Monday, May 13, 2019

Blind Item #11

This former A list singer in a group and solo turned reality judge turned accused rapist makes women who want to hook up with him be topless at all times so they can't hide any recording devices.


  1. Replies
    1. Thought of him straight away-if he’s judging then definitely

  2. Ceelo works, Bobby doesn't work for a reality show judge.

  3. And maybe they ought to start making earring recording devices.

  4. I was going to say there’s gotta be a way to secure an audio recording, but I guess those hiding spots might be otherwise engaged!😆

  5. Cee-Lo.. for sure. He was hit financially by that lady who claimed he drugged her. He doesn't trust ppl now

  6. Haha like there's nowhere else they could hide a recording device. Watches, pens, etc.

  7. Hahahaha Brayson! Great idea- that way, when he pulls a watch out of her butt, she could say “ What? You’ve never seen a watch before?.”

  8. @HeatherBee, Hey worked for Pulp Fiction ;)

  9. I think Lionel would be a++?

  10. CeeLo, for sure! Great voice, some great songs, idiot!

  11. I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone who wants to willingly hook up with morbidly obese CeeLo Green.

  12. I'll go Adam Levine... bc he just seems creepy

  13. Was Lionel Richie accused of rape :( I never thought of him as like that.

  14. Ok. This is bizarre and I thought it untrue when I first heard this from my Computer Programmer brother.

    He said that there is a computer program that if they have your cel phone number, they can call you, plant a program on your device, that will enable whoever plants the program to be able to listen to and/or watch you without you knowing it.

    I didn't believe it when he told me, but he said to be sure to restart your phone every once in a while to disable that program -- if you suspect it.

    Now, I don't know anything about computers other than to research real estate but, since my brother is well knowledgeable about programming, I will take him at his word.

    So, making a woman walk around topless won't stop you from being recorded if they are smart enough to go after you.

    Now, if he make the woman turn her phone off, maybe you're safe then.
