Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blind Item #2

This former A list NFL star who is a serial cheater spent part of this weekend cheating on his B list celebrity/lower on the list as an actress girlfriend. She should be used to it not only from him but for the serial singing cheater/beater she previously dated.


  1. Martinez/Karreuche Tran?

  2. Victor Cruz and Karreuche Tran

  3. Happy Mother’s Day

    1. 🙏Happy Mothers Day All!!🎉

    2. Definitely would rather spend it where you are though 😘🥰😍

  4. Happy Mothers Day!

  5. Why should anyone be used to abuse and cheating? What a sh**ty thing to say!

  6. Happy Mother's Day, Cdan Mamas!😍

  7. Don't believe this one.

  8. Aw, she's so pretty. At least she's not getting psycopathed by Fist Brown anymore.

  9. Re: Mother’s Day

    I had a looong (3 hour) conversation with a friend today regarding this topic. Idk if it’s like this everywhere, but in NY, no matter where you go (you could be in a restaurant having brunch or in a drugstore buying tampons), everybody wishes women a Happy Mother’s Day. It is so inappropriate & offensive (men are not automatically wished a Happy Father’s Day unless maybe if they’re with their kids.) My friend has had 3 miscarriages and unfortunately she and her husband were not in agreement about adoption, so although she wanted children, she does not have any. I have other friends who have chosen not to have children. I have another friend who is waiting to adopt. Nobody knows whether someone has children, had children, is trying to have children, doesn’t want children or what their individual circumstances are. Yet we all get wished a Happy Mother’s Day. At least where I live.

    In my situation, I had an aunt who was like a mother to me, and unfortunately she recently died. I’m devastated, as this is my first MD without her. I literally didn’t leave my apartment today, because I was afraid some random stranger (or 20) might wish me a Happy Mother’s Day and I’d burst into tears. My family and friends who know me, sent sweet, supportive, loving texts about my aunt. My oldest sister, who is normally very unemotional, sent me a beautiful text saying that her two sons are so lucky to have me as their aunt and that she’s glad I’m such an integral part of their lives.

    In any case, I wasn’t going to post this, but I read several similar things today about the randomness of wishing women a Happy Mother’s Day, so thought I’d keep up the momentum.

    Also, I was going to post on Good Friday, but didn’t want to sound like a bitch so I refrained. But someone wished everyone a ‘Happy Good Friday’ and then several other posters echoed that sentiment. I was pretty shocked, as I’m Catholic & there is nothing ‘happy’ about Good Friday. It’s the saddest day of the calendar year.

    Sorry for the run on but just had to get it out there.

  10. Aquagirl-- i get it. I did wish Happy Mother's Day, but tried to specify to those who are moms. This is my first Mother's Day without my mom. I quit my job 14 years ago to become her primary caregiver when she developed dementia. She went from being a strong-willed supermom to my silly, childlike buddy. She became ill at the beginning of last year, and passed away in July. Im at the point where I can share stories about her, but still cant talk about her passing without it feeling like hours ago (serious risk of short-circuiting this device with tears) was my last major holiday hurdle, and if I didn't have to help move my niece and her friend out of their dorm and house them this weekend, I would have shared your exact same plan. Here's hoping your aunt and my mom are having a blast and feeling the love.
    As for misplaced well-wishes, it happens, especially with the religious based holidays. I'd not heard of the random presumption for Mother's Day, that is one that could be more easily avoided. However, it's someone trying to put a little good energy in the world. I prefer their good-intentioned error over rudeness or indifference.

  11. Victor Cruz who did Campbell Soup ads with his mom?!? Say it's not so! did NOT go through all of that just to get another cheater. Next!

  12. @Vita: OMG, I’m so sorry for your loss. I am sending you so much love ❤️ . If I understand this correctly, you were caring for her for 14 years? I can’t even imagine.

    Coincidentally, I offered to help someone pack today for a move trow, and he texted me and said all was good so I just stayed in my pj’s all day. It’s actually chilly and pouring here, so that was an additional reason to stay in and chill.

    There are so many coincidences on this site. My Aunt’s name was Bernadine, but her nickname was Bunny, which, IDK if you remember, was Boo Hearne’s nickname. They literally died in a very close time-frame. I can’t remember exactly, but they both died from
    cancer and both were in their 70’s.

    My goal is not to challenge Mother’s Day, or to pretend indifference; rather, it’s to glorify all women in their roles with children. The best thing I read today was someone who recognized grandmothers, mothers, godmothers, aunts, aunts of friend’s children, etc., as all being some type of mother. That being said, sending my love to your mother and my aunt. Hope your mom likes to dance 😉🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

  13. @Aquagirl, I feel you!!! I AM a Mother, but I walked into a store/bank on Friday afternoon and was wished a happy Mothers Day. I had no kids with me, hair and makeup done & jeans on...I could not figure out how they could tell I was a mother, and then with horror realized that they were probably wishing ALL women a happy Mothers day!! And I felt so sick about it, I have a sister who cannot conceive and I cannot imagine them wishing her a happy Mother's Day!! And what about women who have lost their moms?! It is a painful day for SOOOO many women, that I really don't think anyone should be wished a happy mothers day unless they are out with children (and even then, I guess you can't be 100% sure that the adult is their mother). I'm so sorry it was a rough day for you!

  14. Thanks so much Aquagirl, and that is a beautiful alternative!

    Sending you tons of love, too, especially on the days when the hole seems bigger.

    So grateful for your compassion and kind words. Also grateful for this site and community providing an entertaining daily distraction.😍

  15. If someone wishing you or any other random person a happy mothers day somehow triggers you, just do us all a favor and stick a gun in your mouth you miserable piece of shit. It's a simple pleasantry and if you feel the need to make everyone else feel bad because of some shit that has happened in your own life which they could not possibly have known about, then fuck you.

    What's next? "How dare you wish me good morning! My grandfather died in the morning you insensitive asshole!"

    Seriously, get over yourself and just say "thank you" when someone says something nice...

  16. Thanks @Queen Bee 🌷🌷🌷
