Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Blind Item #4

That foreign born special friend who was one of the causes of a big riff between two long time friends/partners is firmly in the camp of the permanent A list model and her family. If people get the impression he is dating one of their offspring, then that is all the better.


  1. Styles/Crawford/Gerber?

    1. And Clooney(dating Kendall🙄)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Styles “dating “Kaia?

  2. She's 17...and female. good luck with that 'dating' thing.

  3. I think it’s Presley.

    1. Can’t believe he’s go for either of the older geezers lol

  4. Kaia and styles was papped yesterday in DM

  5. I always got the impression that Styles wasn't that fussy about where he stuck his junk. A 'any holes a goal' sorta guy.

  6. Is enty saying George and rande were fighting over harry? Now they are showboating a romance with him and Kiai?

  7. geez - this is just lazy - on beach in high-waisted jeans
    she couldn't even bother to put on shorts for the "spontaneous" pictures

  8. Wait a minute. How dis Styles cause the rift between Clooney and Gerber? Thought an earlier blind claimed that creative accounting in the sale of Casamigos was the reason.

  9. Enty says Harrys dating Rande

  10. It's very difficult to figure out what Styles is trying to do with his life and his career.

    He does seem to prefer older men, however. Anyone remember the Taylor Swift breakup? Taylor went home on a boat alone while Styles papped in a hot tub full of older guys.

  11. Give us the real dirt, enty:
    Does Kaia know her Dad is boning Harry? Or does she think the showmance is just for publicity?

  12. I thought Harry was "dating" Kendall now? Wasn't that supposed to be a thing?

  13. I agree with Styles/Gerber/Kaia

    I never knew that, Nutty!
    Great questions, Nonya! Talk about twisted and messy!

  14. He was seen on the Geffen yacht, he will do anything to stay relevant despite having little talent.

  15. I always thought Harry was the most talented out of that group. But now how does this work....hunny go stand next to your daddy's lover and pretend for the camera's. If, and I use a very big IF, this is true than a lot of freaky sh!t is going on at the Gerber/Crawford house! Maybe Harry is really with the son...close to his age

  16. LMFAO!!!! That's all I got. Daily Fail is at it again!

  17. Anonymous9:26 AM

    So Kaia is bearding for her Dad and Harry? That's got a big ick factor.

  18. I'm not buying Rande/Harry at all. Obviously I'm not buying Harry/Kaia either because he likes peen and she'd likely break if someone even touched her but still. Why is Harry so important, anyway? Who really gives a shit which side 'arry takes?

  19. If Harry is using Kaia to beard for Presley,ok. If he is doing it to cover for Randy,gross on every level.

  20. Oh please, it was just a pap stroll for his new Gucci campaign, and it was with Gerber girl, cause she's "it" right now. Like who else he'd choose, Hadid or Kendall, lol. And it's not the first time he uses them for publicity for his fashion campaigns, last year same stuff happened, so do your research better please.

    And yeah, Enty had been blinding Harry's "boyfriend" after Met, and now you seriously trying to tell it's someone Gerber, lol no way.

  21. Unless this blind involves guitar players, it's a rift and not a riff, Entward.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. "He does seem to prefer older men, however. Anyone remember the Taylor Swift breakup? Taylor went home on a boat alone while Styles papped in a hot tub full of older guys."

    I do indeed. An amusing finale to a badly-thought out bearding agreement. I'm of the opinion Styles was dating DJ Nick Grimshaw at the time and didn't want to co-operate with Taylor's/his own people. Of course when it ended she pumped out a couple of bitter-ass tirades. Which were probably a trade-off for breaking contract early.

    Harry is a funny one. Speak to anybody and they say how wonderful, likeable, charming and an 'old soul' he is. People trust him with their tiny children, teen daughters and pets. He enamours old/young men/women and non-binaries alike. Which his constant sleazy, use-'em-and-move-on-quick reputation sits at odds with. It's not hard to see that Harry's firmly in 'hot tub with older guys' territory and anything else is just fluff from the hand of Azoff, or whoever is doing his PR these days.

    Ironically, they still haven't worked out that most of Harry's fanbase 1. think he's queer 2. think it's great 3. don't believe the aggressive hetero BS after nearly 10 years. Team Styles would still rather you think he was dating a female child than a grown man.

  24. Yeah she doesn't look like a play on the beach kind of girl, and he doesn't look like a play with the girls kind of guy.


  25. Max Bull-- please contribute analysis more often, great input!

    Brayson-- well said!

  26. In the beach photos, it's killing me how his shorts are tucked up and wedging like a small child's romper. And grief, she is gorgeous.

  27. this is messy, according to enty harry has a long time boyfriend who supposedly is xander who cheats every opportunity but also has a relationship with Rande and his daughter is his beard, seriously Harry is all a fuckboy, imagine what Harry's mother must think that her son has a relationship with a man who is older than her
