Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blind Item #4

Is anyone going to be surprised if the alliterate former actress turned A list celebrity starts selling waist trainer tea on her Instagram? I see her probably going the GOOP affiliate route though.


  1. It’s mother’s day Enty give her a break lol

  2. Us Weekly's website is the worst. They are ALWAYS promoting products as "Duchess Meghan's favorite this or that." The other day it was some sort of skin treatment, and her complexion isn't even that good. Not sure if it's them or her PR doing this placement, probably Us, though.

  3. Breast feeding will slim you down quickly. Its like cardio..

  4. Lori Laughlin to be different

  5. This constant misuse of her title is creating a buildup of disgust that will, at some point, explode.

    A new poll released today showed that her approval ratings in the UK are dropping precipitously.

    According to the poll of 2000 UK residents, William was the most popular, with 72% approval, followed by the Queen, Harry, and Kate.

    Charles and Philip were next, followed by Meghan (with a 39% approval rating, down from 57% in the previous poll) and Camilla at 24%.

    I also don't think Meg is particularly popular in the US, despite what the paid media is trying to sell.

    Gayle King got terrible ratings for her last Meghan special, far below the drama "Blue Bloods" that usually runs in that time slot.

    1. Because she's AFAF....we British hate fake. When's your next blog post nutty?

  6. MM's seal of approval is a tramp stamp with the Maybach logo.

  7. She's on her way to being a royal nobody once the press and BRF are done with her. She thought she was smarter than everyone else hut she's an idiot. The Firm always wins. Always.

  8. Yes I would be surprised. She never promoted that stuff when she ran her own blog before meeting Prince Harry, why start now.

  9. +1AlleyKat, I've been checking the blog multiple times a day!!

  10. What is waist trainer tea? 🤷🏼‍♀️

    nutty, don’t cherry pick, Richard Palmer also said 38% are neither favorable nor unfavorable about MM. 39 + 38= 77%. She has a 23% unfavorable rate, which isn’t bad at all given the amount of time she has been on the radar.

  11. Why are you such a sycophant? She's a disgusting narcissistic user.

  12. Wouldnt the Palace have to approve this if it were MM? ...and can't see that happening

  13. She is indirectly (via her & Harry's Instagram) advertising a yoga retreat belonging to one of her friends/acquaintances. The retreat is in the Caribbean and costs £3.5k for a few days. There is an article in today's DM.

  14. Kate’s been on the scene,, what, nearly 20 years? Married for 10. Of course everyone likes her. She dresses super conservative and IMO matronly, but it’s appropriate for her future role as queen consort. I like Kate a lot. She seems to have grown in her role as mother to the future monarch, whereas H&M want Archie to be a private citizen (how lucky for him). A recent article places Prince Harrys net worth at 40 million, so Archie won’t have to be a working royal. He can be a private rich kid. Archie likely already has a trust fund established for him.

  15. Kimberley, they took it down. My kid needed a mental health break, so I sent him on a $3,000 retreat. Want to come at me for that?

  16. I think the MM haters are women who has a thing for Harry and in their minds he belongs to them, not some half-bred american. How very sad for them.

  17. +1 Honey Bunny, exactly

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Plastic Realborn Baby Darrell.

  20. BULLSHIT GEN-Z99!!!

    I never ever see racial shit about Meghan except from PEOPLE LIKE YOU complaining about racial comments that SURPRISE don't actually exist.

    There is very little to no actual racial hatred toward Meghan on the internet, but Meghan's bots like you looooovvvveeee to try to stir some up.


  21. Hi Hunter!

    New blog post from me at :

    "Thoughts on Meghan Markle's Delivery: A White Dress?"

  22. (The blog can also be accessed by clicking on my profile).

  23. @Nutty, I've just read your blog. I am no fan of Markles however some of these conspiracy theories are quite out there. Firstly the white dress - do you honestly think she would have had that dress on for hours? she literally would have had one of her dressers there and put that on just before walking out. Secondly, my babies feet looked like that (I have photos) at birth. They were actually quite big. Thirdly, she had quite a bulge under her dress, which would have acted as 'insurance' against the bodily fluids that you spoke of! and as for the people who pull the race card - Rachael identifies herself as white!! she had an obvious afro growing up which hasn't been an afro for years. I find it comical that people pull the racist card just because they don't like her!!

    1. women just walk outta seeping Must be one of those old timey people where you just shit out the kid in a field and keep walking ...ahhh I guess maybe they dont have things like panty liners or bandages where nutty Megan's stalker lives ...

  24. @Nutty - good blog. My first thought on the majestic presentation of Baby Sussex was that Meaghan looked more pregnant than before. That was some post-partum bump - larger than mine after delievering a 4K baby....

  25. The baby is shades darker than the darrin doll (which is a stupid concept anyway). My babies had big feet too. Not everyone bleeds a lot after birth. I was pleasantly surprised about that after #1. It wasn’t much of an issue at all for me.

  26. Hunter, there are people who call her “it” on the internet. That is 100% racist.

  27. I can't wait Enty gets exposed again for making up stories for hits and he WILL be exposed. Anyone can send in a fake blind at this point. I literally emailed him about some tea the other day under a different alias and it was published here. They don't actually know anything unless somebody sent in a "tip".

  28. +1 @Hunter on both your posts.

    @Nutty: Good blog post. Thanks!

  29. @tatty - There are plenty of similar blogs that hate other celebs - most of them white - who use the term “it”. And how is “it” a racist word anyway? It’s demeaning and I don’t like it, but it’s hardly racist.

    This whole “You hate Meghan because you’re racist” is obscene and needs to stop. I cam think of 50 reasons to detest that piece of work, but not one of them has anything to do with her skin tone. Why are you so obsessed with that? Are you racist? Do you think people who are black or mixed race are personality-free zones who have nothing to contribute to the world except their skin colour?

    Think on that.

    And to whoever paid for their kid to go to a yoga what? You are not royal. You do not have an entire nation paying your bills so that you can live in unparalleled luxury - and you are not expected to support charities and causes in return for this. For Markle to think it’s OK to use Mental Health Awareness Month to advertise her friend’s company is simply disgusting. And anyone who does not understand that does not understand the royal family. Which seems to be most Americans.

    @Nutty. You are so annoying. It’s fine to dislike Markle but your stupid conspiracy theories are ridiculous. She was pregnant and had a baby. Grow up and get over it.

  30. As far as the waist trainer tea, I would expect that to be a Kim K. product. She looked like she had some ribs removed to fit into that dress at the Met Gala. She claims she ‘trains her waist’ by wearing corsets. Yeah, right.

  31. Oh hey Megan is that you?

  32. I read the Nutty_Flavorblog, and think the 2 week comment Harry made is the clue. Remember,that would make a realistic due date. It would fit with a surrogate. The doll stuff is dumb. The palace comments carefully worded. No title. Showing a post pregnancy belly larger than expected to garner sympathy. Harry is the real Father, don't know if she is the birth mother. But she is the Mother now. Happy Mother's day, Meghan,and everyone here. And RIP Peggy Lipton.

  33. So in other words - One of you on here has a blog and your blog readers are going to infest every MM thread with your group think conspiracy hate theories. YAY!!!.
    This site use to be a good read and fun. Now it is turning into looney tune central and is actually being laughed at on other gossip sites as the place where all the bunny boilers get free rein. What was mentioned was how much it has become a hate site. NICE ONE GUYS!!!!

  34. @Aquagirl......I think they are all full of it, but you can train your waist with corsets. Not that I've tried mind you but the average waist in the 1950's was 22 to 24inches because restrictive foundation garments (girdles, stepins, cinches) were worn every day as a matter of course. The average waist is now 28 to 30inches in normal weight women. Cinching 4inches off your waist with a corset is easy but training the waist to that size takes years of regular corset wearing for 8hrs a day so yes Kim is full of it.

  35. Not nearly as pathetic as her fawning, ass kissing fans. I suggest you make a Chris Crocker type video where you hysterically scream “Leave Meghan ALOOOOOOOOONE!!!!”

  36. I like the blog full of conspiracy theories... and look forward to it...keep it up.

    I do think she was preggers just based on her weight/puffy face increase... but she hadn’t been seen in a while, maybe she gave birth early than announced and thats why harry flubbed the 2 week thing and the announcments were so shifty/non committal.

    About the lack of title, one of the rags said the baby doesn’t officially get a title until charles becomes king. H&M chose not to use a curtesy title until then. Something about george V trying to cut down on the monarchy during the trying times of the great war so he decreed that titles would be issued only up to grand children (male), not great grand children. Of course the queen could decree something else if she were so inclined......

    Poor harry has lost half his hair in the year he’s been married so she must be stressing him out to no end.

    1. Nothing says stalker and obsessive like a fan girl blogger who has only one topic...I barely consider the spreading of rumours and innuendo as I guess TMZ should be considered journalist and not scavengers if that's the definition

  37. Jeesh.
    It's a good thing this whole online blogging thing is anonymous.
    Otherwise this would be embarrassing.
    But, carry on..


    1. Rosie- what a breath of fresh air. Happy Mother's Day to you.

  38. Someone on this section commented on a reduced waist.
    Raquel Welch: had ribs removed to attain a much skinnier waist.

    Yeah, and MM was wearing a post-delivery pillow. Gross. Just gross. Phony. PH at least has a child he seems to adore. But for MM, it's just another photo op.

    Prediction: MM will "write" some self-help books, like, "How to Have a Blissful Pregnancy," and "Eat Like a Prince, but Look Like a Starving Pauper," or something like that.

  39. what did Harry the moron expect by marrying this d-list suitcase girl narcissist? He wanted tacky trash, he got it.

  40. @Guesser: Not sure if you live in the US or UK, but surrogate laws are different in the UK. The birth mother is listed on the birth certificate, and the parents have to legally adopt the baby but the birth mother has 6 weeks during which she can change her mind and keep the baby. It doesn’t matter if there’s a signed agreement, that’s the law. 42 days. So the latest is that H&M don’t want to release the birth certificate for ‘privacy reasons.’ So far, nobody knows where or when this baby was born or who delivered it, and now they are withholding the birth certificate. It will become publicly available after 42 days so idk what they expect to happen in the meantime.

    It could be that the surrogate decided to keep the baby, it could be that the BRF intervened (there was a picture of a very pregnant woman standing next to a security guard outside of the church after the Commonwealth Service. MM saw her and freaked out and grabbed PH’s hand and pulled him away and bolted.) The baby in the pictures is definitely a doll. It sounds crazy but it’s true. The press even commented that the baby was so covered up and asked if they could show the baby by tilting him forward or pulling back his hat. And the pics with HM & PP & Doria were photoshopped.

    Who knows, maybe Amal or Beyoncé can find her a baby in the next few weeks but I doubt it. Meanwhile the British Press is gonna take her down. She brings in CBS and gives Gayle King an exclusive? She still hasn’t learned rule #1: the BRF doesn’t show favoritism.

    And, BTW, it’s not Mother’s Day in the U.K. Just another example of her unwillingness to adapt to her supposed ‘new country’.

  41. @EmeraldCity: Thanks for the historical info. 8 hours/day? Ouch!

  42. Gotta love the grade-school mentality of "If you don't like Meghan, you're just jellus and want her man!" Well, no, I don't gotta love it, I find it rather a irritating, infantile response.

    I don't like Meghan and it certainly has nothing to do with her balding, equally goofy looking husband. It's because of the things that come out about her in the mainstream, non-tabloid press, the selfserving, pretentious antics, the refusal to conform to protocol when she pursued a marriage into this family in the first place and her blatant social climbing and craving for attention. The people that dislike her dislike her for herself.

  43. Do tell-- well put, and Ditto!

    Aquagirl-- thanks for the info, I hadn't heard all of that! Yipes!

  44. oh no Do Tell, you're just a jealous racist!

    Prince Harry is sooooo hot, especially his wits and evident intelligence make him absolutely irresistible.

    Out of all the interesting, talented and hot actresses in the whole entire world, he chose fucking Sparkles...!

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  46. I do love the "when I had a baby" comments, almost always from a poster that's never been heard from before.

    Meg has a gridiron fooball under her sweater at 12 weeks in Australia, when the baby would have been the size of a hazelnut? "When I had a baby, I was huge right away. People thought I was going to give birth any minute, but I was only 6 weeks along!"

    Meg is supposedly 6 to 7 months along, but has no ankle, finger, or breast swelling? "When I had a baby, I didn't swell anywhere but my middle. Otherwise I was just like I always am. No swelling is totally normal."

    At 8 months, Meg effortlessly bends down to place flowers, pet a dog, or chat with a child and then gets up without assistance, her heavy belly apparently no hindrance? "When I had a baby and was late in my pregnancy, I had no problem bending or moving at all. In fact, I won a rhumba contest 2 weeks before my due date."

    Now, after the birth when Meg appears in a white dress, apparently nobody has postpartum bleeding or locia, which also includes mucus. "When I had a baby, I went home in a fabulous white jumpsuit. And we stopped at a disco so I could defend my rhumba title. Baby loved the music."

    The "when I had a baby" trope must be in the Meg troll handbook. I see a lot of "When I had a baby" comments a lot in the Daily Fail, too.

  47. @Nutty, do you not think there are products out there to stop 'bleeding' showing???? and could you not fathom that she put on that dress just before she walked out, and took it off just after? the conspiracy theories (as per TP & DD), dolls, fake pregnancies are becoming laughable!

  48. @Nutty: Thank you! But I do need to add a few things:

    MM didn’t just bend down, she squatted all the way down in 4’. heels and neeeded no help getting up or down. And yes, I know the benefits of yoga, but this is not one of them.

    For the last several months, I had noticed in photos that MM’s ‘ring’ was twirling around. It was too big, not too tight. So no swollen fingers. I eat a really healthy diet, but literally, if I eat something salty, I can’t get my rings on the next day.

  49. You're correct about the heels, @Aquagirl.

    On another forum, a poster who said she was a labor and delivery nurse said the heels were what brought her over to #Team Pillow.

    The poster wrote: "That baby has a C-section head (no cone shape, not squished especially from a first-time mother, no bruising or redness) however Meghan is wearing heels. You shouldn't wear heels immediately after a C-section due to heels altering your alignment in a way that stretches your abdomen. It would potentially rupture the incision."

  50. @JoeBlow: I’m assuming you’re a man, yes? So, quite honestly, as a woman, I feel the need to clue you in. Even if you just have a regular period, you’re cognizant of what you wear, especially in public and if you’re being photographed. And I always carry extra tampons, even if I’m just going out locally. So I’m quite interested in knowing what these supposed products are that ‘keep the bleeding from showing.’

    1. yes ALWAYS be cognizant about what you’re wearing even if you don’t have heavy periods....WORST DAY OF MY LIFE: I was a bridesmaid at the wedding of my longtime boyfriend (pretty much common law embarrassingly enough, and no I don’t live in a trailer)’s sister’s wedding. It was a very stressful day bc my bf was having issues with his suit and had to run to the mall to buy new pants that fit him and was blowing up my phone about it (he barely made it to the wedding). In all the stress of that plus getting ready for to walk down the aisle with the bride, I forgot about the fact I got my period when I woke up that morning......... I got my period alllllllllll over the back of my very light pink dress when I was walking in the wedding ceremony. My bf’s mother was the one who told me after the ceremony and rushed me to the bathroom and scrubbed it out of the back of my dress while I was hysterically crying. And I don’t even get heavy or long periods, it was just bc it was day 1 of it. I ran out to my car so nobody could see me (I didn’t want to be one of those dramatic “let’s turn this wedding into all about me” people) and sobbed like a baby the ENTIRE reception/night, it was ABSOLUTELY mortifying. I’m tearing up thinking about it. This is the first time I’ve ever told the story to anyone other than my therapist. Anyways, women are usually very careful about what colors they are wearing when they are leaking fluids...a white dress 2 days after having a baby is literally impossible. Ok, I need a drink now lol

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I forgot to add, yes I had a tampon in but it was one of those crappy cardboard ones that was in the bathroom basket at the wedding a couple hours prior. It was a big wedding +120 guests and very formal, at a very exclusive and expensive venue on the beach. This was almost 2 years ago, I was 27 at the time and very tall and thin, so I stick out a lot already. The whole ordeal literally sent me into a nervous breakdown. My boyfriend’s sister hates me ever since.

  51. Hey Nutty, so are you saying that you think MM had a C-Section? Or am I misconstruing? I still believe she wasn’t pregnant and if she was a first time mother (which according to recent articles is not true) she’d be smart enough to not wear 4’ stilettos, especially on cobblestones
    during her pregnancy.

  52. No, I'm saying that a woman who had had a C-section two days previously would not have been able to wear heels for a photo op.

    I honestly don't know the truth behind this convoluted story, but something does not add up. Both she and Harry had previously told partners they were infertile. Then, amazingly, a baby is conceived just a few months after the wedding, and the mother immediately has a large belly during her trip to Australia when she was only 12 weeks.

    Meg was clearly wearing a fake belly for much of the pregnancy - thus the changing sizes and the swinging from side to side - and was probably wearing a fake belly under her white dress for the post-pregnancy photo op too.

    Was there a real baby beneath the fake bump? Not impossible, but doubtful. And if it was, it probably wasn't born on May 6.

    This whole phenomenon is an extreme case of the psychological reactance similar to the Streisand effect. "Once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread it is increased."

  53. @Nutty:,Thanks for the clarification. I never believed that she was pregnant, and am wondering from where a ‘baby’ would possibly appear as I’ve already outlined.?

    Apparently Harry had a testicle issue & had surgery for that as a child with Diana by his side. From what I’ve read, it inhibits the ability to conceive. And Meghan told Trevor she couldn’t conceive, even with IVF. So suddenly you get pregnant in such a short period of time? Okay.

  54. oh look, it's that fucking racist AF gen-z99 again!

    Nobody even mentions her race, yet here he/she is, seeing skin colour and nothing else, like the true racial divider that he/she is.

    Yo' liberal democrat non-racist: were you upset when republicans abolished slavery and were you part of the dems when they founded the KKK?

  55. You know what's awesome?
    I only count 7 paid pro-sparkles shills in these comments

    Hey Meghan - your SM swarm sucks.
    Few who come here are fooled by your "fans"

    Your fake pregnancy belly is only topped by the fake post pregnancy belly.

  56. I agree with @MeliticusBee that the trolls are easy to pick out, and what gets me is that they're all so *stupid.*

    None of them come here to say, "Here's a new detail that may cause you to see things differently," or "Let me reframe this for you based on my extensive inside knowledge."

    It's all "you stupid!" "you racist!" or, in Tatty's classic gambit above "Meghan's approval rating should also include all the people who don't care about her one way or another."

    Is there a reason Meghan doesn't know anybody with any brains?

  57. I really can’t wait for all the behind scenes books that will get published about all this royal drama in the next few years.

    Me-Again looked absolutely terrible at the baby reveal w Harry and that was my only time I thought maybe she gave birth to a real baby. However, all the other signs say to me she used a surrogate.

  58. I’ll give you another one, nutty. I NEVER bled on to any clothes during any post partum time frame even after birthing twins. I find it truly bizarre that you are stuck on this for MM. Plus, like everyone else said, she probably wore that dress for less than a half hour-hour anyway.

  59. I love these threads.
    Nutty, disbelief still has me on the fence, though Im quite tilted. Your "arguments" comment is comic gold! Personally , I dont give much credence to the white dress, and the "puff" was finally realistic. I expected her to look like that at about six months.
    Agreed that the nimble strutting and bending in heels within days of maternity leave was the most suspicious of things. Even moms with two or three other small children, who have been lifting and carrying them throughout, start to struggle at that point, especially in heels.
    My bottomline is, especially if fertility might have been an issue for both of them, why the ruse? Id think sympathy and respect for their honesty would have far outweighed slams. If it was a traditional pregnancy, then why all of the vagaries and half-info? At the very least, they being contrary and obtuse just to be contrary and obtuse!

  60. squatting in 4 inch heels with your legs together and lifting yourself up again without help while 8 months pregnant.............................................

    is not fucking possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. @nutty
    They seem so stupid because
    she doesn't have any actual "friends" and her "defend MM fund" isn't very big so she hires swarms of crappy defenders - or does it herself
    Seems to me like at least one of these supporters is actually....sparkles herself.
    Personally, I think there is two that are her. No joke.

    This royal family shit show has unfortunately brought out the worst in me and a lot of other people. It is a farce - a comedy and not a good one.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Anonymous12:03 PM

    1. The Darren Doll can be painted to look any way a person wants them to look. That's the entire point. They are *customizable* which is why the doll looks differently. That's the argument that has been floated around at least. I didn't personally question baby Archie until a few other things were pointed out to me (as noted below).

    2. The baby doesn't move one bit the entire time during the interview. Yes, they're swaddled to death, but no mouth movements, no brow crinkling, no nose scrunching - nothing. nadda. Further, the face isn't red or blotchy like most newborns. It looks like a much older infant. And then the pictures with the feeties - I love newborn baby feet. I was all over my nephew's after he was born and they were all curled in and wrinkly. Those are some smooth-ass newborn feet.

    3. Newborns don't have open mouths like that. They aren't really mouth-breathers, but 2 day old Archie had his mouth open the entire time - which is odd. Why? Because infants cannot breathe through their noses until they are about 3 or 4 months old. Additionally, newborns often have stuffy noses and mucus after birth.

    4. Most babies have some form of jaundice due to bilirubin levels. These levels tend to be at their highest a few days after birth in regular term pregnancies (meaning that the baby would have a yellowish tinge on the face at 2 or 3 days more so than at birth). This is very normal for infants, but again, is absent in baby Archie. Why? Additionally, why is there no puffiness in his face? Babies are normally very puffy and red at birth and this goes away after a few days.

    5. The white dress - lordy, I am amazed by some of the comments here. Every single mum I know (including my mum and my sister) thought the white dress was odd. The bump is way too high for post-partem delivery (it would be lower) and no one is their right mind is going to wear a white dress when they are bleeding and dealing with post-partem fluids. Especially if they ended up tearing down there - no woman is going to walk around in heels if they had stitches down there. Hell, I have heavy flows and I don't dare walk around in white. I don't even attempt white panties during my monthly cycle! I have to wear overnight pads because my flow is very heavy, which isn't that dissimiliar from new mums and their situation. And the comment about the padding being a result of post-baby padding? Please. Again, no post-partem woman wears anything that high. All your bleeding is in the SOUTHERN region so the bump should be LOWER if that was padding related to post-partem bleeding. And her breasts - there is no way in hell she would be pressing them against Harry's arm. Those things are tender AF and swollen - there is no way she would be wearing a tight dress over her chest or leaning against Harry's arm.

    Tatty and her ilk can talk harp all they want about how MeAgain is some amazing super mom, but it's not adding up. I hate the whole conspiracy theory bullshit and am the first to side eye half the conspiracy crap the world spews out, but this isn't sitting right with me and it's just not adding up.

    It's been suggested that the video that we see of she and Prince Harry with the baby was filmed before the baby was born. That is why it's sunny during the video and why she still has the bump, when the day of the supposed filming, it was rainy and grey in Windsor. Truly, I have no idea what is true or not, but it's getting old. Peoplea aren't that stupid and given how many folks are raising questions, as evidenced by the comments on the DM articles et al, it seems like the only folks who seem to be adamantly supporting the pro-Megan regime are US based.

  64. @Aqualgirl, um, no I'm not a man!!! I cannot believe I am lowering myself to discuss this, but let me explain to you, that if you've given birth you are not able to use tampons due to infections!!! in my part of the world, there a products made especially for maternity situations!!!! But if you're basing your theory on that basis, well, good for you!! these conspiracy theories are CRAZY!! surely a woman in 2019 wearing a white dress after having a baby is not cause of the ridiculous rumours of dolls, surrogates and UFO'S.

  65. +1 joe blow. I mean, damn, I never had stitches or tore because I did perineal massage. I’ve never known a woman bleed through her clothes after a baby (unless hemmoraging) because that is disgusting. You keep on top of that, you don’t sit in it until it soaks through.

    You all must truly be residents of a group home. If not, you are disgusting pigs.

  66. Anonymous5:11 PM

    @Teddy, you're not alone. I think it's one of those things that women have had experience with at some point in their lives and have learned the hard way to avoid certain kinds of clothing around that time of the month. I did in khakis in high school, lol. We've all been there (well, most of us I would assume). It's just part of being a woman. When my BFF was preggo, afterwards she told me that just standing up was enough to warrant that horrible "gushing" sensation that happens when you have a really heavy flow and that it's very common to soak through those pads in a matter of hours. :( And it's just miserable trying to walk around or do anything, let alone adding a pair of heels to the equation.

    I guess I just don't really get the white dress thing unless she was trying to go with the whole "innocent" or "pure" route? The only way I can imagine being on board with that dress is if you had on a pair of leggings or shorts underneath. More power to her if it's all legit.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. I see that the leading Meghan-critical blog on Tumblr, @Skippyisheretostay, was shut down overnight.

    The blogger claims on Twitter that she was targeted by Meghan's legal team.

    Skippy is an oddball - I wrote about her here - - but she probably had thousands of followers, one of whom was apparently Meg.

    I wasn't a huge Skippy fan myself, but this harkens back to Meg's doxxing of other bloggers who opposed her. (Which I also wrote about

    Silencing the press isn't appropriate when you are a public figure.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Duh, MM was never pregnant to begin with. Those fake baby bumps served her well though. Now that she's "supposedly" given birth she can miraculously appear "slim". Good diet tea lol

  71. This thread blows my mind. Every single time a MM appears the largest thread of the world appears. Leave it alone geez. So she's this and that, hate her hate her hate her. Seriously, don't you guys have better things to do with your life? Charity, walking and smelling the roses? End of the day, they don't know you, you don't know them, and most of all they don't give a shit. Ranting and raving is just not good for the body and soul, and it makes NO difference. In fact, it only makes it worse because then the PR team comes in, and you guys hate it, and then complain MORE. The never-ending circle. Waste of time.

    My only "complaint" is the name Archie. Omg, I HATE it. Worst name ever. Okay, I'm done. Going to hug and love on my dogs now.

  72. This is stupid. Of course she's not going to go the GOOP route - she isn't ALLOWED to.
