sue teach you to talk like that? Disgusting 🖕🏻

  45. Since I have been reading this site since Full Frontal Fridays circa 2007

    Dinosaur 🦕 is a compliment

    I do remember you, too Astra and always enjoy your clapbacks

  46. Enty’s first post Nov 2006

  47. It is funny that people think MeAgain is liberal because she is half black. She is just like Kanye. Owned by Conservatives. I tried to watch Gayle King’s CBS special on MeAgain and Harry. It was so cringeworthy I had to turn it off.

  48. Lady Constance and Outrageous are both MM sending in blinds about herself.

    BTW That bulls**t about you - MM - being discriminated against is just BS. Something you made up to get PH to feel protective of you.

    Enty please stop referring to Meghan Markle at A+. At best she is a B, heading for a C+ before 2019 is done.

  49. Meghan is self hating. She plays the race card when she needs sympathy then identifies as white to social climb. She will take advantage of anyone anytime including her own flesh and blood. Megan Markle is a true narcissist.

  50. I dont know megs but my money is one her being a born and bred, snowflake, california, fruit and nut, millenial, liberal.
    She painted the nusery with vegan paint, was going to raise the baby gnder neutral, had a career in hollywood where you need to be liberal to get hired, and espouses. The usual liberal talking points/buzz words during her speeches/ comments.

    Kanye on the other hand is probably either a closet conservative, trying to keep it on the down low so his career doesn’t go up entirely in flames, or at the very least a libertarian.

  51. Prince Harry made a "surprise" appearance at Lady Gabriella Windsor and Thomas Kingston's marriage ceremony. He was just beaming!!! Harry must have been thrilled MM let him out of the house so he could enjoy the company of his friends and relatives. It must be really uncomfortable to have people smile to your face, and look daggers at your back isn't that right MM?

  52. She is not a liberal. The Firm is conservative and she married it. I have never seen her support anything liberal publicly. No Black Lives Matter for Meghan. Just because she say shit like “I’m vegan” doesn’t mean she is liberal. It usually means the opposite. That they are non-white or closeted Republicans.

    1. Uh. She stated in a interview she was voting for Hillary and that if trump won she would stay in Canada permanently. Harry is not just friends with the Obamas they’re politically aligned. WTF are you talking about?

  53. She’s hardcore liberal and planning on bringing the monarchy into the 21st california century.

    The queen, the ceo head for the firm (and phillip) is conservative. Probably a hardcore conservative (in us political terms). So until there’s a change the firm is conservative.

    Wills, harry are liberal and if they were in the us , would be democrats..
    Charle would be a democrat as well, probably a liberal to moderate democrat. Just like all the rich califorinia liberals who say / support one thing but also believe, ‘not in my backyard’, i’ll fence my property, and do as i say, not as i do. Like flying their private jets everywhere yet critizing the masses for their carbon footprint.

  54. Astra you're a dumb raggedy ass whore from some shit hole in appalachia. Get off this site, trailer park cunt. 😁😁😁

  55. MeliticusBee said...
    Wonder how much this sparkles shill swarm cost?
    Every single time you do this Meghan, people...real people hate you more.

    ^^^This so much^^^

    Of course Sparkles is a liberal. She's in fact a total liberal stereotype: delusional, not particularly bright, talented or interesting, self absorbed, self important, narcissistic and seeks out useful morons to manipulate.

    Also, if I may add, there isn't 1 single person in the entire world who has known Sparkles for longer than a couple of years, who has 1 good thing to say abut her. No childhood friends, no family, nobody.
    She's so despised, she needs to pay and roll out her make up artist!

    All she had to do was to find somebody as stupid as Harry, and she was lucky she did. William would have seen through her in 2 seconds.

    She will never be Kate.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.



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