Monday, May 13, 2019

Blind Item #3

Too busy using drugs to make it to this life event was the celebrity offspring of this permanent A++ lister.


  1. Paris - her brother's graduation

  2. EMPIRE OVER...drudge report

  3. I really hope this isn’t true. I feel so badly for MJs children...they didn’t ask to be put it this position:( Paris is stunningly beautiful and she has a lovely voice and I truly hope she has people around her that truly there for her.

  4. Paris is going down a very scary road. I think we are going to hear about another suicide attempt real soon. Wait, I forgot that was a accident in the kitchen with scissors.

  5. She might not have been invited

    1. That's too bad if true. Maybe it would have inspired her to enroll in School. I know it worked for me back in the day.

  6. @Marie.

    Many years ago there were a few of us at a friend's house watching a football match, we'd been drinking most of the day before the match so most of us were three sheets to the wind.

    My friend, whose house it was, was probably the most drunk and during half time announced he'd make us all sandwiches.
    He staggered out to the kitchen got a knife out of the drawer and promptly went arse over tit in a drunken stumble with the knife doubling back and slicing open his wrist.

    It didn't sever an artery (very, very luckily) but he still has a vicious looking scar running up his wrist. When the ambulance came the paramedics automatically assumed he had tried suicide, he was out of it by then by drink and shock, it was only because there were about eight of us who witnessed it that convinced the paramedics to tell the ER doctors that no psychiatric or mental health advice would be needed later.

    People who don't know the story still assume he must have tried suicide, including my wife when she first saw the scar.

    He now let's people think that though, the tit. I think he thinks it gives him some brodding, flawed artist type vibe, instead of drunken, clueless hungry wanker.

  7. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Paris is what you get when you have no purpose in your life. Money does not make a life purposeful. Money makes life easy. All the money in the world and nothing to do is her problem. Until she OD's then the problem is over.

  8. Sucks for them, I don't care.

  9. Firstly, congratulations to Prince who appears to have made a lot of his time at LMU. Secondly, I'm hoping that Paris just didn't attend the ceremony bc of fear of being a distraction, but was there for him the rest of the day? If it was just drugs and resulting hangover that couldn't get her there for her brother, that would be a damn shame. Finally, Im still holding out hope for her, but she needs to start moving in the right direction.

  10. I lived in a GLORIOUS Parisian apartment and lived the five star lifestyle in Paris with my rich exboyfriend for YEARS and I was so depressed and miserable because I was terribly unfulfilled.

    I will never forget that.

  11. Seeing Prince at graduation made me so damn sad about whatever happened to Paris to eff her up so badly.

  12. Paris was there, the pics are all over the DM. This is such bullshit.

  13. I'm happy and proud for Prince. I saw the pictures, didn't see any with Paris though, and he looked genuinely happy. He did something with his life, has purpose, and will land a job somewhere and make a difference.

    Whether or not you like MJ, I'm sure he would be proud of Prince and low key disappointed with Paris. Although, if he was still around she would have been reigned in a LONG time ago. Perhaps she wouldn't even have been an addict and would have gone to college.

    Its clear she loved MJ very much and after he died she broke. Very sad.
