Monday, May 20, 2019

Blind Item #10

More superhero show drama. This A- list actress on an almost network superhero show was ticked off she was only offered a recurring role, so she got herself another gig which forced the superhero show to make her full time. To do that though, they had to cut a fan favorite who has superhero all throughout her family down to a recurring.


  1. Emily Brett Richards for the one cut?/

    1. Danielle Panaker? She’s directing something I think

  2. Supergirl? Calista Flockhart getting cut down?

  3. Maybe she got moved up?

  4. "They had to cut a fan favorite who has superhero all throughout her family down to a recurring"
    WHAT? Someone please make sense of this, my brain cells are shot after watching GOT!

    1. No clue..its just random gibberish at this point. Maybe they are implying that she's related to another actor who played a superhero.

  5. I'm pretty sure Callista got cut down because she didn't want to shoot a full show in Vancouver. Supergirl used to be shot in LA.

  6. @ yep, i took it to mean she has family members who are also superhero actors, and her part is cut to recurring. but not really sure

  7. boo hoo. One coucher came out on top. So to speak.

  8. Don't see how it can be Calista that was cut. Her husband is, of course, both Indiana Jones AND Han Solo. But neither is what you would call a superhero really.

  9. Yepthatsme and doleman-- im stuck on this part, too!

    Yep-- GOT-- i know no spoilers, but what did you think? Draining for sure, but mixed feelings.

  10. @Vita, I got no mixed feelings, it was just comedy from season 7 onwards! The last truly Game of Thronesque moment happened when Cercei blew up the sept of Balor! After that it was pure fan service! This finale would have worked on ANY other TV show and it would have been awesome, but I guess we have been so used to see REAL human behavior rather than EXPECTED behavior that it was completely robbed of Authenticity! Also one word, DORNE! WTF!

  11. Panabaker on The Flash? And then JPK (Flash’s daughter) for the superhero throughout the family?

  12. @Yepthsysme.

    When that fat lecher refused to take the mobility scooter and haul his landwhale carcass to the writing desk and the Evil Mouse waved huge checks in front of the snouts of the two David's to help wreck their salce cowboy movies, then HoT was doomed.

    I'm not sure why HBO just didn't fire the ungrateful fucks Weiss and Benioff and bring in someone....anyone... who actually might give a fuck about the show. They wouldn't have needed to make the last two seasons brilliant, or even good, just not the steaming pile of pig shite they were.

  13. Fuck I'm so mad at GoT thatvI can't even blame that cluster fuck of a post on my sentient autocorrect.

    'Yepthatsme' and not...whatever the fuck that is I wrote.

    'GoT' not 'HoT'. GoT has been far from HoT these past couple of years.

    And 'Space' not 'salce'.

    I'm sure there's others I've missed. You can figure them out for yourselves.

  14. Yep and Flashy--im not quite that full of disappointment...that was me final season and a half of Lost. I could accept most of this season for what it was, but there were a couple of oddities, and then last night took a few wrong turns and had some odd pacing

  15. Pretty sure Danielle Panabaker was full time on Flash since the beginning, like every episode. She has nothing but nice things to say about Candice Patton ;)

  16. Katie Cassidy for the other actress?

    Her role's been reduced this season and her uncle played Lana Lang's dad/uncle in Smallville.

  17. @Vita, when LOST was airing I was 8 years old, and I mostly watch live sports and movies instead of Tv series! It was my first one, probably my next one wont be so disappointing!

  18. Bless you, Yep, you're a young'un! 😁 i feel so old! You're opinion is valid, no matter your age (Flashy clearly agrees), I was just sharing that I didnt feel like these writers sailed away aboard the good ship What The F*** in terms of intention the way the others had.i have my quibbles with it, but I don't feel it killed the series.

  19. YOUR opinion, sorry

  20. Ruby Rose Batgirl I think they’ve given her her own spin-off now not just a recurring gig

  21. @Vita, I am not a young one, I meant to write 18 not 8, lol! Sorry about that!

  22. @Yep.

    I still wish I were that young.
