Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Blind Item #5

Several fixers and yachters are finally speaking out about how the alliterate former actress was bouncing from wealthy man to the next hoping for one to stick. She didn't care who they were as long as they were wealthy. Well, she managed to exceed her won expectations. 


  1. Replies
    1. The interview in DM with her ex friend is cringe....

  2. Woo! Hoo! Finally people believe the Markle blind!

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  5. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I bet you she literally bounced. Like a pogo stick. From one mishappened millionaire penis to the next. Boing boing boing.

  6. Meg embarrassed The Sun newspaper by giving them a story about a home birth and then giving the Daily Mail the official story about a birth at Portland Hospital.

    The Sun literally had to "stop the presses" and try to call back print newspapers that had already been shipped.

    Bad move, because The Sun is sitting on lots of info about marvelous Meg.

    This is only the beginning.

  7. Meaghan and “her magic boobies”. She sounds like the CZJ character in intolerable cruelty asking everyone to find her a famous wealthy man.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. As if we didn’t all know this. As did Harry’s brother and best friend. What a dolt. I also believe allegations that MeMe is really 41 not 37.

  9. @Nutty Stop spreading nonsense, you tedious bore. I know for a fact that Markle & Harry gave no information at all to any news outlets - that’s what caused all the trouble.

  10. Y'all act like the royal family doesn't do recon on anyone marrying into the corporation.

  11. Clearly Harry knows she's a yacht girl if that's how he met her - so what?

    There are FAR dirtier secrets and bigger scandals on royals - enty just keeps recycling the low hanging fruit.

    We get it - we're just not outraged.

  12. Mega Mark-up is a hired distraction because the only thing keeping her majesty alive are the still beating hearts she eats as they are ripped from the chests of Nigerian newborns. Prince Philip only gets the livers so he will only last another twenty to thirty years. Ol' Bessy will outlive us all. (Maybe not Kieth Richards, but the rest of us)

    1. Jesus take the wheel you're fucking dumb. And it takes A LOT to stick out on a MM blind

    2. Man that's some serious hallucinations Substance d.

  13. @Chillax: What are the other boards you are referring to? I love all the anonymous tell alls. Thanks!

    1. It was either on daily mail or Instagram in regards to Lady Windsor’s wedding; trashing Pippa, trashing her dress choice, you know the usual appearance critiques and then bashing her husband and his family and what not. I hear his family is sketchy but don’t know much about them.

  14. The DM article is very embarrassing as it shows her as a gold digger on the prowl.
    Wait, I just described her history pre Harry.

  15. What I find fascinating is that Charles (and Camilla) seem to be sidelined at the moment. They travel, but they don't get much coverage, and neither do the issues they are promoting.

    Meanwhile, William (and Kate) are really being pushed to the forefront. Appearances with the Queen both yesterday and today. Lots of coverage for their mental health initiatives.

    Interestingly, no photos of any of them with Archie.

    1. @Nutty I have also noted the absence of Charlea and Camilla. It is almost as if they are in the doghouse.

  16. So who is Archie's father?

    lol if James Hewitt.

    1. This... just never gets old

      You should totally jump back into the portal that will take you back to 1993. Ahhhhh the good ole days, when this was totally relevant. Your Ford Taurus was still brand new, hair was still on your head, and your momma was still around to not love you.

      Wait. Where was I? Oh. Tell us more about the halfwit prince

  17. who are the 'lots' of people? only one person in the DM trying to flog her new book, and Piers Morgan who knows MM stories get him clicks. MM is a money making machine for an awful lot of people

  18. Anonymous9:29 AM

    In case anyone cares it looks like someone finally dusted off and published the photo of Meg's first marriage to Joe Goldman-Giuliano.


  19. The Sun published earlier today, and then took down, an article stating that the Countess of Bradford (who is a doctor at The Portland) was the doctor who delivered Archie. The headline is still available via a Google search. Just release the name of the doctors who delivered the baby, and kill a lot of the rumors about it not being of MM’s body.

  20. Anyone who doesn't think Meghan leaks to papers doesn't know the royal machine very well. The royals ALL do it. It's a pretty open secret. The paper in favor at any particular time rotates. Usually it's The Telegraph (their nickname is the Palacegraph.) If they want to get a VERY official story out though, it's The Times because it's the most respected. They leak to get their version of the story out. With Meghan, she leaks to Omid Scobie for the most part but it's very possible she and Harry leak to The Sun sometimes.

  21. Rosie, why are you so obsessed with me?

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  23. Nutmeg spent months this year prepping her stans on Twitter to combat "British media bias" based on her being a woman of color, because she knows that they all collected huge dossiers on her unsavory past. In fact, they have held most back but now things are starting to drip out. She thinks she is the next Beyonce with her "Meyhive." Get your popcorn ready.

  24. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I agree that Harry is fine with Markle being a Yacht Girl. In fact, that probably is what gets him off.
    It's probably not going to last. Harry's not the heir so he can marry multiple times. She's always going to be a thorn in his side though. It's going to take a big settlement to keep her quiet.

  25. Garsh it's just like the plot to Pretty Woman!

  26. this is better than any soap EVER

  27. oh there's returd gen-z99 and his racist, I mean rabies frothing mouth...

    1. Calling Italians “dagos” and other slurs, is pretty racist. It’s especially strange because all you do is whine about racism yet, you have no problem with casually flinging around racist slurs.

      There’s not a person on this planet that would consider Meghan Markle to be white. You may not want to call her a “PEE OH CEEEEE” but she certainly isn’t white. It’s as ridiculous as Rachel Dolezal identifying as black. You are what you are. She is mixed race. Not white, not black. Mixed race. Seems pretty simple.

  28. Come on. MM is doing a great job. I don't understand all the vitriol. Further, Gen-z, how can you say she was taking white acting jobs or identifying as white? And most of her defenders are what? So incredibly stupid...

  29. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Robin there are photographs of her actor card in her own handwriting. She self identifies as white for her profession.

  30. It will be hilarious if her yachting stories ever break into the mainstream news. Then people will be like, oh CDAN and some other sites had the scoop! Nope everybody knew, they just didn't talk about it. Like JFK having escorts all the time.

  31. and so what! thats called thinking big! what was she to do settle? Kudos MM - give em hell - haters are gonna hate - oh well - get over it

  32. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I think this is the article Tricia was mentioning:


    There are a few others popping up about how she was on the hunt for British guy and was messaging some guy from X Factor before he ghosted her. Then she supposedly met up with Piers for a few drinks. I am not 100% but I thought the whole narrative was that after she broke up with the Chef guy she went to the UK to "get away" from everything with friends and happened to meet Harry on a blind date?


  33. I'm waiting for the day that the same disdain is directed at the men who solicit yacht girls as is directed at the girls themselves. Actually - scratch that. Because it's 2019 - and I really don't understand why are we so appalled by the idea of trading sex for money. Men who pay for sex are... just men who pay for sex. But ooooh, those disgusting women...?! Please. How, as a society, can we tell women they are only valuable for their bodies and then criticize them for monetizing it?

  34. @Bec, I think with yachters it's the whole pretending they're talented actresses or models or influencers when really they make their living selling their a$$es. Also the acts required on a yacht supposedly go beyond your usual Reno special.

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  36. @JL

    In addition to Charles (and Camilla) being absent from the scene, we've seen Philip four times in the last couple of weeks, almost always when Harry is present.

    I wonder if Charles was supposed to be "handling" the Meghan debacle and botched the job so badly that his 97-year-old father had to come out of retirement to clean things up.

    1. Good thinking. PC is a wuss, his heart rules his head. His father aint tolerating the shit, its gone beyond a joke now.

  37. Well all I can say is she didn't make a very good choice if she was after 'wealthy' because Harry has around £40million tops (probably way over estimated ) Charles has all the loot which will one day be Williams (Duchy of Cornwall income).

    Harry has nothing else apart from family hand outs, if they choose to be generous, he doesn't even own a house. If she is looking for a family payout in a few years helped along with a tad of blackmail, they have simpler ways of dealing with things and fortunately most of the 'family' money is locked in and inaccessible as was made apparent with Diana's divorce.

    Charles was very generous with Diana, her settlement was based on how long she could be expected to live, as she died a few years later Charles had a legal right to ask for a large % of that money back, but he didn't as it was all being left to the boys. Fergie was well and truly dudded in her divorce because Andy had little money and the Queen/Philip were not legally obliged to help.

    The Queen might leave Harry something but she set up trust funds for the grandkids and that's likely to be it. Even now anything she gives is on loan only (including Frogmore cottage). She is pretty tight fisted and virtually everything she owns except her horses and her person jewellery (a billion £ right there) is entailed, meaning it goes to the next monarch or inline male heir. She might make a few gifts of a horse or a piece of jewellery to family members but most of the big bling jewels will go to Charles and/or William.

    In short Meghan married a middling Royal with no meaningful assets, apart from his title and family good will with no financial acumen to expand on what he has.

  38. @Unknown: She was cheating on Corey (the chef) with Harry. She had hired a PR firm in London to help her get into her desired circles.

  39. @emeraldcity

    I agree and I have said this before...Meghan Markle basically married Princess Margaret.

  40. She was the worst part of Suits. No matter how she self-identifies, she's a shitty actress.

  41. Charles and Di divorced one year before she died.She had not yet received divorce settlement.otherwise money she left for boys would have been far more.The money she left them was from her inheritance from her father which she put into trust for the boys(compound interest,no doubt)for when they turned 30 yrs old.
    Harry was also left trust fund from Queen Mum.
    I saw a copy of Diana's will.

  42. Anonymous1:29 PM

    But when they divorce she will be highly sought after by rich wanna he’s. I imagine she will eventually marry some older rich guy who wants to say he married a “princess”. And yes I know she really isn’t that, even if he son’s birth certificate says it.

  43. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Too bad someone can't introduce MM to Bezos. I can't think of a better pairing. Meg can sit and count her big piles of money while Jeff gets his salad tossed on a regular basis. Win/win for everyone including The Firm.

  44. Ann,

    To your earlier comment about photos of MM's "wedding," Those are photos of a college sorority initiation formal, not a wedding. New pledges wear white dresses and active members wear black dresses.

  45. @thebigmoj,

    Diana's father left her £5million, much to the disgust of her brother who thought it should have all gone to him, that was the start of their falling out which lasted until her death. Her two sisters were left virtually nothing which once again caused some friction. Diana's estate included the payments from Charles' that’s why the boys ended up with around £8 million each, after taxes by the time probate had been finalized.

    Diana's last will was written in 1993, 3years before her divorce so of course there would be no specific mention of her divorce settlement in it, it was simply became of the estate.

    At the time of her death in August 1997, Diana, had a net worth of about 21 million pounds. This included all of her funds, stock investments, physical objects like jewellery and clothing, and her £17 million divorce settlement from Prince Charles. As per the documents she signed on June 1, 1993, her estate, was divided between several different people, including her long-time butler, Paul Burrell, and her many godchildren. Her primary beneficiaries were her sons, William and Harry, who were to inherit when they turned 25, the trustees of the will sought an amendment so that they didn't come into possession of the full amount until they were 30.

    When they did receive the trust pay out it was around £15 million each, various online articles say £10million it was much more because that was the residual estate and there was another part of the estate they also inherited from and Charles had also set up a smaller separate trust fund for them around this time in case something happened to him before they came of age. The trusts that the Queen mother set up for them was believed to be arounds the same amount(£10million each) but no one really knows so that amount may very well be inflated. The figure of £40million as Harry's net worth is often stated but it is likely to be closer to £30 million.

    Diana's will also had several illegalities in it which could have, if anyone wished to challenge it have placed the whole estate into the Queen’s hands, but the status quo was kept.

    The most glaring mistake was at point 3.

    "SHOULD any child of mine be under age at the date of the death of the survivor of myself and my husband I APPOINT my mother and my brother EARL SPENCER to be the guardians of that child and I express the wish that should I predecease my husband and he will consult with my mother with regard to the upbringing in education and welfare of our children".

    Diana did not have the legal right to appoint guardians for her children as The Queen was already their legal guardian under the "Grand Opinion of 1717 statute".

    The Trust fund arrangements also had quite a few legal flaws and that's why her mother and sister sought the changes and ironed out a few kinks.

    Sorry for the long winded post but there is a great deal of misinformation on line about the will and their inheritance which just becomes compounded if left unchecked.

  46. Thank Emeraldcity. Long but informative

  47. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Thanks PP. I was a GDI in college (broke my mother's heart because I would have been a legacy). I'll pass that news along. People who live around Windsor say Frogmore Cottage is a ghost town. No one home.
