Monday, May 13, 2019

Blind Item #1

The wannabe momager of this singer went house shopping this weekend looking for a place because she thinks she is going to come into some money very soon.


  1. Replies
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  2. Poor Britney. Her father may be a bad man but at least he has kept her alive and in the money. Does anyone think she can really take care of herself?

  3. Sounds like Britney, but doesn’t her mom have that mansion in Louisiana? Kentwood or whatever?

  4. Bless this hot mess!

  5. They will both run through that money in 5 years.

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Can you imagine how good Britney would be at yachting? Talk about rocking the boat!

  7. Pick a side Enty. On one hand,her Mom needs a home near Britney. On the other hand,anyone who looks into the conservatorship knows her Father is not taking anymore than a professional would,possibly less. Also,Britney and Lynn are both claiming the Father had her committed,which is not possible. My thought is something in particular happened. But the time to change things isn't when she is obviously not well. Money should be the least of anyone's concerns. And keep Sam Lufti as far away as possible.

  8. Is there anyone in Britney's life who truly cares for her?

  9. Yes, Britney's mom has a huge house in Louisiana.

    No one can be committed for more than 72-96 hours just because someone says they're crazy. They might get picked up but there will be some type of hearing for longer stays. At least that's the way it is supposed to work and patients know it. Many who have been involuntarily committed in the past will come in and the first thing they declare is, "I want to be released in 72 hours". or whatever time limit is set by the state. The countdown begins.

  10. Enty seems to care about Britney and be reliably close enough to her situation (based on his Britney podcasts parts 1-3) that I believe most of what he says. I doubt anyone has her best interests at heart .

  11. Abby you can absolutely be committed for more than 3 days if the hospital deems you unstable. It goes from 5150, to 5250 (which is a week or something), to 5350 (which is a full month). After that I think you have to be released.

  12. Poor Britney. I was wondering if there’d be a Britney blind today. Shit looks like it’s heading south really quickly with her. I wonder what her mental illness is? And how on earth could anyone exploit their own child like they do to Britney? Sickening.

  13. Astra: Britney is 100% bipolar 1, she had classic mania back in the day. She probably has PTSD too

  14. @Krissie, there is still a discussion amongst the doctors/staff.

    My point was that no one, including Britney's father, can throw her into a mental hospital and walk away. There are procedures.

  15. Of course there is a discussion, that's why people are held for longer than the 72 hour hold.

  16. Lynne because she wants to be here for her daughter, Enty. You can spread all the fake BS you want but Jamie is a mean, nasty man and he's abusive and controlling her. Her mother needs to set her free.

  17. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Do none of the posters posting here even do any homework?? Geez! At Astra, Britany is under MIND KONTROL and has been for a LONG time when her money hungry parents sold her out to the highest bidder in da gooberment controlled hellywood. Do your homework peeps!! Most of the "stars" are mind controlled and from early ages. Her poor excuse for parents who had dollar signs sold her out to the Disney machine and it's mind controlling industry. Anyone remember her head shaving British.talking episodes?? She's not all there. And Amanda Bynes and misha Barton and on and on...... They are victims.

  18. The consensus here seems to be Britney, but when I read this blind, I didn't get that vibe at all. Plus, Enty always writes permanent A list "Singer".

    One another thing to point out, the mother is "coming into money soon". What does that mean? Is the singer going to die?

    Britney's mother always looked like she legit loves her daughter(s) and she has a nice place that I'm sure Britney bought her in Louisiana.

    Who else can it be??
