Thursday, May 16, 2019

Blind Item #10

This former A list dual threat actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and is now disgraced is planning on leaking the name of his accuser. 


  1. didnt rapp already do that

  2. Or Franco did the girls that came forward I'd themselves?

  3. Shouldn't be secret.

    There shouldn't be any shame in being sexually assaulted. To move past that, we need to treat it like other violent crime.

  4. I thought so too boozie

  5. Isn't the kids name known already because of his mom? She's a Boston media figure... not hard to figure the rest out.

  6. @J.

    You're right, there shouldn't be, but eith the twisted peado protecting etablishment rife in the world today, can you blame anyone for wanting anonymity?

  7. Guys, has anyone heard about what really happened to Isaac Kappy? I'd say C list or even less, he was a one-scene actor in Thor. Allegedly killed himself, got some notoriety because he publicly accused Hwood pedos, for example Tom Hanks.
    Mainstream media has put in the effort and time to try to dispel the 'conspiracy theories' about his death. Why do that for someone who was barely famous?

    Anybody heard anything?

    1. Kappa also exposed Spielberg and enty did a blind about speilberg and Hanks recently about them both be pedo rapists... I think if you read Kappys last Instagram post which was a goodbye letter he apologized to Q and Trump and it was very very bizarre, something very nepharious going on there with Kappy for sure. Be sure to read his goodbye letter on insta, it’s super creepy.

    2. I did earlier today. Definitely weird. Also who jumps off a highway overpass to kill themselves? It's not tall enough. He would've survived if he hadn't been hit by a car

  8. Just to be a dick? That'll help his case.

  9. Nevermind, I see there is a story about a different accuser who's being allowed to remain anonymous.

    1. I don’t know if any of you have been a victim of a violent crime or a sexual assault, if you have you would know that it is absolutely illegal to leak the name of the victim to the public, the victim’s names is ALWAYS SEALED regardless of age. If it is leaked then you can sue the agency or persons that released the victim’s name and information, I know this from personal experience. It’s known as the victim’s rights act.

  10. Spacey accuser is known (Rapp and others in fact) , so not him. That should leave it for Franco accused by five different women, but maybe still all anonymous.

    1. There was also the teenager Spacey got drunk and groped in a restaurant. In Nantucket or The Hamptons? Somewhere that's popular as a place to go for vacations IIRC. The victim's mom is a reporter or news anchor or something. If the mom is already known, the kid's name is probably out there already too, unfortunately.

  11. Black Tiger- there were a bunch of articles about it online, it was phrased very oddly- "Actor Isaac Kappy died Monday morning after he "forced himself off" a bridge in Arizona. "

    1. I thought the same. Also wondering why they are putting out articles to dispel the conspiracy theories. Why spend that effort on someone who was barely a celebrity?

  12. isnt there a masseuse that went to kevin spacey's home and was assaulted by him? trying to remain anonymous

  13. Vic, not saying it'll be easy, but that's the way forward IMO. I mean, if Sandy tracks me down and beats hell out of me I'll feel ashamed, but I'll still go to the authorities, knowing my identity will be made public. Violent crime sucks, but seeking judicial relief needs to be normalized. And then, of course, police and courts must be watched critically.

  14. Spacey accuser in the sex battery case in Mass is still anonymous so I think it’s spacey.

  15. @Tiger, he actually made a video 3 days before his death to say he was tired of life and other stuff, maybe he was really depressed! But his death was most likely a suicide!

  16. C'est Vrai, you are more correct than I was when writing a few moments ago. I suppose I confused homicide victims (who are typically named) with those who experience violent crime.

    That said, the public very often knows the names of victims in non-sexual assault cases. Perhaps greater efforts should be made to keep those names under wraps. In any case, someone who is attacked and raped* isn't at fault, and shouldn't be shamed, and should be able to report the crime and expect meaningful law-enforcement response.

    * This doesn't apply to disappointed casting-couchers who fail in their entertainment careers.

  17. First thought was Franco. Whoever it is, it has to be someone who is a complete asshole

  18. @J.

    I totally agree but what is easy for you or me to do may not be for others.

    Plus Sandy is a savage, I was I hospital a week after the last Sandy inflicted beatdown.

  19. @Black Tiger.

    I heard there were many witnesses to his death and quite a few tried to restrain him from jumping but he got away from them.

    I'm also one of the first to crash right in with conspiracy theories at the slightest excuse these days. But this particular incident just seems to be what it appears, a tragic self inflicted end to a sadly troubled soul.

    The internal demons and abuse that drove him to such a horrible end? That's a whole different matter.


  21. @Flashy Vick, I also read that some said Kappy was fighting people who were forcing him to jump.

    1. Read that too. And he stated before he wouldn't kill himself.

  22. ooo - AbbyRock -

    See that's the thing - let's imagine there are three people in cahoots to make it LOOK like they are PREVENTING HIM from jumping but with enough scrabble & ruckus - not hard to make it a giant kerfluffle with everyone yelling NO STOP DON'T DO IT while they haul him ankles over ass onto the highway.

    Absofuckign lutely.

  23. This is CDAN - No one just dies (or suicides)... it's always murder. Tomorrow the blinds about who killed Tim Conway (RIP) will start.

  24. Isaac Kappy was a mentally ill person. He choked, then stalked Paris Jackson, stalked and harassed Seth Green and his wife, etc, the list goes on. He should have been in a mental institution or jail.

    And before you get all conspiracy theory don't forget that Isaac Kappy also believed Michael Jackson was innocent and defended him to others.

    1. I haven't read much up on isaac kappy except to see his name here once or twice- but (out of curiosity) I read some stuff online two nights ago ...
      Have you seen any of his posts or accusations brayson?
      I have no idea as to his mental state. I mean, he's dead by suicide so we can assume it wasn't great-
      But I wonder if people who automatically dismiss him as crazy ever go down the rabbit hole and check his writing..?
      Do you do this?

    2. Accusations towards Seth green and wife in particular?

    3. +10000000 brayson.

  25. I think that this blind is about Spacey. Just because his mom is/was famous, he could’ve had a different last name & they’ve done a good job of keeping his name out of the press.

  26. @Hunter: didn’t Kappy weigh something like 110-120 lbs? When I read his last post, he sounded as if he was not in a great place, but the last paragraph, said something like ‘for the rest of my life’...would you write that if you were suicidal? I wouldn’t.

  27. Spacey accuser’s mom has been all over the news. She was an anchor. Spacey is vile but she was hoping for a payday, not court day.

  28. Isaac Kappy seems like a mentally ill drug addict who made a bunch of crap up.

  29. Isaac Kappy was a drug addled nut, who did what most drug addled nuts end up doing - killing themselves either intentionally or accidentally.

  30. @ J i agree.
    Issac Kappy was weird- meaning the whole thing with him was weird. He made a lot of allegations but nothing that wasn't already on the internet other than the Seth Green stuff. I personally never really knew how to take him. I mean honestly he never brought forth any real evidence. It is easy to make allegations, esp if tons of people are already making those allegations. It was his lack of specifics that lost me on him. I mean yeah he said a lot of details about Seth Green but that was it, and the stuff he said about Seth Green was never really proven.
    MJ may have been innocent or maybe not. I really don't know. Issac Kappy's death was very strange though and it is very sad. Not really sure what to make of the whole thing.
