Sunday, May 19, 2019

Blind Item #2

By my count, this A- list model who really only got to be a model because she is a celebrity offspring of some barely there celebrities is still fairly young. Unlike a sibling, this family member has embraced multiple surgeries and procedures and doesn't seem to want to stop. A decade from now, there probably won't be anything real left in or on her.


  1. These blinds suck. I know you have to pump out content as the site has become more popular, but all you have are Z List people no one cares about.

    I live in LA and the Kardashians and similar are not famous here; Kim and Kanye wait in line for a table at Asanebo just like everyone else.

    How about a nice DiCaprio and Camila Morrone blind - I mean so one has to be sleeping with her - half your Leo blinds claim he is gay/limp - the other say he loans out his women to his friends. You should have a spy in Cannes to get some real gossip.

    1. Take a hike Camille. NOBODY cares about Leo or his beards.

    2. How is Leo a “white supremacist”?

  2. Climate-change warrior, hybrid car driver, private jet flying Leo you mean

    1. Isn’t dago a racial slur? Yet you’re complaining about racism, while using racial/ethnic slurs? OOOOOOKAY 🤔

  3. @<>

    You do realize that Leo can be gay and still pimp out his agency-arranged girls. It’s always been about pretending to be a lady’s man, the whole ‘pussy posse’ delusion. Obviously it worked better in the 90s and early 2000s before social media and ppl noticing how tryhard it is.

    Leo has been closeted forever. If you didn’t know this, or doubt it, then you must be new.

  4. @<>

    Forget it. I don't know if you read my reply to your comment yesterday (or was it the day before yesterday?), but both CDAN and have obviously decided to leave Leo alone for some reason. I'd love to hear something about him as well, even it's made up, but I don't think we're going to get a new blind anytime soon. He seems to be off limits now.

  5. Could care less about Leo, and could care less about any Hadid, Kardashian, etc.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have a funny little piece of Leo gossip for you though:

    Or has everyone seen this already? Don't remember where I found it. Not here I think.

  8. The link works for me, no idea what the problem is. It's a video from a panel discussion with Neil Patrick Harris, Stephen Trask and a few others. They talk about homophobia in Hollywood and someone mentions that the was offered a fake girlfriend like Leonardo DiCaprio. NPH says Leo using beards was 'a misstatement', but I'm not sure he means it or is being sarcastic.

    Leo being a nazi is utter nonsense, though. He has often been photographed hanging out with black people. Having German ancestry and blond hair doesn't make you a nazi.

  9. As for Bella, not sure how much work she's had done. I recently saw a photo from her childhood and she actually looked like a younger version of her current self. She probably had her nose done and some minor stuff like a bit of filler here and there, but I don't think she's had her complete face overhauled.

  10. Bella-- pretty girl, but she's already had so much done! Her nose looks fragile, and she's so thin...not much left to work with already!

  11. Bella and Hailey Baldwin probably use the same surgeon. They're friends, and at first I thought they were related.

  12. Keep up the surgery!

  13. One of the Hamlin girls to be different

  14. Isn't kabbala some kind of Jewish cult? A nazi who also happens to be a kabbalist? Right...makes sense

  15. Leo tries hard to be perceived as Italian American, not German (working with Scorsese, sucking up to him and the likes of de Niro and Pacino all the time). But I suppose that's also PR to hide the that he's a 'German identifying nazi'...

  16. Gen-z99 posts are the type that make me regret I ever learned to how to read

  17. I forget Bella and Camila have been friends for a long time. CDAN actually had a true blind in Cami and her mother Lucila both slept with Eli Roth, and potentially singer Luis Miguel.

    Bella is ugly as shit in person, and she must hate her brother for reminding her of what she really looks like. Here is Bella in the white dress and Cami in the red dress.

    Also, Gisele has a better chance of being a Nazi than Leo; her and her dad look like Reinhard Heydrich.

  18. Bella’s body really freaks me out in some pictures, she’s SO thin.

  19. Just saw a youtube clip of how yolanda treats her daughters. Damn, she's a horrible mom. Just awful. It was very clear she prefers gigi. And Both probably have eating disorders thanks to mommy dearest. Eck

  20. Chloe lattanzi
    Olivia newton john daughter
    The walking blowup doll

  21. Genz99: Get back on your meds, FGS!

    You show your utter stupidity with every single syllable you write. I bet people run in the other direction and cross the street when they see you coming. Held a job for more than a week? Thought not.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Says the hillbilly slut XD XD

  24. You know how the word libtard, is a combination of liberal and retard?
    Look not further than Gen-z99's comments, as to why that is.

  25. Leo is a chubby has been.
