Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Blind Item #10 - Met Gala

Speaking of closeted, this A- list reality star told people at an after party she had not eaten in almost a week. It showed. I'm not sure how she is alive right now.


  1. Poor girl, she's the only one still with a chance at natural beauty.
    Unless it's not natural. but she's still pretty. If she gained 25 pounds she'd be gorgeous

  2. I think she’s very ,very pretty. Her face looks natural(maybe lip plumping) ,but she looked unnaturally thin yesterday

  3. I love how people say she's natural, just because her surgeries aren't as obvious as her sisters'. She had a nose job and eyebrow lift and has fillers! Wake up!!

  4. Im sure it was a joke.

  5. Kendall face may have had some surgeries but she doesn’t look a tragic mess like Kim and Kylie. I won’t even address Khloe.

    1. They’re all beautiful. Whether you like them or not.

    2. No. Not beautiful at all unless you like melting candles

  6. Kendoll's face is a work of art. Who ever her surgeon is did an excellent job. she is as skinny as Bella Hadid who looked awful. Hope they ate a burgers and beer later.

  7. Trash is trash no matter how fancy a bag you put it in

  8. Kendall and Bella both seem even thinner than usual

  9. Cocaine is a helluva drug! 🤣🤣

  10. That's what I was going to say Sd!😅 Like what, they just snorted more coke than usual that week so they wouldn't get hungry? ;)

    1. Best line ever. Thank you Rick James even though you were a bitch!! Seriously most of those gals looked emaciated. Hope no one goes out like Mr. James!

  11. Eeesh, not that anything about his music or public persona suggested he was Puritanical, but that trial for kidnapping a sex prisoner was really alarming.

  12. Nuckin futs excuse of a human!!

  13. Yes he was and six feet under he is.

  14. If dumpy trashcan Kylie and her stupid lavender wig hadn't been there Kendall's dress was actually QUITE baller on its own.

    The vibrant flaming plumage went across her shoulders and down the underside of only one arm. Looked really great and quite camp in it's own Vegas Showgirl way - if it works for Celine why not Kendall?

    Those poor girls have always been under unimaginable pressure, I don't envy them.

    Also - Kim's body - she has had more procedures, it's insane.

  15. Kendall has always been the prettiest, most natural looking Kardashian. The jackpot. Even when she was younger. I hope she continues to stay away from the lip and butt fillers. And yes, she could easily gain 15 and be even prettier. She's a little too bony right now.

  16. Hmmm I thought Kendall looked pretty "normal" thin. Not anorexically so.

  17. Emily Ratajkowski looks worse. She is downright skeletal.

  18. I don't know who that is but she has some prominent rib bones

  19. I see what you did there. “Speaking of closeted...”
    Especially since Styles and Kendall allegedly bearded for each other.

  20. I dont understand. She's already thin. She is trying to be emily ratajkowski?

  21. But Kendall looked amazing, not skeletal imo

  22. +1 to the Rick James comment. RIP Super Freak. Even though you were a nasty free baser who like to burn hookers with the pipe.

  23. Not a fan, but Kendall did look good imho. We've all gotten so used to seeing fat assed people everywhere now being pushed as the norm that when someone who is naturally thin pops up we call it anorexic and tell her to eat a cheeseburger. Fuck off, Enty.



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