Thursday, May 09, 2019

Blind Item #4

That big last name that is A+ list throughout the world is the financial backing behind the big bust yesterday. Don't forget that big reveal a couple of years ago about the last name and what they previously did. It isn't like they are not willing and capable.


  1. Getty and the guns confiscated at his mistress mansion

  2. Or 3m$ worth of cocaine bust in NYC yesterday?

  3. or there was a multi-state bust of a major pedo ring yesterday, resulting in 82 arrests

  4. I agree with @Tricia. Rothschild is the one.

  5. The house is owned by the wife of a Getty.....

  6. The Getty’s and the big gun bust yesterday. They were found in the Malibu home of the Getty mistress.

  7. Must not be too A+ list because I have no idea who y'all are talking about.

  8. She has a real estate portfolio to die for. All thanks to baby daddy Gordon Getty. Fascinating blog

  9. I've really been living my life wrong. :/

  10. I got sucked in big time to this one. Once I saw the Getty mistress angle I went deep. Those Getty properties around LA are unreal - the museums, the centers, etc. I lived in the Palisades for a while - actually right around the corner from that Lash guy, and delved into that one too as it had just happened when I moved there. Ironically, the place I was staying actually had an armory behind it, too. The owner's husband, who was dead, had been a big game hunter and gun freak, so the house was full of dead animals and the armory was full of an impressive collection of weapons. Which is all legal, btw. When I saw the story I thought it might have something to do with the house I lived in, because the mother recently died and the son (a young adult) is surrounded by the shiftiest people I ever met in LA. They actually looked like arms dealers - if you know what I mean.

    This story will lead many to revisit the crazy Getty tunnel stories etc. MEANWHILE WHO IS CYNTHIA BECK? I read somewhere one of the houses was owned by Tom Cruise in the 90s. Can't verify, there are too many properties!

    1. CB had three daughters with Mr. Getty and acquired all these properties with his assistance. Daughters go by Getty and now she is a recluse in Europe. This sounds like a great movie...

  11. PS Gordon Getty once gave big money to have an opera he wrote produced and performed at a certain venue. By virtue of my job at the time I had the misfortune of being involved in bringing Plump Jack to the world.

    I think I worked for the only institution in America that would have taken his money to do it. It was that bad.

  12. If Geeljire comes out of hiding we will know it is the Rothschild's.

  13. @momo, I dunno, my husband attended a wedding rehearsal at the Plumpjack Cafe and he said the food was quite good. However, I stayed behind because the bride banned children form the wedding & wasn't going drive several hours just to leave my kids with some babysitter, I never met, just to attend the pompous bride's wedding.

    1. To be fair, I have two small kids and didn't invite others to mine, except nieces and nephews. It's costs more to feed them and all my friends actually thanked us for a weekend away. The kids stayed with grandparents No biggie.

  14. Are the Rothschilds, Gettys and Soros really A+ and "known throughout the world"?

    People only know about the Rothschilds and George Soros because the right-wing lunatics keep making up ridiculous conspiracy theories about them (and even then, not many know they exist), and the Getty family...I'm not sure if anyone outside the US has even heard of that last name.

    1. Soros is a big name in Europe, he backs lots of political NGO projects etc. (And probably many of the theories have at least some kind of truth behind them) Rothschilds are just known by the theories. However I really haven't heard about Gettys

  15. Plump Jack? I have to wonder if the "Simple Jack" movie in Tropic Thunder was an oblique reference to it.

  16. Speaking of Gettys and movies, The Evil Within is a pretty weird movie by Andrew Getty.

  17. yeah, not soros, you fucking tin foil hat wearing asswipes. cynthia beck was getty's ex-mistress. she had 3 kids with him. guns in her house. jeez.

  18. @Lucky 13 you have got to be kidding. These are people who have been influential around the world. Everyone should know who they are. Regardless of what you think of them.

    1. The Rothschilds funded monarchies and signed the Balfour declaration with founded Israel, but yeah, not A+ 🙄

  19. PlumpJack WInery - a Newsome and Getty joint.

    *whew* Looks like a neat lil' operation.

  20. The pics from that gun raid are insane!

    Great first-hand info Momo!

  21. Newsome is pretty much Getty's adopted son. His father was Getty Legal Counsel.

  22. "People only know about the Rothschilds and George Soros because the right-wing lunatics keep making up ridiculous conspiracy theories"

    I guess you're not kidding, just incredibly uninformed.

  23. Lol at denying the crimes of the Rothschilds, Soros and other scum bag elites, just so you can try and insult “right wing lunatics”. Let me guess, is “orange man bad”?

    I still fail to see how owning that many guns, is a criminal offense. He obviously wasn’t manufacturing them, maybe he did some light gunsmithing, but from what I saw of the pile, they weren’t modified or otherwise altered in any way that would be illegal. I’m sure as rich as he is, he’d have all of the required licenses and other stuff, if he had any of the more tightly regulated/restricted guns. If he didn’t, he’s a damn fool. It isn’t hard to comply with the law. It’s probably harder in CA, but for a rich person I’m sure it’s much easier. Hopefully he has a good lawyer and gets his guns back.

  24. The original Getty blind and reveal were bullshit, and this is bullshit too.

    Fantasy blind items need to know some kind of limits.

    It's better when a roadie pretending to be an actual lawyer sticks to roadie stories.

  25. Could also be the duponts or the morgans



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