Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Blind Item #12 - Met Gala

The vast majority of attendees to the Met Gala monetized their appearance. From makeup to hair products to how they got ready to accessories, everything was sold at a price. The attendees would then tell their followers how to get the products. The powers that be have always given preference to advertisers who advertise in the magazine for a year or longer, often with multiple pages. For a fraction of that, advertisers just throw some money at an attendee and get a lot more eyeballs. Plus the makeup artists and everyone else also get paid by advertising every product they are using on the attendee and then also giving a link to purchase. So, because of that kind of monetization, you have the stylist people paying the attendee to work on them rather than getting a fee for doing the work. Next year it wouldn't shock me if a guest or two had advertising on what they choose to wear, much like NASCAR.


  1. This is a good commentary masquerading as a blind.

  2. Well of course! that's never been a secret!

  3. But also that's how Instathots make their money and KTrash and Bella Thorne, holding something up and telling their followers to buy it and where.

  4. At the end, all of it comes down to the followers actually buying what these celebs are selling/promoting. If they are willing to pay what is the problem?

  5. The Met Gala is over. Trash.

  6. *Met Gala* and *Nascar*
    It's a simile.
    Because this year was truly a wreck.

  7. It was awful this year. I actually miss Blake and Rihanna.

  8. @Sandy lol
    Agree with everyone. I thought it was far from
    Actual”camp”. More like the fast food version.
    That Ezra Miller (?)dude was interesting.

  9. Why did you do this Un-entered?? Are you THAT desperate to fatten your wallet??
    BTW, didn’t see photos showing YOU there! I KNOW I wasn’t..but I’m not a big (ahem) celebrity like you!!😏😏

  10. Some of the peoe followed the guidelines though like every year. And then Anna bitchs that nobody dressed as they were told.

  11. Maybe next year the theme will be Nascar. Just picturing a tobacco-brown gown with "Skoal" across it.

  12. Perfect. Next year's theme: NASCAR.

  13. This just seems like good business haha

  14. Lol,Shakey!

    Somewhere, PMK is reading this, and thinking, "Why wait til next year! Girls? Ill be selling ad space on all outfits starting tomorrow!"

  15. A country of sheep. No wonder our elders weep

  16. Like studios pay influential critics under the table to write better reviews for their crap films? Gotta get that high RT score. Everything (and everyone) is for sale.

  17. Sad thing is, the Met loses more than anyone else here. No one cares of Vogue goes under - that's going to happen eventually anyway, but the Met really needs this influx of cash every year.

  18. For a fraction of that, advertisers just throw some money at an attendee and get a lot more eyeballs.

    Speaking of eyeballs, check out Ezra Miller at the 2019 Met Gala. He is as camp as it gets.


  19. It was the lamest Halloween party ever. But can Enty really be surprised that celebrities who are willing to hit the couch or sell their a$$es on the high seas would also try to make money at this joke event? If anything it's a step up for them.

  20. It was a total cluster fuck. Anna needs to leave the reality stars at home. They totally stunk up the place.

    Fashion wise I mean.

  21. Burning question: does anyone know who was sponsored by Big Red gum?

  22. Enty more blind items like this please. This is gold.

    1. ALso, please do have that advertising dude who wrote the book back on the podcast. I really enjoyed listening to him talk shop. ☕️

  23. I do not understand camp. I thought it had to do with drag queens. All explanations welcomed.

    1. @T.W. there is a discussion about what “camp” is over here: https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2019/05/blind-item-4-met-gala.html?m=1

      I even get called “tacky” in that thread—which I don’t think I’ve ever gotten called before. 😭😭😭😭😭😂🤣

  24. I'm going to flash up some designer coke vials and call them La Chapa, betcha they'll sell like hotcakes.

  25. Most of the attendees looked like freaks.

  26. "Camp" is usually comedy down to satirize very dark subjects. Nothing at MetGala qualified as "camp." It looked more like that old Rothschild masquerade party in the 70s with Salvador Dali, et al. Nothing new there to see. All been done before, and done better.

  27. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Is that why it's literally a clown show? Agree with above Elphin. Nothing on that runway was "Camp", not even close.



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