Thursday, May 16, 2019

Blind Item #2

How creepy is it that this foreign born three named underage actress had a personal fitting of her clothes while in the presence of the foreign born A+ list rapper/singer who has been creeping on her for well over a year.


  1. Millie Bobby Brown

  2. WHY does she publicly talk about this???

  3. How are you 32 years old and good friends with a 15 year old. Her parents are trash.

  4. This child probably feels she's grown up, no doubt due to how everyone treats her. Everyone trash here. Ugh.

  5. Poor MBB. Pimped out by her parents and now has no clue. Growing up is hard enough without exploitive dicks for a mom/dad.

    Cue the pedophiles who can sniff that shit out a mile away and swoop in to take advantage.

    And the beat goes on.

  6. MBB & Drake doubt this makes her feel tremendously cool and special, nevermind that it's wildly inappropriate. It seems like her parents have been working towards this very moment her whole life.

  7. Poor kid will end up as Lili 2.0. She had such a bright future too :(


    Drake and MBB

  9. ugh when will this madness stop being normal.

  10. Guess he likes to dress his girls up.

  11. +1 SCORPIO, good link

  12. the Stranger Things acct on instagram posted a pic of her (looking all of 20 something) and the caption was "a whole meal" instead of a snack...I was like isn't this girl like 12?! STOP SEXUALIZING CHILDREN!

    1. I agree stop sexuallizing children and now we are bannin abortions for people that are victims of rape and incest so why don’t we continue to hyper sexuality or society and use sex to sell hen when our children get pregnant because they are raped or molested or fucked by a parent or and uncle lets prevent them from having an abortion and if they do let’s theough them in jail and makes there lives utter hell or force them to have the child where the child and the parents will be reminded of that abuse and utterly fucked up for the rest of their lives. Our would is going to hell. Fuck that we are already in hell.

    2. Wow that’s the longest sentence ever.

      But I can’t really disagree.

  13. Milky Bobby Bron and Drake

  14. Let's just legalize kiddie porn & child sex work so the marginalized underclass has a legitimate means for making money as income disparity widens and chokes out the American Dream.

    1. Don’t think they aren’t going to try it soon. They’ll probably have to get through normalizing polygamy and bestiality first, but don’t worry. They’ll eventually move on to it.

  15. Wow hunter, have you considered running for public office in California? ;)

  16. Haven’t we learnt anything from the R Kelly or MJ situation? A 15 year old should not be this close to an unrelated 32 year old man. Let alone letting him see her naked for clothes fittings. That makes me feel sick. Are we all going to just sit back and watch history repeat if true?

  17. When asked what the pair text about, she added, “About boys, he helps me.”

    I'll bet! CREEPY doesn't begin to describe his grooming.



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