Friday, May 24, 2019

Blind Item #13

The friend of the royal who arranged the original yachting meet with the alliterate actress is someone the actress does not want associating with the royal. However, that friend has accompanied the royal on a trip out of the country and a long time former girlfriend of the royal flew into that same country. Meeting?


  1. Megan/Harry and his friend...

  2. Lol cheating his wife not even a month after she's given birth. Klassy, kid. Mama would be proud.

  3. Because she flew into the same country they must be meeting?


  5. even if he isnt cheating, going on a holiday abroad and leaving the wife and weeks-old baby at home is kind of sketch

  6. Harry and Chelsy? Harry's not gonna cheat on Meghan yet, this is ridiculous. It's plain he loves her and is happy.

  7. Yes, leaving his weeks-old baby at home with a mom who supposedly has no nanny and whose own mother has returned to Los Angeles.

    Although "home" is a relative statement. Supposedly Meghan and Harry live at Frogmore Cottage, but nobody has ever seen any lights on there or any residential vehicles coming or going.

    It's located in a fairly public area near a walking path that is accessible to everyone, so you'd think there would be a lot of sightings, but there have been none at all.

    Don't new babies get taken out for fresh air in their baby carriages? Or at least sit in the garden with their moms?

    Also no sign of the security people that usually surround Royals.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

  8. You're crazy, Nutty. Now that Meghan obviously had the baby and she and Harry are happy, you have to make even wilder and crazier claims to get people to read your pathetic blog.

    And flying to Rome from London is no big deal. Day trip.

    1. You’re blind, Krabs/pubic lice. I would hardly call Harry leaving a 3 day old baby at home to go play polo in Rome a sign of a happy family. Also, Harry hardly looked happy with Meghan at Trooping the Color. I don’t blame him - he thought he was marrying a sex kitten and ended up with a bloated middle aged governess. Also, anyone reading the allegations about their partner having thirsted over C-list celebrities in a desperate attempt to stay relevant right before meeting them as Markle did would surely feel extremely suspicious.

  9. Please. Even if he HAS gone off he met her yachting or with questionable intros. Maybe they married with an 'understanding' and should it matter there is a baby? I don't buy for a second pampered Meghan has no nanny. If she did, it was for a hot second to get Harry to feel he had to be more hands on to help. She is on the public stage, an actress by trade, maybe even used a surrogate by all accounts, so do you really think she is up all night, breast feeding? I think maybe Harry married Meghan because she is so 'open' and yet was going to be presentable and modern, well and she was a honeypot who is not stupid. She was very concerned with her persona and image and career before him so.... Can we really venture to guess what is going on other than probably NOT what we all see publicly?

  10. where is Meghan? in here with us

    how long will you stay? until Meghan rots and lies stinking in the earth

  11. If that’s true MM will absolutely have a meltdown and get her revenge on Harry.

  12. Hello DMers!

    Also lol @ the halfwit prince and his very congenial, giving wife.

  13. If this is Tom Inskip, Harry supposedly reconnected with him after the birth, ending Skippy's "banishment" from Harry's circle of friends.

    Nacho Figueras, the polo player who is supposedly a friend of Harry's, is at the match and an interviewer asked him directly "Not many fathers go abroad within two weeks of a birth. Any word on that from the mother?"

    Nacho's response could be a training video for how to spot a man who is lying. He touches his face repeatedly, prevaricates, and looks away from the camera a lot.


  14. Sounds like an intervention with Chelsea and Alex

  15. Doesn't this site claim harry is gay? Now this? LOL keep track there enty

  16. Oh so ones not allowed to have friend's...noted

  17. lol at anybody who thinks will does not/ will not cheat.

  18. Meghan can't do threesomes yet, so Chelsea is No. 2.

  19. Isn’t the friend supposed to be Markus Anderson?

  20. Anonymous2:18 PM

    No. Tom Inskip used to book Harry's hookers under his name so Harry had deniability. Harry's name was never used when it came to hookers. It was Tom Inskip who booked MM for Harry on their "first date".

  21. Strange time for PH to be getting woke if that, indeed, is what's happening.

  22. Anonymous2:56 PM

    There was an article on an Irish news site that Harry called Tom after the birth and invited him to come see the baby. So the friendship is back on again. I can't find anything on Tom's current location nor on Chelsy Davy's. The palace RPO team appears to have done a good job of keeping the entourage private.

    @The Wiz people who live at Windsor have reported Frogmore Cottage is dead. No sign of activity, no lights, no vehicles. Too bad they don't have real journalists I'd love to hear if there's any activity at the bolthole house.

    1. I doubt that article is true. Meghan’s PR likely put it out so she would look like less of a heartless bitch for isolating Harry from virtually all of his childhood friends and family.

  23. Give me a large break!!!!!

    Harry is in Italy for a CHARITY polo tournament. The charity involved is Sentabale (sp?) which Harry founded and remains closely connected. And while Meghan may not have a nanny she does have help. And finally, it's only one night.

    1. Come on now. One night is a lot when your firstborn child is only 3 weeks old. He also went to Amsterdam when the baby was only 5 days old. Then again, if I were him I wouldn’t want to be cooped up with Meghan all day and night either.

  24. hope im still around when the tell all book MM will write come out. sigh.......

  25. Chelsy is happily in a relationship. Plus she & Harry have remained friends and she was at his wedding. If this is meant to be her, then there is nothing suspicious about them being in the same city.

  26. I rarely bother to look here anymore, the conspiracy theories are so ridiculous. Everyone is a pedophile or yachting. Even Piers Morgan who hates MM for ghosting him confirms how MM and Harry met at a group dinner the very day he met her in person and dropped her off at the dinner. He didn’t hear from her since, likely he doesn’t make a good impression or she just fell in love and started her new life without concerns about meeting more people and networking. If I met “the one” I would ghost the hell out of many acquaintances too.

    1. Then why are you here now? To bitch and complain? Or to tell everyone how much time you don’t spend here? 🙄

  27. @unknown, "ghosting" is a a sign of disrespect and a personality disorder. Value yourself and people more.

  28. @Unknown Enty has never even suggested that Harry is gay. You're delusional.

  29. And also @Unknown You'd "ghost the hell out of many" people you know if you met someone who'd date you? You sound nice.

  30. No, PH did not look happy before the baby arrived. In fact, he looked downright miserable much of the time. The baby most likely took his mind off the constant harping, nagging, and criticizing by MM, because that's what narcissists do.

  31. I wish some people would ghost us.

  32. I'd ghost Piers Moron in a second. He's poison.

  33. Harry will be the new Prince Andrew.

  34. Prince Harry: Get your fun while you can, while the wifey ain't looking. We are all rooting for you!!
    Get it!

  35. I agree I think Chelsy meeting with Harry.

  36. Am I the only one who thinks Harry and Kate have major chemistry? I always thought it looked like he was in love with her. Oh well. Glad I am not "subject"

    1. +1 agreed. Was very obvious.
      I think he was in love with and had a crush on Kate and thought Meghan would be his sexy, American version, who as a yachter was great at sex and knew how things worked in his world (yes, @unknown including satanism and pedophilia), and could handle the limelight, but she was really just low class trash (no matter what her upbringing), and is obviously a narcissistic nightmare.

    2. You are not the only one

  37. momo, you are not the only one that thinks tht about harry and kate.....seems very obvious to me. I love this blind....and Nuttys blog...this is good stuff!!!

  38. Thanks @Blue Margarita.

    Harry was probably looking for a partner like Kate...a pleasant person whose main interest was building a family, someone who could make the necessary adjustments to fit into The Firm and have the quiet strength necessary to deal with all the slings and arrows that are part of public life.

    Unfortunately, Harry didn't have all that much to offer a partner. He's not well educated - unlike Will and Kate, he never attended university, and he supposedly had to cheat his way through Eton - and apart from his time in the army he seems to have had a rather decadent lifestyle. People who know him say he is spoiled, needy, and selfish.

    Supposedly many women turned down his proposals before Meg said yes.

  39. Wow. Prince harry goes on a long arranged trip to play in a charity polo match for his Sentebale charity, to raise funds and awareness for the organisation’s work supporting children and young people living with HIV and Enty manages to turn it into something salacious. They will all be in the US soon. Enty might actually explode with the stories he can invent around them on his home soil.

    I swear that Americans have zero understanding of how the Royal Family actually works. You seem to treat it like a weekly episode of Dynasty.

  40. Sure Craig - why don't you tell the story of Liketeso, one of the girls who inspired Harry to launch Sentebale?

    He promised to finance her education in Lesotho, then entirely abandoned her.

    The press followed up on the story when Harry got married last year and got a "no comment" from Kensington Palace.

  41. New installment of my blog, on the apparently abandoned Frogmore Cottage, here:

    Also accessible via my profile.

  42. Most Americans don't understand how the Royal Family work, that's true. That's why they think Harry is going to be king and keep calling Archie "King Archie." Others (like me) however understand exactly how things work. And we know that Meghan has been acting shady ever since she appeared on the scene. Including either spending obscene amounts of money on couture (more than $500,000 in her first six months). OR, she's being paid by those companies to merch (which is totally against the rules). Do I believe she yachted? I think it's likely. Shady, greedy people do shady, greedy things.

  43. And all the crazies show up right on cue.

  44. Firstly, MM was definitely a yachter. Secondly, i was shocked to learn how someone so new to the family was spending more on clothing than the Queen of Spain! She wants all the perks but doesn't seem to give them respect. It is said that she is isolating him from his friends. I've been there. That is extremely scary narcissistic behavior. Personally I think she married him for obvious reasons - she was a nothing actress and now she has been able to befriend all of those A+ people who would never have given her the time of day, and living a life of luxury that we cannot even comprehend. But to assume that all the protocols of the RF that have been in place for centuries will change to suit her is moronic. Kudos to her for getting what she wanted, but nothing comes free.

  45. I love Nutty's scoops and insights and I say more, please!!!

  46. News Flash - Nutmeg was never pregnant. There is no baby. They used a doll in the reveal video. She is a shady grifter who thought she could get one over on the Royal Family with a surrogate. Not the best plan, and quite stupid. Prince Harry went to Lesotho with Adam Bidwell, aka Bidders, his longtime friend. Harry and Nutmeg are no longer together, she is toxic and in deep trouble. When the news comes out in a month or two that they are divorcing, don't say I didn't warn you.

  47. A ring and baby are all a golddigger needs to drop the mask and turn from the woman of one's dream into controlling *itch.

  48. There was also a young woman whom Harry got fond of in summer 2017, see vid of him and her at a concert, but I'm guessing there have been many. PH was a single man for most of 2017 so he could do what he wanted and with whom, not that a girlfriend would have stopped him in any case. The young blonde was probably seen off by the reappearance of MM and her inducements, whatever they might have been, sporadic and unwanted during 2017 until IG Toronto at the end of Sept. I go along with the Inskip theory above as his reported booking system on PH's behalf gels with the rumour that Inskip was with MM before PH. His name might have been associated but he's taking the fall for PH maybe? I have yet to be convinced that there is a human baby. If one has appeared by now then it's born of surrogacy, no matter what the spins would have us believe. PH is said to have taken Ms Latham, PR, to Italy and a ? Ms Ling. Frogspawn is said to be deserted btw. All will come out in the wash.

  49. I believe the baby was a doll, and that Meghan was never pregnant. I don't understand why Harry went along with it though. Someone please explain.

  50. It's not Inskip, Prince Harry was photographed with Bidders at the Polo. Bidders also was at the Vegas romp.

  51. Sort of an edit Tumblr says that it was 'Biggers' who introduced. Take yer pick. All part of the same gang. And Biggers who was with him in Italy.

  52. Who cares if the baby was born via surrogate? Why would they hide it? They seem like a very progressive couple that doesn’t mind breaking the Royal protocols and in addition they probably have an “arrangement “ in place that satisfies all parties involved. Cheesy Davy’s has to be one of the ugliest women I have ever seen and I would hope that even if they had an open marriage Harry wouldn’t not bang that buck tooth squirrel again. I actually liked it when he was dating the girl who played Clara on Doctor Who. Let’s face it MM Is not going anywhere anytime soon, she is riding this gig til the wheels fall off or they kill her the way they did Diana.

  53. @Nutty_Flavor

    I hope you see this.

    I have a photo for you I think is relevant to your blog. Would you please send your email addy to:

    Thanks in advance.

  54. The funniest thing is people believing that Sparkles has no nanny! Hahaha.

    Also, did Doria really leave already? I swear Doria and Sparkles' is so telling.

    I don't blame Harry for going to Roma, it's not a huge trip and it was a prior commitment that he honoured. I think Harry wanted what Will had, in the sense, that he also wanted the fairytale wife with the beautiful kids and rainbow and butterflies and all that jazz. He chose poorly because he's dumb. Will wouldn't have given Sparkles a second look and seen right through her in 1.5 seconds, while stupid Harry got played by a d-list actress with mediocre intellect.
    Harry seems like somebody who gets bored easily and look for the next thrill, the next thing to make him feel independent, mature and not in the shadow of his big brother. He will stick it out with Sparkles for longer than he'd like just to stick it everyone, but eventually he will send her packing. It's not like these 2 mismatched idiots are going to grow old together.

  55. For C'est Vrai Peerage Law governs surrogacy and the aristocracy, Surrogacy debars the child from succession to the throne, financial rewards, titles, inheritance etc unless they go through some legal fandango to bypass this Law. Like the Thynnes did recently. So it's not just some piece of arcane nonsense, it will have a very real effect on the future of that surrogate child. Or dolly. I guess dollies don't count. ;)

    1. The kid isn’t even in line for the throne and it’s rumored Harry isn’t even a royal that his real father is his god father whom he looks identical too. There aristocracy in many nations have been breaking royal protocol for thousands of years. This would hardly be a first. Not to mention they didn’t even give the kid a title so who fucking cares.

  56. C'est - you don't seem to understand the monarchy. The child is 7th in line to the throne. Harry is definitely Charles' son and looks more like the Windsors than William. He's almost a double for Prince Philip when he was young. it's not about 'breaking protocol', it's a matter of law, including constitutional. Finally, it's not about the title or lack thereof, per se.

    I'm guessing you're American. Otherwise, thanks for all your insightful and witty comments. It's good to know that MM didn't pull the wool over the eyes of the public generally.

    I used to think that Meg would leave Harry, now I'm not so sure. He might end it. Harry might actually outsmart the con artist. At the end of the day, Harry will have a certain arrogance, given his royal status. William is the same, though Kate has more power now. William used to always pull rank ...



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