Thursday, May 02, 2019

Blind Item #14

Apparently at least two candidates for President on the Democratic side have determined that buying the votes of certain, not in public office superdelegates is not a crime. The thing is though, if they hide the payment, then it is a crime. It will be interesting to see who suddenly becomes a "consultant."


  1. Kamala and Booker.

    They're getting desperate because they thought they were going to be the front runners before the primary ticked got flooded.

  2. Offset has warrant out for his arrest! They truly are a match made in heaven, anything one of them does, another has to follow. At this rate Offset will be getting a boob job before the year is over!

  3. Here's an idea... just get rid of superdelegates and let the primary chips fall where they may?

  4. news just in mayor of baltimore says she will resign. these politicians dont need consultants, theyre going to need lawyers.

  5. Jeezus, I just read this article.

  6. Well, in their defence, they had such a great example set by Hillary, who got thousands of dead people voting hundreds of times for her in 2016, and nothing happened to her.

    Nothing, except for her still losing.

  7. I thought the dem party had eliminated the super delegates this time around when it was seen as tipping the scale for the candidate the swamp wanted.

    1. I honestly thought the superdelegates had been eliminated too. From The Guardian: "Under the new rules for 2020, superdelegates will still be automatic delegates to the convention. But they will not have a vote on the first presidential ballot if the convention remains contested, which is a distinct possibility given the number of Democrats considering running."

  8. Yup right here:

    @Simon, They changed the rules a bit, but the super delegates are still there.

  9. Simple, make rosario the bag lady!

  10. Votes don't matter, but dollars do. US citizens would be better off using their tax money to hire lobbyists to represent them than electing politicians. At least lobbyists deliver results.

  11. Enty, i cannot believe you opened this up for the crazy alt-right fringe lunatics to speak.


    1. I totally agree-
      As a matter of fact, there's nothing worse than an alt-right lunatic.
      The only thing I can even think of that *is* worse, is the crazy lunatic on the left

    2. Are you triggered by opinions that are not your own?

    3. Like the Democrats' superdelegates issue is some fringe thing or fake. You know that tye people who took issue with it most weren't even Republicans but Bernie supporters, right?

  12. brayson, you may be seriously onto something

  13. I don't know who Enty is talking about but I will say don't be surprised if the Queen of Corruption and Collusion, Hillary Clinton herself, doesn't decide to throw her pants suit in the ring. She just won't go away, on TV every day making one imbecilic claim after another. She must be looking at this posse of clowns (with apologies to real clowns) and thinking I can beat any of these dopes in my sleep. [Insert Shrillary cackle here]

  14. I guess the "Anti-Lynching" fanfare didn't pan out as planned, thanks to Jussie's ego.

    He blew it when he told the cops the attackers recognized him from Empire.

  15. @Brayson, but if there are no politicians then who do the lobbyist lobby to? Businessmen?

  16. @Troy Dyer - How clever!

    Invoking the name of Drudge like a good old reliable far left drone. Of course, if you knew anything about the Drudge Report you would know that it includes stories from all mainstream media outlets, including the NYT, WashPo, LA Times, SF Chronicle, Chicago Tribune, all broadcast networks and CNN. Not to mention the links to literally every major media outlet, US and international, and opinion columnist.

    So if you think calling out Drudge and its readers makes you look smart, it only shows you up for the close-minded troll you are.

    1. I guess we will just agree to disagree on this one. I mean, for me personally, I can’t say Drudge is a reputable source when Matt et al continued to publish unsubstantiated stories about Pizzagate, Barack Obama’s citizenship, and immigrants.
      One could even compare Drudge Report to this very site, but at least Enty has a disclaimer that stories *may be* false and we don’t see CNN running stories that are direct links back to this site (much like Fox News and Drudge).

      Finally, since you asked about my political leanings. I have been a registered independent since 1998. But these lyrics sum up my affiliation:

      Ain't no republicrat, no demmican, they ain't nuthin in between.
      I'm sick of people talking about American dreams -that's all gone.
      Ain't nothin' there for me cause me you see I'm nuthin'
      I ain't left, I ain't right.

  17. @ :| raven |: Oh poor birdy....the American people are starting to wake up and smell the garbage. Alt right lunatic fringe is no longer "fringe". I'll keep the lunatic part....I think it's funny. You can also call me a deplorable any time you like!

  18. The Democratic Party doesn't even pretend to respect the wishes of the bulk of Americans on the left. The Democratic presidential candidate for 2016 was picked in 2008 as part of a deal to shut her up.

    So all those primaries and debates prior to the 2016 election were a sick joke on and time-waster for those who watched and cared.

    Fuck the Democrats. At least Trump isn't trying to start a war with Russia.

  19. @yep, Sure, why not cut out the middlemen?

  20. Cheaters never win and winners never cheat. Dems need to learn this.

  21. People tend to forget that Drudge gave Obama a ton of links when he first started campaigning for president. Maybe Drudge recognized early on that Obama was the bigger story, maybe Drudge just despised HRC, but either way it helped raise Obama's profile. Also it was the Clinton campaign that first brought up Obama's citizenship.

  22. @Carter, Cheating is usually a winning strategy, otherwise why would anyone cheat?

  23. Bunch of nonsense. Superdelegates aren't that important. They wouldn't have made any difference in 2016, even if every one of them had swung to Sanders and especially aren't this year. There will likely be hundreds of them, which is a lot of bribes, and they don't even vote on the first ballot.
    What's really happening is Enty wants to invite 4Chanon back.

  24. Cheaters win a lot. It takes a Hillary Clinton to cheat as hard as she did and still lose. I guess she figured her cheating would make it unnecessary to visit yucky Wisconsin.

  25. Oh, here's some silliness.

  26. @J, No one realized what an incompetent campaigner Hillary would be. She thought she could sail into the White House on Obama's coattails but without putting in any of the hard campaign work that Obama did in his elections.

  27. Brayson, it's pathetic incompetence. How many times did she go to glamorous LA? She didn't visit Wisconsin one fucking time.

    Of course, she also managed to get her sensitive emails onto pedophile Anthony Weiner's porn-surfing computer. She's truly a fuckup's fuckup.

  28. I don't want to dive into the political left/right scramblings...but this morning, on CNN's morning show, Senator Harris was a guest.

    They asked her what three songs were on her playlist..and she said Cardi B. Seriously, does anyone believe a 54 year old former prosecutor spends her days listening to lyrics like "Give him some vag', I'm gettin' a bag, give him some ass, I'm gettin' some Raf
    When I'm done I make him cum, but then he comin' off that cash"?

  29. Don't forget that during the Grammy awards Hillary Clinton did a skit with Cardi B.

    I guess these female politicians are big supporters of roofie-dropping hooker skanks.

    1. I hear Bill is real fond of them

  30. Please do not refer to this party as Democratic because there is nothing democratic about them. Democrat-Socialist or just plain Democrat Party is more appropriate.

  31. The biggest travesty of this political system is that even after almost 250 years of Independence there are only two parties. There should be at least 20 major parties by now to keep each other on toes.

    @Brayson, in Europe there are some parties fighting elections which have promised that whenever a major decision is to be taken they will do it via referendum. Granted those are small countries but I think its time to try some kind of direct democracy. Democracy in its present form has to mutate into something different! Just my two cents!

  32. Hey alt-right racist assholes!!! Fuck you all!



  33. @Anon, are you inviting alt-right trolls for an orgy session? Never seen this kind of strategy here before! But when all else fails, its time for fresh tactics! All the best for your latest adventure!

  34. @Moose, I can totally believe it. Number one I'd say women in their fifties are just as down and dirty as women in their twenties. They're just classier about it. Number two, as a prosecutor she probably heard that kind of language in testimony all the time, people get upset.

  35. @yep, That would be cool, although we've seen how referendums can go wrong. Brexit is such a sh!tshow it makes one wonder if the Brits shouldn't have just stuck with a monarchy. At least a royal wouldn't have surrendered their sovereignty to France and Germany in the first place.

  36. Moose: I'm a 59 yo white professional female. I listen to rap and gangster rap, along with many other genres. EXCEPT COUNTRY!! When you're into music you're entire life, age doesn't matter. My brother is 54yo and he too listens to that type of music, including techno. One can enjoy the music but also dislike the person.

  37. Oh here we go. Please stop with the politics. I'm here for gossip about Hollywood, not politics.

  38. Yeah everyone! Even though it's a political post about politicians, let's all be the sort of people Honey Bunny demands that we be.

  39. The apple, my friends? Tis rotten. The whole apple is rotten.

  40. @Honey Bunny, Is there really a difference? You know the old saying, "Politics is show business for ugly people."

  41. Seriously Entward! After your FB post about keeping it focused ..... you post this crap. Thwr;aouawpoei;dvm;,sdf

  42. Lol well I see everything is the same as it was when I left 🤔😆

  43. Superdelegates were stripped of a lot of their authority after the last election. I call BS on this story. This story probably originated from a Russian troll farm.

  44. @Astra welcome back. And regarding your comment, well there is a saying" the more we change the more we remain the same"!

  45. Ummmmm WTF??? Enty/Entry/Endgame
    Are you losing your mind to the endgame of that disease?? I so hope not

  46. @Bleu That doesn't mean they were understanding the situation... or math. Or maybe they were just acting in bad faith.

  47. Again, like a loud child.


  49. Lol. You might want to investigate who the real owners of this site are. I will give you a hint. If a site has been sued the real owners names are on the legal documents. There is a reason that more and more Pro Repug blinds are slipping in. I was told this by someone who works in the PR business. Get used to blind gossip sites directing the narrative. And it sucks. I come for gossip not political manipulation.

  50. I'm with Raven on this: all the alt right lunatics are out in full force with all their conspiracy theories.

  51. I'd vote for a Roomba before I'd vote for Trump. Enty is out of Virginia, and it wound't surprise me one bit if he was paid for this post.

    These sad, looney tunes MAGA supporters deserve to be pitied. They either don't understand, don't read, or don't care to educate themselves about the lies they've been fed.

    1. Have you accepted mainstream media as your lord and savior?


  52. @TSAP, mirror, "These sad, looney tunes MAGA supporters deserve to be pitied. They either don't understand, don't read, or don't care to educate themselves about the lies they've been fed."

  53. @Anon Y Mous - Hello simple minded leftwing invertotard.

  54. It's all a Zio/Masonic pantomime anyway, pick your poison - Neo Con - destroy ((enemy)) countries or the even stupider destroy your own via socialism.

  55. To people who still think thousands of dead people can vote hundreds of times?? Stop peddling your fake news. I am so sick of you degenerates.

  56. The Jimmy Carter Institute monitors elections all over the world. Best? Venezuela . Worst? federal election laws. They are for important stuff like marijuana. Have seen a video of a little girl about 10 hacking our electronic voting machines in 10 minutes with no special equipment.The vote count used to be 51 to 49 a lot ...think they are switching it up more now.CNN even reported last election. Stated "21 state's elections were hacked...DC has known about it for 10 years." In reality, 21 states were "rigged" and DC has known about it much longer than 10 years. But hey, it works for them. They get rich while in DC taking money from corporations and don't have to worry about getting reelected.

  57. New Mexico’s Harding County, where there are 62 percent more registered voters than living, breathing adult citizens.

  58. Let me see... Everyone to the right of Joseph Stalin is alt-right. Everyone who wants legal, as opposed to illegal, immigration is racist. Anything the press fails to report is a conspiracy theory. Also Trump is Hitler, and antifa is protecting us from fascism. Got it.

  59. This thread shows the problem with today's politics...people who place party over country and refuse to cooperate with the "other side" to find common ground. It's just hurling insults and doubling down in order to prevent the other party from getting their way. Obstructionist politics. Thanks for adding fuel to the fire, CDaN.

  60. People on the right are so self righteous. The bar has been lowered to the ground by Trump that there is no more moral standing in politics.

  61. Biden will get the nomination and lose.

  62. Yeah. They should just do it the old fashioned way and whip up the rubes into a racist frenzy like real presidents.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. my last comment on this ... and EVER on this blog regarding politics.

    ANY of you who fucking believe in a megalomaniac, misogynist, racist, rapist, idiot, imbecile, pathological lying piece of shit like the current president needs to have your fucking head examined!

    10,200+ DOCUMENTED LIES since he's been in office.

    he's a fucking crook, cheater, criminal.

    he is an openly racist hate mongering asshole.

    it is unfathomable to me that this person represents the United States of America and hold nuclear codes.

    he throws temper tantrums like a god damn 5 year old when he doesn't get his way.

    HE KNEW he was fucked when Mueller started the investigation. why else would he say that if he wasn't guilty??? his own words said it all. you can all live in your distorted world of his ... the US is no longer any type of super power country. we are the laughing stock of the WORLD (except for his close buddies in Russia and North Korea).

    if that sits fine with you, so be it.

    i have never labeled myself as a liberal, conservative and have always been middle of the road. i believe in PRO LIFE, but i also believe in a woman's right to choose. being that i believe in PRO LIFE, i'm also against the death penalty. that's my favorite. you all screaming pro life!! pro life!!! you're only pro life until birth, then after that it's kill every walking living being.

    i don't know who men think they are telling ME what i CAN and CANNOT do with MY BODY.

    and WHITE PEOPLE are not better than anyone else! and those of you who think you are are the sickest individuals of all.

    we have to suffer 549 more days until this buffoon is GONE and done. and you people who keep screaming about Hillary are idiots. i will post an article later (the link is on my home computer) which was written by a guy who HATED her and then did some investigation and research on her and wrote about it. it would open your eyes, if you only let it.

    hate me if you want. i dgaf. i've been on this blog a lot longer than a lot of you; i just haven't always commented. but this insanity of who is in the white house .... is beyond my comprehension.

    1. ...all due respect
      I highly doubt this is your last comment on politics here.

      That's all I got.
      I hate politics.
      But smart enough to know that people who entertain such things...cannot stay away

  65. Raven, I like you and your comments although we definitely don’t agree on politics. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  66. Raven 👏👏👏

  67. The comments here show the reason why the word LIBTARD has made it into all official dictionaries.

    It's a real word because the description fits.

  68. Sorry @ raven but we have about 2000 days until someone is elected to take over from President Trump. Get your safe space ready. November 3, 2020 will be as glorious as November 8, 2016 was for Trumpeteers!

  69. @Raven - well I don't believe in him but for absolutely NONE of the supposed reasons you list. It's like argueing about wrestling, about which fake persona you champion. IT's ALL FAKE.

  70. The party that committed suicide.



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