Saturday, May 25, 2019

Blind Item #3

When the alliterate talk show host discovered and closed down more bank accounts her ex was using to siphon money he went on a PR rampage. The tabloids are certainly buying what he is selling even if most of it isn't true.


  1. Of course this is Wendy Williams. There will be no recouping the money her husband has spent all these years. How else was he supporting the mistress? Good to see she has/is breaking free of him. Just hope she does not have to pay alimony to him!

  2. Then why is SHE not upping her PR to smear him?Just too fragile? I commend this but go on the offensive Wendy!

  3. She does not want to jeopardize her case. I'm sure she has the best lawyer in NYC. Its about damn time she divorced him

  4. Didn't her son twat the fucker or something?

  5. Yes Vic it seems the son assaulted the father the other day.

  6. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Assaulted is such a harsh word. The father had the son in a headlock and he clocked Daddy dear to get away. I call that self defense.

  7. Thanks for the details Ann,. that's less thrilling - I was happy when I heard he'd punched him, good for him.

  8. The son should have hit the mother fucker harder. Don’t worry y’all Wendy is going to anahilate this asshat. Once you fuck with a mamas baby and you’re fucking with her money and you had a fucking baby with your mistress, believe you me I big can of whoop ass is on it’s way. And I commend Wendy for keeping her shiz together I would have already put a cap in this fuckers ass.

    1. Not literally, I don’t look good in orange lol 😂

  9. Wendy can probably whoop the shit out of him when her head is clear. Right now that is pretty doubtful.

  10. So what is the mistress/baby mama doing about all this? will see bolt and find someone else cause he won't be able to support her in the fashion she has become accustomed. also, she is straight trash.

  11. What C'est Vrai said.
