Thursday, May 16, 2019

Blind Item #5

Part of the deal with the powers that be they will require to get the children back of this former cable star is that both parties submit to random drug tests. Who thinks they will pass? I don't.


  1. Pretty sad when neither parent can pass a drug test.

  2. Orphanage is a better call.

  3. That David guy is nuts, it's pretty obvious his story is going to end with shooting someone, probably better if no kids are around when that happens. I've known responsible gun enthusiasts, even they would think that guy is a nutjob.

  4. They should not get the children back. They are in danger.

  5. His volatility alone is enough to keep kids away. These conditions will be a good test as to how badly they want their children back. Bad situation

  6. The system is set up to give people many chances, regardless if they're good parents or not. All they really have to do is jump through hoops.
    Some do get better.. sadly, not enough.

  7. He is going to kill them all one day, as soon as the money dries up, he is going to snap out more than he has and gun them all down and then kill himself.

  8. They might both fail their drug tests, but their DNA tests.... MATCH!

  9. There should be a program where people in red states get a reward for having vasectomies. Maybe like give them truck nuts instead, or a tin of Skoal.

  10. he strikes me as a meth freak. i'm quite sure they couldn't pass a drug test, but even if they could, they should NOT have children living with them. drugs are just one of the problems they have.

  11. This is what happens when you combine bible thumping with meth.

  12. Regardless of either of those two phucking asshole degenerates are sober they should not ever get their kids back. He didn’t just shoot that 12lb dog who barely even nipped at the daughter he beat it to death then stomped on its dead body then tooth it outside to shoot its dead body, all in from of his children. The fact that Janelle is so dillusional and doesn’t understand the gravity of what this man has done and choosing to stay with him and lose her kids over him it’s absolutely disgusting disgusting. I hope they never in their lives see their kids again and that they both die the same evil way that poor dog did. He was a tiny pup a year old, there was no reason to kill the dog and beat it to death. Serial killers start out with animal cruelty and this guy is on his way down a dark path. And Enty doesn’t know shit about this case. All family court cases are sealed, there is no way enty would know any facts on this case especially given that the kids were literally just removed meaning that there has not been a court hearing with the parents or the law guardians to date and by law the cps can not and will not discuss court proceedings of minor children nor are the media allowed to attend such hearings. Enty is once again full of shit.

  13. "barely even nipped at the daughter."

    I'm not saying killing the dog was right, especially the brutal way he killed the dog, and the child shouldn't have been allowed to get that close to the dog without an adult close by in the first place. But the laissez faire attitude towards the dog attempting to bite her face is alarming. It seems just as guns are more important to Americans than their children so too are dogs..

  14. That's crap, Viking. The dog is NOT responsible here - for anything. Dogs playbite - that's all this was. And before you decide anything about the dog, why the hell is anyone taking *eason's* word for what happened??? Bullshit. I'd sooner believe Jenelle bit the child. Or maybe... maybe the kids and pets were left unsupervised for hours while the parents were shooting up and shooting neighbor's windows out.

    Secondly, there's no way in hell a drug test will clear the path for those two psychos getting any kids back. Eason is a time-bomb, and Jenelle is the fuse. This will end up with him taking her hostage and shooting it out with police. If there's any god, the *other* guardians of all these kids will get full custody.

  15. It's weird that Viking Song is so hostile toward dogs, given the bedroom substitutions necessitated by her husband's disinterest.

  16. Viking song that psycho was videoing this. He could have separated dog and child long before it came to the dog biting his kid. It was all staged so he could then beat and stomp the dog to a bloody pulp and then shoot it for good measure. IN FRONT OF THE KIDS!!!!

  17. Viking, did you even see the video? It WAS a nip, didn't even break the skin. She had a red mark. No different than getting scratched. The laissez faire attitude YOU have towards defending this psycho is the alarming part. HE BEAT A DOG TO DEATH IN FRONT OF HIS KIDS. You just wanted to take a dig at Americans even though you know absolutely nothing about what goes on here. Go have a drink with David, hope he doesn't shoot you, since he is LITERALLY one of those gun owners you hate.

  18. The guy IS a complete unstable fucking psychopath but that has nothing to do with him being from a 'red' state. Have you seen the amount of aggressive meth and heroin addicts in 'blue' states? They might not shoot you but they will stab you or bite your face off while their gender-neutral transgender 5 year old watches.

  19. I live in a 'blue' state by the way and the amount of junkies you see here standing on street corners with their children, begging for money is disgusting. We see it daily despite the state offering hundreds of programs for struggling parents. They use their children as tools for drugs. I call the cops on them every time I see them but nothing ever happens - they're usually back fucked out of their minds begging by the next week with the kids by their side.



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