Monday, May 20, 2019

Blind Item #1

Always entertaining when someone like this A+/A list rapper wins multiple songwriting awards despite never having written a song.


Tricia13 said...

Cardi B?

Count Jerkula said...

It is racist to say rappers can't read and write.

Flashy Vic said...

Whoa, the count is back!

Isighalot said...

Release the hounds...he's back!

Flashy Vic said...

It's always difficult for me to see the words 'rap', 'hip hop' or 'rappers' and 'entertainment' in the same sentence.

I mean I can identify the words setting there in some sort of order, but it doesn't make sense and I feel slightly nauseous contemplating it.

I think I suffer from what the medical profession calls 'great steaming bucket of dogshit dyslexia'.

MeliticusBee said...

@Count funny you should say that

R. Kelly's lawyer trying to get his case dismissed on the basis of:
My client is functionally illiterate and therefor his summons was unconstitutional. Since he was unable to read it because he can't read, his rights were violated and you must dismiss the charges and let him walk.

Count Jerkula said...

MB: I would laugh, but that might fly in Chicago.

J said...

Thank goodness we live in the age of rappers.

doleman said...

I listened to an explanatory video that described in detail the complexity of the rhyming is some of the rap songs.

It almost made rapping interesting.

lgTX said...


WeHoShrink said...

lgTX +1


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