Friday, May 10, 2019

Blind Item #5

I warned you this would happen. Not only are the tabloids ignoring the obvious and treating the public like fools by suggesting/implying/hinting/saying it straight out that this A- list reality star and the foreign born former boy bander are dating, now they are dragging into it this athlete who is "jealous." Stop the madness.


  1. Kendall / Harry Styles / whatever basketball player she is fake dating

  2. The public is made up of fools who deserve whatever shit they choose to purchase.

    Buying People magazine doesn't signal an attempt to improve one's mind.

  3. Kris Jenner is a mastermind with feeding the public BS.

  4. She should just come out, I don't know why she won't. That story line would be much more interesting than the fake BS.

  5. Honestly her and Tay Tay would be a power couple.

  6. Considering just how camp he was during the met gala, maybe he should finally bite the bullet and fully come out? just how delusional are is his fans at this point to not see the blatant gay? he's practically f***ing Liberace at this point.

  7. I just do not understand why everyone thinks her relationships are real. I read a couple of news that said she betrayed ben, it's ridiculous

  8. How do these people agree and not laugh when asked about being a fake bf and how much do they get paid for it?

  9. Saw the ridiculous article in the Sun.

  10. Someone linked it to me on Facebook....I just....he wasn't....we were....just laugh, people. Laugh it off!

  11. The tabloids ignore the obvious on everyone, see Seacrest and Tom Cruise for 2 simple examples, because they want and need access to everyone.

  12. Enty,indeed, called this one! I thought, nah, they've played this silly called too often, they won't bother again. Not only did they do it, they tossed in the Ben Simmons love triangle.

    For all of the success, Kris is clueless. She concocts these press leaks and storylines like her daughters are action figures on her coffee table or characters in a soap opera, who arent leading lives that interact with the real world the rest of the time.

  13. I have a hard time believing she's gay. It's not logical. Her father is the most the famous transsexual in the world but she doesn't think she'll receive support for coming out? I don't think it would even hurt her career that much, young people (you know you're getting old when you call them Young people!) don't give a shit about people's sexuality like previous generations. To me it's just one more interesting tidbit about someone. Who cares.

  14. The most powerful thing PMK could do would be to let Kendall come out and be with whoever she wants. FFS, they support Kim being with that nutjob future-jim-jones Kanye - but it's so awful if Kendall wants a girlfriend?!? Craziness.

  15. Is it February yet?

  16. @longtimereader what makes you think his fans care about his sexuality?

  17. I have to beg to differ, J. When I first would attempt the crossword puzzle in People magazine, I had to do so in pencil. Now, after much practice, I breeze through with an ink pen. That is indeed an improvement of one’s mind!😀

  18. Nothing wrong with her coming out but pretty sure PMK is saving the big reveal for when her other daughters stop popping out kids and she has no more headlines to grab at

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. "I have a hard time believing she's gay. It's not logical. Her father is the most the famous transsexual in the world but she doesn't think she'll receive support for coming out? I don't think it would even hurt her career that much, young people (you know you're getting old when you call them Young people!) don't give a shit about people's sexuality like previous generations. To me it's just one more interesting tidbit about someone. Who cares."

    In what way is it 'not logical?' Being LGBT and closeted doesn't necessarily work on logic. It largely runs off fear/insecurity and people questioning if past relationships were fake. Which obviously some of Kendall's have been. Some people don't care but many are not ready to face that scrutiny.

    Theoretically, her 'coming out' could throw a spotlight on Harry too, proving that the industry still beards celebs up this day, even as teens onwards. There's big money involved here so don't expect miracles. Coming out is a gradual process of self-acceptance and I doubt the entire Kardashian/Jenner families are even near that sort of realisation yet. They're about business, influence, $$ and power. They haven't an altruistic bone in their collective psyche! The youngest has just been busted for airbrushing her waist thinner on Instagram.

    As for the story, my god, 'A source said exclusively' = 'our editorial team had fun making this up'. Most of Harry's fans know hes not straight and would welcome him coming out. So the media is just amusing itself at this point in time.

    3:37 AM



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