Monday, May 27, 2019

Blind Item #1

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress who is a member of The Club has an actor boyfriend. She says she can only stay with him if he also becomes a member of The Club. Look for him to have his photo taken doing the initiation rite sometime before the end of June.


  1. Good morning Sleepy Head!

  2. Can somebody explain these Club blinds?

  3. Doesn't Enty mean this actor has a child whom he will publicly use and promote as "trans" in some way ?

  4. This shit's getting stupider every day.

  5. @Cheesey.

    Supposedly the 'club' was meant to be a cackle of A list actresses who were making their kids - usually adopted - become trans or something for membership.

    I don't know if this club has any benefits that clubs around here have like cheap drinks, a meat raffle or a Christmas do,but this premise soon fell by the wayside and now it seems to refer to a coterie of Hollyweirders who....well I don't know exactly what. Supposedly something very nefarious, fuck knows really. I'm beginning to think it's the figment of a not particularly coherent but fevered imagination.

  6. Naomi Watt and Billy crudup

  7. I guess The Church played itself out as well as the instant cancer shots, so now we're getting The Club blinds all the time. As long as people react, Enty will still keep posting them.

    Just like the "Meghan doesn't really live at Frogmore" post from yesterday. When will Enty declare that Archie is really a doll, because Meghan's real baby was too dark skinned for the BRF, and Meghan and Harry are going to buy a substitute baby from Jay-Z and Beyonce's uterus farm?

    Also, Thelma Todd killed Devonte Hart.

  8. And Marvin Gaye AND Morrissey are both serial killers.

  9. And don't forget the special area at Neverland Ranch, which is still patrolled by Jackson family guards, where the literal bodies are literally buried!

    1. @Krab Imma now be severely disappointed if we *don't* get an "Archie is really a doll" blind in the near future. Bonus points if the doll is also a human trafficking liaison for the Clintons and/or a former patron of the House of Horrors. (R.I.P. House of Horrors.🔥)

  10. Actually Krab I could really buy that last one.😁

  11. The Beyonce uterus farm is my all time favorite. All I can think of in my head is that’s just not how it works.

  12. I gotta vote for instant cancer shot for my favorite. One shot--BLAM! See you in hell!

  13. If I were an ad exec (& let's face it, I should be) I'd pimp the idea of Beyonce's uterus farm using the tune of the old Bay City Rollers song, Bye Bye Baby:

    "Buy Bey baby, baby buy Beyyyyy...."

  14. Omg im dying hahaha
    I've officially gone to the dark side.

    It's been fun Enty, but I think it's a wrap.
    I guess you could modify your disclaimer to a broader explanation of what to expect here?

  15. Maybe its a swingers club? Thats why the boyfriend is willing to jump through the hoops?

  16. Think MD got it again.

  17. This is Noami Watts& Billy Crudup

    these blinds are disturbing. they imply there is some sort of initiation process, that there are rules...

    All of it gives me Get Out this is some unbelievable, creepy, ‘are you fucking kidding me?’ Psychological shit

  18. That's what I got for missing a couple of months coming to this site - The Uterus Farm and the Prince Archie Doll :) Lol!

  19. You know what’s worse than the unbelievable blinds? The same tired ass comments about how dumb and unbelievable the blinds are. It’s so awful, so stupid, so bad, that you simply MUST point this out in every single comment section, every day. Over and over again. WE FUCKING GET IT, OK?


    1. You could start by taking your own advice and ignoring me. Now run along, those college girls aren’t going to drug and molest themselves!

      Oh and don’t you have a kid to ignore?

    2. Hahaha oh wait, you already are ignoring your poor child. Bless their heart. Probably gonna be a future school shooter with a “mother” like you, that hits on his pregnant teachers and then brags about it like it’s some accomplishment. Are you putting him in a dress yet?

      Now let’s go back to ignoring each other, you dusty old fish fingered twat. And per request:

      Eat shit 💩🖕🏻🖕🏻💩👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

  20. Actually everyone living in the vicinity of Frogmore Cottage says ain't shit been done to renovate it and ain't nobody living there.

    And no, there's no baby.

    Mark my words, Meghan is unlikely to be seen at Trooping of the Colors.

  21. I've been rolling since meat raffle! 😂😂😂

    1. Pretty sure "Meat Raffle," was the original name for Hollywoodland.

  22. Astra you weren't here back in 2014 and 15 when the troll group would absolutely bury whoever wrote these completely ridiculous blinds, were you? Much worse than what Krab does.

    1. Yeah Sandy, it was boring and lame then and is still boring and lame now. Obviously I’m not the internet police nor do I really care too much what people have to say, it just seems like, if people hate it here so much, why be here? I don’t believe much of it but I like that you can comment however you please. People are gonna be assholes no matter what, look at how they act towards Tricia, who has never been anything but nice.

  23. can somebody teach me what the beyoncé uterus farm is? plz & thanks!!

  24. Rosie you need to upgrade to Android or Apple software shit.

  25. Maybe the Beyonce uterus farm is linked to child trafficking?

  26. Wow, these mean people have hurt wittle Astra's feelings, and now she's crying because she's all sad that they say these mean things about Enty. Poor, poor Astra... The pwecious snowflake has salty water running down from her eyes, because they won't shut up and they remember her of all these stories by Enty that are complete jokes, and she weally wants to believe that the wibewals have indeed a secret conspiracy to turn all-American toddlers into evil, nasty trannies.

    And it's a given that Angela the Man is involved, because he must be gay or transgender. Please call him "Angela the Man" as often as you can, because it will get him mad, and White Powa Astra will be happy, because somebody who is not one of her sock puppet accounts has used this killer nickname!!!!

    1. Sorry that being called Angela the man triggers you so hard that you had to wade into this gay ass slapfight, when nobody was even looking for you.

      The rest of that was really lame. I’m suffering severe second hand embarrassment for you, if you thought that was an “insult” worthy of posting.

  27. Hahaha

    *Middle finger*
    *middle finger*
    *Poop emoji*

    1. *hits on my son’s pregnant teacher*
      *assaults drunk college girls*
      *ignores kid*


      Please post more like this, in this format. It really shows how totally not mad you are!

      Or better yet, peel your crusty stank fingers off your emoji less keyboard, and just.....stop. Maybe do what you were threatening earlier, and go away. I’m sure there’s plenty of drunk college girls down at the bar today, so why not go do some groping? Or iron your son's dress, watch Ellen, or go get a fresh buzz cut? Any time you’re ready to go back to ignoring me, I’ll gladly do the same for you. 🐟 👈🏻

    2. So... What exactly IS your experience around vaginas, Astra?
      I see a lot of smelly references and fish references...
      Is YOURS the only one you've been around, or others?
      Im just gonna leave this here and you do you:

      Get to the gyno, stat.
      It really shouldn't smell like that

    3. If you say so 👌🏻

      Thanks for the advice, vagina expert!


  28. Wow, Southern hospitality has really taken a nosedive since the Gone with the Wind days.

    And, well, if "Angela the man" is your most effective insult, I'd be curious to know what the runner-up is.

    1. You don’t get it, do you? You aren’t really interesting enough for me to bother with, beyond calling you, “Angela the man”. Which wasn’t actually meant to be insulting, as I don’t know what your real name is, and you have claimed to be a man, so “Angela the man” is really more of a statement of fact, than an insult. You’re just boring and long winded, mostly. I don’t look for you or really pay much notice to you other than to say “holy crap a huge 888 wall of text, must be Angela the man” and scroll on past.

      So, there it is. I’m not really looking to enter into what will undoubtedly be a series of looooooong and tedious “insults” with you.

  29. I don't even post here every day. Jeez, give it a rest.

  30. Are these blinds written by dancing boy?

  31. How the fuck would I be supposed to be hurt in any way? My first name isn't Angela. It isn't Angelo. I always pick online aliases that have nothing to do with my identity.

    I also explained in the early days here that I wasn't a woman and that the name was based on a private joke that meant very little, and I would politely correct people who would assume that I was a woman. So, it was a surprise to see somebody after all these years calling me message after message "Angela the man", as if it had any weight. Because I don't mention every time I post something that I'm actually a dude?

    Frankly, it's more telling about your weird vision of the world than about myself.

  32. @Hunter - + 1. Also, the Harry Markle blog is back up! the latest post is about the Frogmore Cottage situation. Tell @Nutty Flavor if you see her.

  33. Jean Dujardin is working with Polanski (pukes)

  34. Oh Jesus. Yeah, the naysayer comments on repeat are as dull as fuck.

  35. So what's the upside of being in "The Club"? Do they get parts, contracts, etc. or is it just a new kind of sorority who lets the random guy in sometimes?
    These women had better be saving their yachting fees because their children will have monster therapy bills.

  36. @Astra...I dont know your deal with Rosie "angry dyke" Riveter but your replies to "her" are pretty fuckibg hilarious!

  37. Wew. It's gotten crazier here than in the Derek days.

  38. @Angela. The Man. There is a woman here who posts as Angela as well. At the time,it was a play on Portugal. The Man. I do not know who first used it, but oddly enough,I remember @Rosie riveter was an early user. Strange around here. What's with the baby talk? Sounds like one of our old friends.

  39. Haha you guys and the bickering are so much more entertaining than the blinds. :)



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