Saturday, May 25, 2019

Blind Item #5

So, you have a chance to see your children and won't have another chance for days, but the call of the drug wins out and you bail. Good times.



  1. Yes, it's pointing to Jennelle and David in the reveal below. And it's obvious, given the recent events.

    But what *isn't* obvious is - why isn't the court doing any drug testing?

  2. do we know that, tierney? i just assumed they were.

  3. They probably are,but they go missing when it's to be done.

  4. Maybe the kids are assholes.

  5. Even if we *don't* know they're using drugs - with Jenelle's history of being a junkie and Eason's general avoidance of normal behavior... drug testing should be mandatory. Then again - that may be why the court is only allowing *supervised* visits for now.

    And Tommy - all kids are assholes. That doesn't mean you get to avoid them.

    1. No instead you just bludgeon the 11lb puppy to death kick it’s dead carcass outside and shoot its life less body. Isn’t that what all good parents do?

  6. My kid was a huge arsehole. Everyone said she took after her father.

    She's matured into a smart funny and young woman. Her oul Da is still an arsehole though.

  7. Smart and funny. No Smart funny and.

    What shit of type Yoda this is?

  8. Cps Took their 3 kids away I will guarantee that both psych emails and drug evaluation are absolutely mandatory and at this time they are not even being allowed supervised visitation so I’m putting money on mandatory drug testing.

  9. Just lovely that not even seeing the kids when they can...they are a mess, and hopefully, the kids are doing ok. Im sure they're having to learn how to handle stability. Stinks that they are separated from one another

  10. With Jenelle's history with heroin and testing positive for marijuana when she gave birth to Ensley (not so bad but still illegal), you'd think it'd absolutely be mandatory for them to submit to drug tests. And that's just her. He has a prior conviction for domestic violence for shoving his pregnant ex and a restraining order, but clearly that hasn't stopped him from legally owning a firearm. It's crazy.
