Friday, May 17, 2019

Blind Item #1

This former really bad A- list actress turned really bad A- list reality star turned really bad money managing celebrity thinks she has inherited some kind of television making magic. She also hates the latest addition to her new show and is willing to crash and burn the whole thing if she doesn't get her way. Good luck ever getting another green light on any show.


  1. Wow a correct answer

    1. Can you imagine your only validation or achievement in life is to be 'first' to comment on a gossip site. It must use alot of brain cells to look like a fool every single day.

  2. Tricia and MD both guess with a lot of accuracy.

  3. I still don't get how you can screw up being Aaron Spelling's kid.

    But she has!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'll observe that people talk about her. Like it or not, that's worth something.

  6. Agree this is Tori Spelling.

    Evidently the show runner and a bunch of writers quit the 90210 reboot. They said it was one of the lead actresses causing problems and they just didn't want to deal with it anymore.

    Doubt this is Jenny Garth as she is salivating for a steady paycheck and I think Shannon is happy to be working, as well. The "know it all" is, without a doubt, Tori Spelling.

    I'm w/ Jimbonius. This girl was handed a career on a friggin' silver platter and she self-sabotages EVERYTHING.

  7. I guarantee they quit cuz of Tori. Wasn't there a rumor that she was trying to get her husband cast on the show? That alone would make me want to quit lol

  8. I can't believe that steve is the one who aged the best

  9. I know Shannen and Jenni personally. Shannen is want going to to the show at all then Luke passed so she signed on. Tori is a nightmare to deal with but she is very close with Jenni. No one has ever got on with Shannen very well, she’s every bit of the bitch she is rumored to be, her cancer changed her for 5 minutes now she is right back to being the same demanding self righteous bitch she once was. This show is already doomed and it hasn’t even started. It says a lot when Tiffany won’t even return due to all the conflicting egos when she is friends with almost everyone on the show. (Except for Shannen and Tori).

  10. Tori must have a personality disorder, it's the only thing that fits her behavior.

  11. Poor Luke Perry, that man could really act. :(

  12. @Brayson = having the extremes of a super doting father and selfish, manipulative, withholding mother is the perfect recipe for a cluster b personality disorder

  13. I love when people come on here pretending they know the person in the blind, when y'all know they don't. It's pretty sad that you have to pretend because you want to say some unkind things about an actor or actress that you don't like.

  14. Isn't it just as presumptuous to assert that you know as fact that an anonymous poster here DOESN'T know the celebrities in question?

    1. Do Tell, I’m Moreno inclined to believe an ANONYMOUS poster on a gossip site who claims to know famous people. There’s a reason why Himmmm is Himmmm and Mr. X Ian Mr. X.

      Hell, it’s why ENTY himself is anonymous.

      Like if I knew a famous person (or socialise with them) and I wanted to trash/snark them, why would I do it with my real name and face attached? Even better, I’d just tip Enty anonymously and have it be a regular blind Item.


      And here’s some unsolicited advice from moi:

      Don’t ever let anyone bully/shame you for being anonymous online. If anyone gives you a hard time for having an alter-ego on the Interwebs where you can just let your hair down & be yourself, just tell them the following:

      “The only people who have no concept of the benefits of anonymity are pathological famehoes.”

      And have a good weekend.

    2. *not that I’ve ever submitted a BI to Enty (i don’t know any celebrities)

  15. Not saying people don't lie, but there are those of us on the site who actually *do* know various people mentioned in the blinds. So don't automatically assume that someone is lying. FWIW, I've heard almost exactly the same things C'Est Vrai mentioned.

  16. How to screw up being a Spelling:
    Be completely spoiled rotten as a child with people around you that you order around and do whatever you say while developing a feeling that everyone serves you and people are not people, they are things.
    Then become a star because of dad, but you think its because of you. After all, you already are the center of the world where everyone kisses you ass.
    Then have that all taken away when you dad croaks and you mom decides there shall only be one hen in the house/

  17. I'm praying Candy pulls a Gates and bequeaths her fortune to charity leaving Tori and her 20 kids with nothing. The brother seems to have a nice normal life with a family outside of LA. He managed his 800k inheritance just fine.

  18. Imagine taking gossip seriously and actually giving a shit about celebrities being misrepresented. And worrying about whether people are being “unkind” to famous millionaires. 🙄🙄

  19. You do have the option to not read the comments .

  20. I agree. Reading the Megan Markle blinds kinda make me sad. Too many unkind, hateful people out there hating on a person who they will never meet, for no reason. To me that type of vitriol borders on mental illness. Whatever it is, I am sure it is not healthy. What I do know is that social media shows peoples true nature.

  21. Let us not for get Boo Hearne ...... you can never really know what people commenting here know or have done in their life.

  22. Who ya got in the Belmont Stakes, Tori or SJP?



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