Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blind Item #5

I'm not sure this former Teen Mom could be any more obvious about wanting to come back to the franchise. 


  1. We get a version of this blind every 2 days or so.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. She can be more obvious, she can make a 43 minute video and post it on Youtube!

  4. I would much rather see her return to Teen Mom than drag her poor kid along to yachts and Dubai and godknowswhatelse.

  5. Holy shit HeatherBee - me too, me too.

  6. Or that Mackenzie-something? The blonde cheerleader who's diabetic. Dumb as a bag of hair. She's been trying to get on for years, but thinks MTV won't ask her because her Mom has cancer (?).

  7. Farah, no one wants her ass either figuratively or literally. She is a fail in the sex industry so why not go back to what you know? This one makes me almost want to vomit in my mouth more than Janelle. Both puke humans, both shit mothers. Yet I know both their names and what is going on with them and haven't watched the show in over 5 yrs.

  8. Farrah in the DM wearing a T-Shirt with "Paramount" written across it. She's a pip.

  9. Tierney- dumb as a bag of hair! 😂😂😂! Hilarious!
