Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Blind Item #6

Even though they know that last year's sabotage will be nothing compared to this season's, the alphabet network can't really do anything about the actress because her contract is huge. They would have to pay it and then find someone else and the whole thing would just be a mess. Pleasant faces for the press though.


  1. Abc and Constance Wu

  2. ABC, Grey's Anatomy Heigle?

  3. lol yeah Pompeo not Heigle

  4. Constance WU with her tweets about FOTB renewal.

  5. Is Wu's contract huge?

  6. Constance Wu. I wonder if she will be even worse now

  7. Can't even w/ Constance Wu. Aww poor little actress, your show was renewed

  8. Ellen Pompeo for sure she is currently the highest paid woman on television since her last contract renewal. (Where she scored in addition to her per episode salary, residuals, plus a 7 figure bonus and back end pay out because of her being a producer. Greys should have been cancelled ages ago it’s not even worth watching any more and the ratings last year were far from stellar.

  9. I'm with the Constance Wu guesses.

  10. I've noticed there's more YouTube/ celebrity blinds here today.
    I bet Enty is prepping us for the big Isaac Kappy one coming up

  11. What kind of sabotage did Pompeo do?

    1. Ellen didn’t do any sabotage I don’t think that is what the blind is referring to... I’m thinking the blind is referring to the lack of audience for Greys and the critics hate it, the awards shows don’t care anymore and honestly there is no reason to keep it on the air besides the fact they don’t have another hit show to replace it.

  12. Going with Ellen P./ Grey’s on this one as FOTB hasn’t been on long enough for the cast to reneg their contracts (standard is 7 season contract). Greys just added another season so that means more $$$$$$ for Ellen

  13. Grey's Anatomy is the headache that just keeps giving.

  14. I don’t believe this is Constance Wu only because her contract isn’t huge at all with fresh off the boat. She’s not even worth 2 million dollars. They could very easily dismiss her from that show, they don’t need her. I think they will end up Heigling her off the show...

  15. The cast of Grey's supposedly hates Ellen and was praying she'd walk away. That's according to the blinds here not seen anywhere else.

  16. They could do the season around it with a big storyline ending the show on a higher note. The show has been on life support for years. Needs something like ER did years ago.

  17. Kill Wu off ...that's the solution

  18. What about American Idol? It was renewef surprisingly. Katie Perry’s salary is a problem.
