Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Blind Item #10

The alliterate talk show host wants you to believe one thing, but she sits at home most nights alone with no one to talk to.


  1. Replies
    1. Not sure she has a show still ? Time to take care of herself I think.

  2. Maybe she is healing/resting? Being alone doesnt equate to being lonely!

  3. She doesn't have a show right now.

    1. Yes she does. What world do y’all live in??

  4. I think this blind is supposed to be about her supposedly ‘dating’.

  5. She does have a show. She’s been airing live for weeks. And she seems 1000x lighter and happier on there since dumping his ass.

    She said on her show she’s dating, men come over to her NYC bachelorette pad etc. But she also said it in the sense of her needing guys to help her with lifting (unpacking) as she still is living out of boxes.

  6. Hey after that shitshow of a relationship some alone time is probably exactly what she needs. The last thing anyone wants to see her is her immediately dating a clone of her loser ex.

  7. good god who in their right mind would date her right now???

  8. Wendy has gone through it and then some. Can’t wait til her tell all comes out!!

  9. @C'est Vrai - I'd love to read Wendy's book if it truly is a tell all. I have no doubt she has some stories to tell.

    I also hope she reconciles with Charlamagne.

  10. Dylan Dryer to be different

  11. Sounds like heaven.

  12. There's no way she'd be out and about dating, this fast.

  13. Brayson-- well said!

    She talks about a lot of date offers and party invites. She used to talk about enjoying alone time, so if she's strong enough where relapses arent an issue, some solo nesting time in her new home could be very therapeutic.
    Her show is going along quite nicely now (i have no clue of ratings), and it is kind of fun to listen for the occasional knowing aside to be dropped

  14. Wendy Williams

    She probably likes that and her alone time. She is surrounded by people all day on the show. I'm not lonely when I'm alone.

  15. Oh BS. She’s forever going on about going out at night on her show. Enty is full of shit.

  16. Welcome to the party. She has a show. And a contract \ renewal for at least two more seasons.

  17. LIES. Her Gallic boy-toy is definitely a real person! πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ₯πŸ›©πŸ’‹⛅️✨

    Enty I can’t go cold turkey on you~ πŸ₯“

  18. LIES. Her Gallic boy-toy is definitely a real person! πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ₯πŸ›©πŸ’‹⛅️✨

    Enty I can’t go cold turkey on you~ πŸ₯“

    1. BUt to be fair, Enty.

      Wendy talks about going out on dates every night of the week one time it involved her own DJ on the show (and I wondered whether the DJ had an SO). So I think they’re all in on it & just doing her a little favour in a difficult time in her life? 🀷🏻‍♀️🐈

      Maybe they think Kevin Sr. is trying to get back into his life because he misses the money and teh perks and he’s stalking her (SHOULD NOTE that when I typed in “stalking” for some reason autocorrect changed it to “stealing” IT’S A SIGN). Why do these greedy creeps always try to be your manager/a producer. Must be something about the way those professions are structured?

  19. Wendy has her choice of aaaall that 90s NY rapper beef...best believe the straight ones (she didnt out in her radio days) want a piece of that tall, powerful media legend!

  20. Being alone doesn't mean you're lonely.

  21. did Anybody else see yesterday’s show?

    Kim Jong-UN BFF Dennis Rodman’s friend broke a US$2,500 crystal he was trying to steal from a yoga shop. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    It was thebbest thing ever, and Dennis is like “he did it, he didn’t it.” In dead. ⚰️πŸ’

    1. I saw that lol and they went back and stole more shit ...wtf

    2. @Stupidpervs: i just came back to this thread to add: when the news Crew asked the friend about the crystal, he had these shades on and said, “no comment.”


  22. Anyway, Wendy Ian legit acting like a stalking victim trying to ward off stalkers.

    She talks about her security guy and then mentions how all her male staff (all of which are big guys) have been at her bachelorette pad helping her move in...

    I smell a stalker ex-husband trying to weasel himself back into her life. WTF.
