Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blind Item #6

In what might be one of the dumbest moves ever, this A+ list mostly movie actor hooked up with his A+/A list actress ex. Apparently she wanted to clear the air and they had lunch. Neutral ground at a restaurant she rented out which is usually closed at lunch. After they ate, the two hooked up in the private room. When I say dumbest moves ever, I am referring to each of them.


  1. What, that sounds like the plot of Hallmark movie!

  2. What a stupid idiot Brad's turning into. Screwing reality show wimmen, now this skank again. Aniston has to be next.

    1. If you saw Caroline Fleming, who is a baroness in her home country of Denmark, you'd realize Brad was lucky she even looked at him. She is one of the most stunning women in the world. She is also incredibly wealthy. She dated down, not him.

    2. Maybe but she's crazy as batshit

  3. @tricia

    f yeah, me too. not gonna lie, they were hot. still are.

    tho jesus...just saw the shopping pap pics of angie guys, how does she even survive being that thin. her neck and face look normal and healthy (fillers, etc) but damn, she is....emaciated.

    1. That face tho! They are beautiful

  4. I don't buy that this is Jolie. It says they ate.

    1. Lol @unknown. AJ loves to sex with her exes. she has no friends so why not. And Brad is dumb. She turned those kids against him

    2. Totally agree!

  5. @tricia
    did u ever get to see them in person when they were together?

    1. Nope.
      Just him. He is-very,very magnetic.

    2. I saw them driving in Mercedes G wagon. He was driving and they kissed at the stop light. Both gorgeous. This was by the Apple Pan. Lol

  6. this video still makes me crack up so hard --- how much the fans are FREAKING OUT while they are standing right in front of them in a parking garage. its like two pretty aliens came out of their spaceship to go interact silently with them and they cant handle it lollolol

  7. Hey maybe this is Pitt/Aniston

  8. A friend of mine who is a professional photographer took a pic of her outside on a sunny day (natural lighting hides nothing!) on the way into an event. When he showed it to me I gasped she was so beautiful

  9. You people are easily impressed

    1. To the contrary, and I speak for myself.. I’m pretty hard to impress ,actually.

  10. To be different, I'm guessing JLaw and Nicholas Hoult.

  11. Ah, Enty would have said foreign-born for the actor.

  12. Skeletor? No make-up? And beautiful?
    Skeletor doesn’t leave the house unless she’s dressed up usually with heels, hair done, and full ‘natural’ looking make-up. She’s always ready for the pap walks with her kids. The kids look like kids, normal everyday clothes, jeans t’s, sweatshirts, hats, casual, messy hair.

    And truthfully, if i were an actress like her, on the downward side of my career, I’d always be ready for the pap walk too. Women can’t get away with looking like they just rolled out of bed like the men can.

  13. @ Unknown-๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‚. So true! I’m sure he’ll pay for that lunch sometime in the future. One way or another.

  14. Before she became Skelator over the last five years or so Angelina absolutely fucking GLOWED, much like in the YouTube link above

    Speaking of which - holy hell no wonder celebs hate fans so much, ugh that must be hard to take.

    1. Oh yeah, she was legit gorgeous until she started losing too much weight and changing her face.

  15. Why would this be so dumb if Jolie/Pitt? What if this was someone who is engaged or remarried. Unless it is Angie using it this to get an upper hand in a financial situation. For this to be a true blind,the restaurant people would have noticed if they were getting along. So Angie can't cry rape or something afterwards. Two single people having ex-sex of unusual.

  16. Holy crap, i think this would be huge if them!

    For much of their time together, they were impossible-to-top stunning. However, that crapfest, slower than a snail movie she wrote (By the Sea?) erased all appeal for me.

    I think the one day hookup is a bad idea, given the deep-rooted history and genuinely damaging crap they've been through, kids very much included. The kids and courts are involved, like when there's a second and third trailer on a semi, there's a much broader spectrum to consequences than just the two of them having a fling.

  17. I don’t think Enty would have dumbest move if Brad was hooking up with Jennifer. That would be PR gold. I think this blind refers to Angie.

  18. Angie is hideous. And I’ve never found Brad Pitt attractive, however I think Jennifer Aniston is gorgeous and Justin Theroux is hot AF. (Off topic lol sorry) ...idk who this is what’s throwing me off is the dumbest moves ever thing... why would it be the dumbest move ever for Angie and brad of Jen and brad to hook up? They are all single. Who cares? And Enty says ex, doesn’t say that who he’s speaking of were married per say...

  19. I honestly don’t think Brad would agree to be in the same room with Angie. She has made his life a living hell and turned his kids against him. Plus the terms of the divorce are not finalized. He seems as if he’s been following his lawyer’s advice perfectly, so I doubt he’d fuck it up (pun intended) at this point. Unless he’s dumber than I thought.

    @Tricia: I was once having a facial and both Brad and Cyndi Lauper were there at the same time. I have to say, I found her more mesmerizing. Her skin just glows. Brad has horrible pock-marked skin.

    1. Lol if it was them, she is up to something.

  20. Aquagril: I agree (though I've never seen Pitt in person). Cyn is beautiful. And, I don't think he would rent out a restaurant to meet with the bitch who has made his life hell.

  21. I never saw the appeal of Brad Pitt either, I think Angelina Jolie is gorgeous, thin or not. This wouldn’t surprise me, the appeal between them was always sexual attraction. And let’s face it, we have learned in the past few years they both have serious issues. I bet it was good, angry sex after a loooong time.

  22. I think C’est Vrai has a good point. The blind doesn’t say that they were married, just that they’re exes. It also says it was a mistake on both their parts. At this point, Angie has nothing to lose. Brad most certainly does.

  23. If I had to place money on it I would bet most near divorced or newly divorced couples fuck each other at least once.

  24. Johnny Depp/Amber Heard

    1. Lol yeah I'm gonna say it's a hard no but great guess

    2. I like the RMT guess of Heard/Depp best, though Pitt would be an absolute moron, (highly possible as it's obvious he's no big brain guy, to hook up w/a woman who used your own kids as pawns to torment you.

  25. Well I guess Angie’s not so crazy about Nicholas Hoult then ๐Ÿค”

    1. Man hes rocking massively huge forehead lol

  26. Brad has the face of an alcoholic, IMHO.

  27. @TheBPlot, he is an alcoholic,so, yeah.

  28. Liam Neeson, Julia Roberts?

  29. @RiddleMe: I think you got it! It would be equally bad for both of them given the current law suit. Maybe she got the money from Musk to rent out the restaurant. Or she could’ve used the divorce settlement that she never donated. The rating is too high for her, but Enty seems like he keeps raising her rating for some unbeknownst reason. Supposedly Depp has a new gf, but apparently AH is irresistible from what we’ve HEARD.

  30. I actually thought this was Pitt and Aniston.

    Brad is hot AF, and just gets better with age.
    Jolie has lost her hotness. Too many plastic surgeries, coupled with a painfully thin body and crazy heroin eyes.

    Aniston is all hair, and boring AF. The most interesting about her was Brad Pitt.
    Theroux is a joke. He thinks he gets a couple of tough-guy-tattoos, throws on a leather jacket and that makes him some sort of hard guy? He's a stereotypical pussy-metrosexual with LEGO hair who looks like he spends hours in front of the mirror. One of the most effeminate, unmasculine men ever, I'd laugh in his face.

  31. @Unknown: +1 on your assessments of Jolie & Theroux. LOL @ the LEGO hair!

    I think Jennifer is quite lovely, but apparently I’m in the minority. She is one person I’d really like to see, because people who meet her say she is breathtakingly beautiful in person. When I saw Brad, as I said above, he had acne scarred skin. He was definitely hot, but he knew it. He was totally doing the look-at-me strut through the lobby. Same with Tom Cruise. I saw him once, and he was just trying to draw attention to himself. For me, that takes away the hotness factor for any man.

    I think we need a new list from Enty on ratings! This is really a hard blind!

    1. I saw Aniston & Cox outdoors at the height of their Friends fame & immediately changed my mind from thinking Cox was the most attractive of the two.
      Not that Cox wasn't beautiful, she was, but JA had a kind of magical glow about her.
      And this is coming from someone who's not enamored by famous ppl/celebs, AT ALL.

  32. Lego hair! Lol!!!๐Ÿ˜‚

    I had never given it a thought until this, but I dont see jen aniston taking advantage of the private room (vs meeting up at apt or hotel). I have no question about the possibility with Angie or Amber.

    To go in another direction, what about Nicholas Hoult and JLaw? Rating might be high for him. He's got relationship and baby, she's engaged.

    Johnny and Amber was a great guess, too. That would be a bad idea and surely against legal advice.

    Wow, now I can't decide between Ang/Brad and Johnny/Amber!

  33. @Vita: You’re right. Doesn’t sound like something JenAnn would do. Plus Brad went to her 50th bday party recently, so why the need to ‘clear the air’? Seems like they’re fine.

    I really don’t think it’s Angie/Brad. Idk if u saw my post above but he has way too much to lose & she has everything to gain.

    We really need a new list of ratings. The obvious answer to me is Johnny/Amber. Their whole relationship was based on sex and she’s a manipulative user, so I can see her working this. But the rating is too high.

    And with JLaw, his rating is too high but the ‘mistake’ factor is definitely in play for both parties. BTW, is she or is she not pregnant? There was the whole bundled coat with the engagement ring but now she looks as if she’s her normal size, so why the rushed engagement?

  34. With JLaw, maybe being a non-celeb, he wanted to officially stake his claim before she hits another movie set?

    The animosity is so strong with Amber and Johnny, I cant imagine it! Hopefully, there will be more to this one (and a quick reveal!).

  35. Jude Law and Sienna Miller, stupid being he recently married.

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  37. Anonymous1:19 PM

    If anything, I would say Angie and Billy Bob for the stupid hook up. Amber and Johnny would be utterly ridiculous and stupid on both of their accounts but I doubt it's either?

    I would laugh if this was Ben and Jennifer though. Or Jen and Justin, especially if Jen is trying to play the victim card again.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. There is no way it's Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. They absolutely hate each other's guts and her false DV accusations against him, coupled with his joke about Trump, has virtually destroyed his career (although the Hollywood Vampires gig seems to be going well for him). Besides, he's got a new girlfriend who didn't have a clue who he was when she met him in a club in Russia. She must seem like a breath of fresh air to him after dating an opportunistic blackmailer..

  40. Jolie/Pitt were always said to rent out restaurants when they ate out, so yeah it's them. Plus, Angie has been trying to get her claws back into him since they split. She's good at that.

  41. agh!
    Aniston and Pitt! These people are worthy of fan magazines. Trash! Glad I never bought into Aveeno, St. Jude's etc. When are they going to get some self respect? And she's been in therapy FOREVER!

  42. Who said here it must be a lie because they were EATING? That's hilarious!

  43. For those of you who don't get Brad's appeal, you have to go back to his golden years. "Thelma and Louise", my loins went up in flames watching "Who is THIS guy?!" "A River Runs Through It"....breathtaking. Then, "Legends of the Fall", my entire body went up in smoke. "Troy", good GOD!! Brad was an Adonis God to pretty much everyone back then.

    AJ back in her Tomb Raider days, no one could beat her in beauty. She was something else. Now, she looks like she's about to die.
