Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Blind Item #14

This law and order Governor from a large state uses a staffer to buy marijuana which is completely illegal in the state. 


  1. Replies
    1. The guy who sang "Shake You Down"?

  2. Replies
    1. It's the hypocrisy that's the issue, not the weed. Texas is one of the more hardcore states as far as drugs go.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.



  5. "I can't feel my legs, you guys." -stoned Grag Abbott

  6. Hmm, now nobody will accuse Enty of being the one and only in publishing some information!

  7. If I had to live with Texans I'd be using more than weed to make it through the day. Bad enough I've got hillbillies on drugs where I live in Florida.

  8. Sorry txredhd but you know it's mostly the trooth!

  9. If this is Abbott, it is sad. He is in a wheelchair. I wonder if this is a medical marijuana issue - if so it is between him and his doctor.

  10. @Thorne and @txredhead - lolololol

    Same guy who thinks school teachers make $90k a year. The blind could explain many things....

  11. It's probably the least offensive thing a governor has used a staffer to buy. ;)

  12. Sandy - I'm a Texan, and I promise we do not have tumbleweeds rolling down the street! Lol

    If Texas is hillbilly, then what the heck would you call Alabama, Mississippi and Kentucky?

  13. Of course they are hillbillies who do you think I was talking about when I mentioned the hillbillies here Kelly? Texans don't need Florida it's tax free and has jobs too.

    1. I think you need hills to be a hillbilly. Florida hillbillies are called crackers. But only if they’re natives, otherwise they’re rednecks. Aren’t you by Jacksonville? It’s especially full of them around there for some reason. Still the best damn state though even though it’s hotter than Satan’s nutsack right now 👌🏻☄️🌴🔥☀️

  14. greg abbott is worse than rick perry, who was worse than W. the circle is complete with abbott. he even fucks over the disabled. he's a sanctimonious, hypocritical shit.

    1. True. At least here in Dallas we're fajrly liberal.

      I think this is Abbott the asshole. F*ing hypocrite. Just like the cheaters who want to ban abortions except for their mistresses.

  15. Michael Avenatti indicted on fraud charges, Wendy Williams's son arrested for punching dad in the nose! Where are those blinds Enty?

  16. Great. We've got Amazing Quotes and, now, Govt Jobs. More weed, now.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I always thought W was a complete idiot until I got to hear Rick Perry and Ted Cruz, I'm not that familiar with Abbott but am familiar with Texan voting habits, so nothing about him would surprise me.

  19. @Amartel - LOL! We've also got a third 'Unknown' selling photocopiers on another post!

  20. Trust me, it's not Abbott. It's Cuomo NY

  21. I'd drop acid if i lived in Texas...except for Austin.

  22. Marijuana cures cancer in the form of CBD oil which does not get you high.Cigarettes are legal.....was this just an oversight in our Just US system or has the mafia/CIA been running our country for way too long? They make lots of money on drug trafficking , kinda' like prohibition which was great only for the teetotalers and mafia/CIA.

  23. Listen to all you morons.
    It could be medicinal in nature. The guy suffered a crushed vertebrae in his youth and Texas probably doesn't allow medical marijuana.

  24. I have lived in Texas in the DFW area for several years. It's not as redneck as you might imagine at all. I've also lived in Tulsa...a little more redneck, but still not a lot. I'm about 90 minutes south of Chicago, and people here are a lot more hick or redneck or whatever label you desire than either Tulsa or Dallas...don't let the boots and drawls fool ya!

  25. OH!! I almost one from or living in Florida has room to point any fingers at anyone else in the US ... every time I hear a serious WTF story, my first thought is Florida. I think it's the heat and humidity you guys have to deal with. ;p Tulsa has its fair share of loons, too, though. Like the chick who snuck into her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend's funeral and cut her breasts off....that was a little over the top, even for Tulsa! The woman died of cancer, btw...just so you didn't think she was murdered by the ex, too.

  26. I'd rather live in a hillbilly state than a cesspool like CA, NY, or FL.....


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  28. All of the significant blinds the blinds have real information NEVER get revealed. NOT A WORD about Kappy? Whose snorting coke and whose cheating on who is the only thing Entity every talks about. This site is such crap. And for the people on here bragging about being liberals you should be embarrassed. There are NO liberals anymore. Just faux libs. They are the most racist biased mental patients on the planet but on the internet they are in a desperate competition to prove how they are more " UN-Racists" and more tolerant then the rest of their faux liberal friends. They are the ones who are creating drama in public with their cameras running every second so they can breathlessly run home and put it on social media while impatiently waiting for likes and comments on how great they are. They are so desperate for attention they are taking their kids to storytime with drag queens/child molesters to prove are they are the "Most tolerant" If this is true that this a true story about a crippled Republican Senator is just proves Entity is a shil The amount of crimes being committed by Democrats at this point and time and THIS is What entity comes up with SMH. What a joke.

  29. Native and current Texan, I have no troubles believing this is Abbot. Dallas area is pretty blue, but sadly we're a long ways away from legalizing it still. Wish I had a staffer to pick up my green!

  30. I'd also add that there's no way Abbot is the only politician that does this. Cmon, just like the politicians in Alabama will find a way to the get the mistress abortions, I'm sure many politicians in states that haven't legalized weed also partake. And none of them pick it up for themselves

  31. He has the power to change things. Guess he doesn't want to upset his backers, which is a shame.

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  33. Wow!!

    CC is channeling Archie Bunker, Clarabellatina forgot to take her meds this morning, and Enthusiam Quotes has brought his friends from India here for a visit.

    What a time to be alive and on this site.

  34. Wait and see how it plays out in states that have legalized. The revenues are not as projected and there are a lot of unintended consequences that no one mentions in the drive to legalize.

  35. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Cuomo NY probably for Sandra. That's the only thing I admire him for is sticking with her through her illness. Of course he probably only did that to avoid the scandal of dumping her.

  36. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Amartel, you are right. I live in a legal state and it's a cluster you know what. When all is said and done, the state governments will just squander the revenue. We should have stuck with medical and dispensaries. The shops are so lame. I used to go with my buddy who used it for pain and they are like going into trendy old "head shops". Just cringe.

  37. If he gets caught and sent to a jail Kim K can get him out!!! Yay Kim!!

  38. A new medical marijuana law is moving forward in Texas. Abbott supposedly supports it. It sort of came together unexpectedly.

  39. I've been to shops in Colorado and Seattle. The clientele is middle-aged women and 20-something women. I was in the Colorado shop for 45 minutes on a Saturday afternoon and I was the only male non-staffer the whole time.

    I was talking to a retired utility exec about it. He said that if I happened to visit again and had some spare edibles, he would take them off my hands.

    Legalization is gonna happen, good or bad.
