Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Blind Item #2

For a few minutes people at a restaurant in NYC were confused. There was a barely legal teen calling this Oscar winning permanent A list mostly movie actor grandfather and then made out with him. It turns out that is just what he likes to be called by his new girlfriend. 


Tricia13 said...

Jon Voight?

Me said...

Bobby D

Tricia13 said...

Or DeNiro actiallo

MDAnderson said...

Robert De Niro??

Notagoodscreenname said...

Robert DeNiro

BRAD PITT said...

what a coincidence I'm watching 'The Wizard Of Lies' right now

Thot Crimes said...

DeNiro only has paid dates, so Robert was there with a teen-prostitute being paid to call him grandpa. One can only imagine the depravity taking place after he introduces her to his little friend.

Notagoodscreenname said...


Netty said...

Morgan Freeman

Sd Auntie said...

Very funny @thot. Using a Pacino line for Deniro

J said...

Presumably she's getting paid enough. Hope they enjoyed their dinner.

J said...

About that dinner... couldn't be worse than the movies he's in these days.

Unknown said...

Wait a minute, so an actor with a granddaughter fetish shouldn't be the person we all listen to for voting advice?

Jon said...

That is totally hot. Especially if the other diners were freaked out.

HushHush said...

@Unknown It's not hard to see this going well for him. Just ask Avenetti, and Cohen.

Kimberley said...

I guess Morgan Freeman too @Netty

Anonymous said...

DeNiro. The sickie who has a passion for hookers pretending to be teenagers.

Unknown said...

Its hilarious that Dinero was a patron at a nationwide call girl ring that also trafficked in young girls turns into him being a pedo rumor. Sorry to burst bubbles, but if you fucked a hooker in the past decade, you probably patronized an establishment or ring that trafficks younger girls. Didn't make you a pedo then nor does it make him one now. This is 30% of single male actors plus clickbait

Brayson87 said...

@Unknown, So you're saying that 30% of single male actors order questionably young hookers in school girl uniforms to their NYC building so often that all the doormen know to let them in no questions asked? Fascinating.

Brayson87 said...

You're an MJ fan too aren't you? ;)

Unknown said...

Never heard those rumors about dinero. He dates mostly black women, younger than him, but not school aged. 30% of single male actors date younger women. I wrote down English words so maybe it is your reading comprehension skills that suck
What does MJ have to do with it? You assume I support pedos? Maybe your poor interpretation is a representation of your projection

akbar johnson said...

30% of statistics on the internet are made up on the spot.

Thot Crimes said...

@Auntie - Contractually DeNiro's scripts cannot contain the words, "short" or "little" so it can be difficult using one of his movie lines to describe his junk.

Brayson87 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brayson87 said...

@Unknown, Then you must not read this site much, just popped on today to defend Deniro then?
Dating younger women is not comparable to hiring barely legal teen prostitutes to play granddaddy/granddaughter on a regular basis. Seems that your logic is flawed. If you're capable of those kinds of mental gymnastics I assumed that you'd also have an argument in favor of MJ's innocence or the some other warped thought process to amuse us.

Sarton Bander said...

DiNero is on hard times he's advertising Kia cars in the UK.

sandybrook said...

Since Morgan Freeman and his step grand daughter allegedly slept together before she got killed he's my #1 choice here.

VikingSong said...

The fact some of you think what's posted anonymously on internet gossip blogs has to be true is a testament to your mental state. Please, never do jury service..

Flashy Vic said...

@Sarton Bander.

And bagels for Warburtons bread.


Fair play, that ad is well done and pretty funny.

And -if Enty is to be believed today - an unintentional Naomi Watts reference at the very end.😁

Boldblonde said...

oh @Netty, you're baaaad

notthisagain said...

Morgan Freeman OR Deniro

Snuggz Bear said...

"DeNiro. The sickie who has a passion for hookers pretending to be teenagers."
Typical President Trump hating, immoral, disreputable, holier than though hypocrite.

hothotheat said...

Morgan Freeman

trufflepig said...

30% of single male actors date younger women? Make that 80%...

<> said...

You could have made a way better blind with a little effort. Bobby sat right across from this for a whole dinner with her nipples practically singing - "Robert De Niro's waiting Talking Italian"


If your blinds about Leo pimping out Cami are true than any man in De Niro's postion would ask Leo to loan out Cami for (as your blind claimed) a least some cases of wine. Imagine sitting across from her all night looking at her boobs. Now that I think about it all the Leo/Cami blinds have died out - what happened Enty?

trufflepig said...

I'm starting to think Leo's people made a deal with blind gossip sites so they don't write about him anymore. blindgossip.com hasn't had a story about him for ages either.

Not that I believe those pimping blinds were true. I mean, anything is possible in Hollyweird, but the stories posted here on CDAN are so outlandish that I don't know how people can take this site remotely seriously (it's sort of addictive, though, and sometimes you pick up interesting stuff from the comments). But maybe Leo's people were still worried about these stories damaging his reputation. Or there's something going on with him right now that has to be kept out of the media at all cost.

I'm SURE that both CDAN and blindgossip are bribable. In the end, running one of those sites is a business model; no more, no less. There's probably other celebrities whose dirty secrets they're keeping.

trufflepig said...

I also wonder why blind gossip sites have been SO obsessed with Bradley Cooper lately. It's obvious that blindgossip.com has at least some access to insider information (like when they predicted that Brad Pitt would show up to Jennifer Anistons's birthday party), but when it comes to CDAN I think the vast majority of the blinds is made up. Why choose to make up stuff about the same person over and over again? And what is it with the constant blinds about Timothee Chalamet being a stuck-up asshole? I've never heard that about him anywhere else, only here on CDAN. Does Enty get paid to bash him?

Honestly, I'm starting to think blindgossip sites are not that different from the so-called 'kneepads'. They have some legit information, but they'll also simply make up stuff and if the prize is right, they'll push a certain narrative about a celebrity, or leave them alone altogether.

Tammy said...

Morgan Freeman for the win!

<> said...

@trufflepig... Leo pimping is not BS. Go read this: Miranda has always been rumored to be a whore, but now we know it to be true. Leo is the one who brought Miranda and Jho together.

The Wolf of Wall Street is from 2013 - so we may conjecture that any girl Leo dated from say 2010 on could have been loaned out to secure movie financing. If I was billionaire level I would pay good money for Cami.



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