Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Blind Item #10

This A- list mostly movie actress all of you know who will probably never match the success she had in a franchise has stepped up her smoking crack game. She does it almost daily now.


  1. It's okay to call her a crackwhore at that point.

  2. So crack makes you lose your eyebrows then?

    1. https://pagesix.com/2019/05/28/kristen-stewart-no-longer-has-any-eyebrows/amp/

  3. If this is Kristen Stewart I got nothing but 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Can I assume that "smoking crack" is a lezzer euphemism for rug munching?

  5. The brows were shaved or dyed for the David Bowe look at the MET Gala. She sure looks healthy and toned for a crack head.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Her brows are still there, they’re just dyed blonde

  8. Stew has that crack is whack look

  9. Have people learned nothing from the cautionary tales of yore? What about tales of crackheads makes one think, "why not?" 😣

  10. @Vita, From what I've heard those folks have already been climbing the ladder with other drugs, crack is just one of the last rungs.

  11. Guess so, but yikes!😬

  12. On the bright side, Stewart might finally show some expression.

  13. @Abby, Doubt it, but crack whores will do this funny kind of walk. It's tough to explain but it does make you wonder where they hide their drugs.

  14. Sally field in smoky and the bandit

  15. And here’s me shaving my eyebrows off now and then out of style boredom. Probably why I don’t get what’s a big deal here.

  16. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Ok this is definitely Daisy Ridley.

  17. @Brayson87, the funny walk gives "toot" a whole new meaning. :)

  18. In college, I my friends and I hung out with the Rugby team from time to time. Those guys are next-level crazy. If one of them passed out before a respectful level of debauchery was achieved, it was not unheard of to shave just one of the offenders' eyebrow off. So when he woke and looked in the mirror, spying the naked patch where the brow used to be...so a choice would have to be made...shave off the remaining brow himself and let both grow back at the same time...or leave it and spend the next couple of weeks explaining the bald patch while the one grew back, lol!

  19. I’ve known a few celebrity crack heads, kstew seems a bit too calm to be a crack head.... unless she’s speedballing and using heroine to keep her even ....

  20. The Page Six story says she bleached her eyebrows for a Chanel show. Don't know what that has to do with this blind?

  21. KStew has that crack ho look I always thought Samantha Ronson had.
    I don't get the appeal of either.

  22. The Robsessed Twimoms need to stop sending Enty stuff they pull out of their giant asses and Enty needs to stop putting their horseshit up on here. Kstew is a pothead. She doesn't do hard drugs and it is well known by everyone who has followed her closely.
    Enty there is so much lesbian drama going on in her life yet you are too lazy to do the work and talk about the real interesting stuff.
    Kristen rocks the heroine chic look and Twimoms who still think she is actually Bella form Twilight say the spread the same bullshit about Kristen and drugs every time she makes a high profile appearance in a punky style. YAWN



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