Thursday, May 09, 2019

Blind Item #12

I guess at this point, the wealthy offspring of an even wealthier dad just doesn't care that her B-/C+ list celebrity spends her money while traveling all over the world without her and will cheat on her with anyone. Last night was no exception. At one store yesterday he spent $15K of her money. Then cheated on her last night. Great relationship.


  1. Chloe Green and Hot Felon

  2. I would believe either of those lol :) ps I think the felon guy is gross. At least scott looks hot with facial hair and knows how to dress.

  3. Lord Dipshit has money but fuck yah Lionel should be out kicking some royal ass.

    1. +1 They gave her the "Kourtney Facial Reconstruction Special" & made Scott & Kourt her pimps. What's good Lionel?

  4. I would disagree with C'est Vrai. Scott is not attractive--very basic.

    1. Looks awful without facial hair... agreed basic. But with the beard, love love love him. Sorry not sorry :)

  5. It's Chloe Green and the felon. Karma's a bitch.

  6. Meeks is trash. Chloe is trash with money. They deserve eachother.

  7. Is the not-hot felon really B-/C+??? I thought he was more around D

  8. Could be be a felon again for spreading his HIV?

  9. Definitely sounds like Chloe and Meeks...yuck. She's getting everything she asked for in choosing him. Just like with some of the men who choose golddiggers, it's probably cheaper to keep him on a long expensive leash than to have him sue for childsupport and/or beg and blackmail for personal upkeep.

  10. Bad girls want bad guys, being treated like sh!t is just part of the turn on.

  11. I think Scott is quite attractive, he's just too small of a man for me.

    He looks like he's 5'8" on a good day.

  12. If she dumps him now she has to admit to everybody that she's been a complete and total idiot. She might prefer that he spends her money and porks whomever he likes than that.

    We're also assuming that she isn't a total horndog herself. Possibly the marriage is for when neither of them has anything better going on that night.

  13. Isn't Hot Felon HIV positive? Hope his partners know...

  14. Yes that would be Chloe (my daddy can buy me anything I want) Green and Jeremy (I’ll dip my wick in anyone) Meeks. I can’t feel sorry for her because she has a habit in recent years of buying her boyfriends away from their current relationships. Her parents tried to launch her into society when she was younger which was excruciating. When that failed Chloe herself continued to attempt to buy her way into the British, then the European aristocracy but was rebuffed and became an insider joke. Even the most desperately impoverished, drug and drink addled and least choosy of the old order (and there are many in those categories) have some standards. You do not have to an aristocrat/upper class but you have to have something to offer besides having the right connections - witty, outdoorsy, daring, pretty or simply sweet and kind. Chloe was none of these things and worse of all she was very rude to staff, most notably during the season and at house parties, and that is a real no-no. It’s simply not acceptable, especially to butlers and other high ranking household staff, but actually to anyone. Noblesse oblige is replaced with the brash new money “I want, I get” in the Green family. She is as shallow as a puddle and as thick as two short planks, so the cutting asides and reprimands went straight over her head. Now she is persona non-grata. She probably went after the married father Jeremy Meek because of the erroneous title of “hot” felon, then got quickly got a bun in the oven to seal the deal, he for the money, she as his girlfriend. Given her parents unfortunate looks, and sadly the DNA didn’t fall far from the tree in Chloe’s case, she was probably hoping the baby might not resemble the Green side. I understand her father, the pension swindler, is not happy with Daddy’s little Princess and her relationship with Meeks.

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    1. Nothing says true love more than taking away freedom of choice with a potion 🖤 as if it works

  16. Ugh.. Dipshit is ugly as fuck! Were It not for him getting Kourtney knocked up 3 times, he would be an ABSOLUTE NOBODY! He’s useless, worthless.. total cull...
    I won’t twll y’all how I REALLY feel! 😒😏😂😂😂

  17. I always thought Scott was good looking but I haven't seen him lately.

  18. @Christine. Glad to hear your relationship is back to normal. I wondered if those love spells worked. Do they work for other things?

  19. Scott is not bad looking at all. But the main difference between him and Meeks is that Scoot can actually strong a sentence together, has had exposure to the world, and seems kinda fun and funny. Meanwhile Meeks is a sub-educated, minor gangster fro the hood r who served jail time. I mean, what the fuck is there to talk to him about?

  20. How old is she? I can't even imagine what her family must think. He's famous because of his mug shot. A lot of women go through that bad boy stage in their twenties. Unfortuately I've learned that sometimes the good guys go through mid-life crisis and turn evil when they hit 45-50 so you can't win.



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