Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Blind Item #10

This long time celebrity owned restaurant in town has the usual when it comes to actresses who also serve as waitresses. One thing that is not usual is the actress who does commercials and did a a cameo of sorts in a recent highly rated/reviewed docuseries but not much else in her career, sells information about every one of her celebrity guests and is also known to tip off unsavory characters who are owed money by any of her patrons. She also springs all kinds of honey traps. The restaurant is starting to lose a lot of business and can't figure out why. Ask this waitress.


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wolfgang Puck the owner still I believe.
      Or maybe Villa Blanco

  2. Flo from Progressive?

  3. Spring is Honey Trap season.

  4. I was thinking Puck as well. I've eaten at a few of his restaurants and the smoked salmon pizza is the greatest thing on earth.

  5. I'm wrong, Beso is closed.

  6. Enty the correct term for waiters and waitresses is "server" , as in ask your server to tell you what the daily specials are.

  7. OT: Britney’s manager said that she may never perform again and that he definitely doesn’t recommend her returning to her Vegas Residency.

  8. @Sandy...

    "Hi, my name is Staci, I'll be your server today. Today's specials are:

    The blond man with his wife at table six is an executive at Fox and is having an affair with with the Hispanic looking one from Queer Eye.

    The A Lister at table eleven has just brought some righteous blow from the maitre D and will presently retire to the rest room for refreshment.

    The rumored pedo movie director who owes you seventy grand for 'services rendered' will be dining at eight thirty on table three.

    Would you like something to drink while you wait?"

  9. Whats a Righteous Blow?

  10. I'm surprised more servers aren't doing this for celebrities that leave sh!tty tips.

  11. @Yep.

    Who am I, (insert name of some fuckers who en flic or trendy or a hepcat, I don't fucking know)?

    I'm not exactly in touch with these things, you know? I'm still reeling from Carter getting elected.

  12. MD my guess is Nobu as well


  13. 'Righteous Blow' is a third level paladin spell - it comes right after 'Retributive Smite'.

    Or, like, high quality cocaine, but that's much more boring.

  14. No guesses on the actress? Rachel Bilson? What's her name from the hamburger commercial? Shouldn't it be a hostess rather than a waitress or server? She must have some name recognition.

  15. Bwahaha Vic😁👏

  16. It's the Popeye's chicken lady. She was in a more recent re-telling of the Manson Family Murders. She works at Curtis Stone's "MAUDE" on South Beverly.

  17. Anonymous1:33 PM

    My guess for the actress, based on this list

    Is either A) Jessica Lindsay (only 11 credits, last being 2 episodes of Narcos: Mexico), B) Krystina Janakova (13 credits. Almost all Polish, except for a tiny role in Genius) or Anais Fairweather (42 credits, but qlmost all shorts or v.o. work, but she was in one episode of Drunk Jistory, which is a kind of docuseries)

  18. Not sure about the restaurant but the ATT girl.

  19. Regardless of who is the snitch, the chatty Cathy that Phil Spector blew away by sticking a gun in her mouth was doing the same thing. A bit actress with a server side gig (greeter?) Anyway, that sent a huuuuuuge message through the industry and so this nudnick is really playing with fire as she's the first I've heard that is reviving this gambit. I suspect she's foreign born.

    1. "The first Ive heard"
      We all suppose you're super fucking important.
      To the left with the rest, plebe.

  20. @hothotheat I don't think it's the ATT girl. She works pretty frequently and she was cast in a Marvel show where she's playing a superhero. Flo from Progressive is also a comedian, so she does stand up and improv regularly, not a waitress as far as I can tell.

  21. We're not going to guess the actress. Commercials could be anyone. This restaurant could literally be any celeb owned restaurant in Hollywood. Actresses are all servers because the hours fit the audition schedule, everyone knows this

  22. I had to look up ‘honey trap’

  23. The clue is the documentary,though. Maybe it's best we don't know.

  24. Are you tired of being human, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on

  25. Holy shit I get to be a vampire now? Here I was thinking you were just selling love potions but this sounds like the real deal!

  26. Anonymous9:29 AM

