Monday, May 20, 2019

Blind Item #13

A few enterprising leaders, including a former actress, of this former cult have started an escort service using some of the still brainwashed former members.


  1. Replies
    1. She is gay or BI right SB?? Maybe that Seagram's lady since Mack is testifying

    2. I believe Enty said here that they got married to avoid testifying against eachother

  2. Whatever the initials are..

  3. Where there is a will there is a way, where there is a P**SY there is pay!

  4. Who doesn't go for a branded chick? It shows a certain commitment.

    How can this be Allison? Isn't she in trouble with the law and getting ready for a substantive prison sentence?

  5. Who are the brainwashed former members?

    Also may Yeshua destroy them all. Gadol El-Shaddai.

  6. Now this is a group that knows how to keep the party going!

  7. That's the entrepreneurial spirit!

  8. Yepthatsme--is that the Yachters' Anthem?

  9. So it's a spin-off cult?
    Different name, same brainwashed sex slaves?

  10. They are probably just looking for men that are vulnerable to blackmail so they can go after real money.

  11. +1 Franee, I didn't even know Mack had a wife. Cally from Battlestar Galactica!

    "Former neighbors of the Smallville star claim that Clyne has been galivanting around her old Halfmoon, New York neighborhood Opens a New Window. with young women believed to have been involved in NXIVM as well.

    “Nicki Clyne is driving around in a white BMW picking up girls on Flintock Lane where she once lived with Allison,” an eyewitness told Radar.

    “It’s crazy because there seems to still be a lot of NXIVM women getting together around here and they aren’t hiding,” the eyewitness continued.

  12. if it's scientology they are wasting their time sending a female escort to tom cruise

  13. Now this is interesting,

  14. And they're calling it... Next VM.

  15. @Brayson: Thanks for forwarding the articles. This keeps getting creepier and creepier.

  16. I've been trying to wrap my head around the idea of doing a lot of this weird stuff just because the group asks you. It seems more like something that insecure teenagers would fall for. I just don't get it. Apparently I am not cult material.

  17. Nice. If the toy is already broken, let people play with it.

    Someone forward them my contact info.

  18. If you hire one of these girls, do you get to put your personal brand on them, or is that extra?

  19. Dem Prez candidate Kirsten Gillibrand's father was a lobbyist for this group. His wife, Kirsten's Step-mom, also involved with NVIXM.

  20. Don't know if NVIXM looked for a certain type or not..but they would show videos of horrible things and if a woman freaked out she wasn't chosen...according to frankreport which is covering the trial. David Koresh , WACO, recruited from the seventh day adventist church in the Appalachian mountains. Some of my neighbors family were there..the women were mostly very pretty......maybe they are already brainwashed by church , don't know. One of them said they all lived in one building..Karesh was on the second floor...when the little girls turned 12, they got sent down to his room.Her brother was killed by the ATF and they kept his body for two years before giving it to the family. Govt. did not refrigerate it. I used to joke that the FBI recruited from the mormon church because the men already looked the part and were brain washed. A journalist I respect stated this was true. I think the common denominator is easily brain washed people in the cults and FBI.

  21. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Christine Gillibrand and NXIVM, but she's a current actress though, currently playing presidential candidate.

  22. They aren't brainwashed, whatever that means. No, they have sworn oaths as members of military intelligence to follow orders, just like any other grunt. Being in the psychological warfare division, they play act under orders as members of non-existent "cults" as part of the ongoing operations of fake events that are designed to keep us on the cortisol/dopamine hamster wheel. The only relief we are supposed to get from all the anxiety caused by these hoaxes is from shopping therapy. Spend. Stay a slave to credit debt. Work three jobs just to keep a roof over your head. Slave.
    Yours in Christ, risen.

  23. Have any of you seen the YT video with the young guy who went to a NXIVM recruitment party? I can't remember his name or what it was called, but searching "I went to a NXIVM party," or something of the short should pull it up, I remember it having a decent # of views.
    Worth watching-100%.

    Everytime I hear someone say NXIVM, I wonder how the ppl that make Nexium heartburn medicine feel, as well as thinking I should put it on my grocery list.

  24. Think that's an annoyance, when AIDS hit the mainstream, Ayds candy went off the market. See, Ayds was supposed to reduce weight but AIDS did it much better.

  25. @HouellebecqGurl - I've watched the video you've talking about. I read or watched a video on YT a few days ago about Kappy and someone said that a reporter or someone who infiltrated that party mysteriously (as usual) died. I obviously don't know if that's true or if its that same dude, but who knows these days! Can't be a coincidence that people are dropping like flies after they talk about these horrible types of things.

    What I also don't get, is why on Earth would ANYONE one of them be doing illegal activities at this point in time when I'm sure they're being closely watched by the FBI? How stupid are these people?



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