Thursday, May 16, 2019

Blind Item #1

This A+ list news anchor was wearing lifts at least a couple of inches high for his cable network's upfront. 


  1. Replies
    1. Anderson Cooper is 5’10 no need for lifts.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Replies
    1. Don Lemon is 6’0 why would he need lifts at 6 feet tall. Next...

  4. They're all such betas, it's hard to choose.

  5. Don lemon? Google says he's 5'6"

    1. Don Lenon is not 5’6 he’s 6 foot. Met him in New Orleans at Mardi Gras. He is tall. You

  6. brian williams is 6'1". shep smith is 5'7".

  7. Just trying to figure out if don lemon or shep smith are that high.

  8. Given some of the shit that comes out of Don Lemon's mouth, I feel like he must be high all the time.

  9. Haha, Jimbonius I could have stated that better but that’s pretty funny.

  10. Rachel Maddow?

    1. Can't tell if you're threatened that she's a woman or a lesbian, but either way, go back to fellating yourself.

    2. I’m not even gay and I would chill with Rachel Maddow lol

  11. Lifts for men do seem silly and unnecessary, but it's also a little sexist to mock them when on the other hand women can wear platform shoes or hooker heels without much comment.

  12. @tinydancer, You should see Hayden Panettiere, I seriously thought she was someone's young child at first.

  13. Replies
    1. Don lemon is 6 feet tall people. Doesn’t need lifts.

  14. @Brayson
    it's not sexist to make fun of short men with inferiority complexes

    when women do it - they aren't doing it to be taller, they are doing it for fashion and to make their legs look longer - and it is obvious, on display for all the world to see
    when men do it - they are doing it to hide the fact that they are pipsqueaks and pray that no one will notice

  15. Manlets... 666 rule...6 feet tall, 6 inch dong, 6 figure income...--taken from 8chan--

  16. I know lots of short women who wear heels or ridiculously thick-platformed shoes... to look taller.

  17. For a male to wear lifts, it seems that it could be anyone, as most of the male cable news guys are so into being alpha male. My guess is Greg Gutfield.

    For those of you that are like “WoMEn WeAR HiGH HEeLS” - reach out to your local female newscasters and ask them about the feedback they get on their looks vs their male counterparts. Now multiply that for women who are on national news networks.

    Point is- female newscasters can’t seem to win. They are either too skinny, too fat, wearing something ugly, wearing something that they already wore once, wearing something unflattering, showing too much skin (omg her ankles!!!!), dressing too conservatively, hair too short, hair too long, too much make up, not enough make up, etc.
    Males on the other hand can wear the same suit every day and no one cares.

  18. "They're all such betas, it's hard to choose."

    Coming from the ultimate beta, that is pretty funny!

  19. I kind of feel bad for the short guys, sure some are jerks but I've known a lot of cool short guys too. It's not like they had any choice in their height. It's fat shaming to call out people about their obesity, but when it comes to height it's like game on. That doesn't seem right. It's not like people can diet or exercise to be taller or shorter.

    1. Exactly. It’s all “don’t body shame!” until it’s body shaming men. Whether it’s height or dick size or baldness, it seems perfectly ok to shame them for things out of their control, and then expect them to just laugh or shrug it off. If you don’t want to be judged for your saggy tits or triple wide cellulite ridden ass, then don’t do the equivalent to men. Or, make all body shaming acceptable. The hypocrisy is what gets me. “I can insult you til the cows come home and you have to sit there and take it, but don’t dare reciprocate!”

      And I never minded shorter guys. I’m really short, why would I want a really tall guy? So I can break my neck looking up at them? Nah. Tall girls need tall men, it seems wrong for the short girls to take them all.

  20. George snuffalupagus?

  21. Fucker Carlson although he's more D- list unless you're a nazi

  22. Ryan Seacrest always wears lifts, I’m certain all these little dudes do. Little man syndrome. I’m sure if they had big dicks they wouldn’t worry about the lifts in their shoes.

  23. Most women I know personally that are on TV as wether people or news casters don’t even wear heals because their feet are not on camera. My one friend on the weather channel wears fuzzy slippers with her fancy dresses lol

  24. omg I want a job where I wear fuzzy slippers and fancy dresses

  25. I agree with stephanopolous, but I thought everybody knew he was sawed

  26. Gutfeld isn't an anchor and Shepard Smith is over 6 feet tall.

    George Snuffalupagus, on the other hand, is teeny tiny. I saw him in a subway station years ago and couldn't believe how itty bitty he is. But I'm not sure if he's considered an anchor.

    Strictly speaking, anchors are the guys who sit at the desk and read the headlines, toss to the remote reporters, toss to the weather and sports guys

  27. I’ll be subscribing to comments in case someonody DOES post a Seinfeld joke. Haha

  28. CRAP “Seinfeld” with

  29. Cest Vrai -- just went by height that Google stated for don lemon, sorry

  30. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Miss Hillary's personal little person...George S.

  31. Little Jimmy Acosta?

  32. Jesus christ, we get it, Don Lemon is tall.
    He's still an assclown though.
