Thursday, April 04, 2019

Your Turn

Highest gas price you remember having paid.


  1. $4.089 USD for 87 w/ethanol, northeastern Kentucky

    Shittiest part? I live/work within 5 miles of a Marathon gas refinery. Prices closest to the refinery are *always* higher, and it boggles the mind WHY! The freight is cheapest (less than 3 miles, puts it in the Minimum Charge rate bracket, so it only costs the station owner $200 to deliver the gas divided by 8500 gallons = less than 3-cents/gallon in the pump price)

    But I also remember paying $1.109 USD for 87 back in 1981, so...

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    somewhere around $4.15

  3. Prices are set by supply and demand not costs...

  4. I don't remember the highest price I've ever paid but do remember gas being 5 francs/liter when we lived in France. When we returned to the US I set aside $40 to fill up our tank (not thinking obviously) and was elated when a full tank of gas cost only $10. :)

  5. @ Sarton Bander - This is my wheelhouse. Crude Oil prices are set by the west Texas / Permian Basin pricing per BBL (blue barrel). As costs to produce crude oil fluctuates, so does the finished product once it's refined. If it's refined on US soil, versus refined offshore/exported (like the sweet crude/shale), the refining price swings are bigger. And, don't forget crude futures, traded on the stock market. And don't forget about Uncle Sam's cut, and the EPA cut, and the state cut, and the station owners' cut...

  6. It's about £5.45 a gallon here in the UK, at least where I am.

    Of course the oil companies and parasitical govt price it in liters so the sheeple won't see how much they are getting ripped off. Most of that price is taxes by the way, note the plural.

    Given that UK imperial gallon is slightly bigger than a US one that works out as nearly $7 a US gallon.

    1. Flashy...I feel your pain. Was at one point living in abu dhabi. £14 to fill the tank of a 2 litre hatchback...was literaaly a joypus experience to visit the petrol station ...then moved back to the UK. ..WAH!

  7. Oh and the price has fallen recently too. It was quite a bit higher in the winter.

  8. Over $4/gallon in CA

  9. Over $4.00 in Florida

  10. Europe gas prices are craaazy but the worst here in the US is in California. It always costs more here than in the rest of the country.

  11. $5-something/gallon in FL in the days after Katrina.

  12. It was 4.99 in Detroit in 2009- right in the beginning of the recession and it was the summer.

  13. @AlleyKat.

    Well at least we have wonderful pothole and roadwork free highways paid for from all that govt and Big Oil price gouging......oh wait...🙄

  14. Just remember those gas prices the next time you tease me for driving a Prius. I fill up my 10 gallon tank once a month.

  15. This is why I moved 3 miles from my job.

  16. Over $4.00, and that was a "premium only" car

    I remember gas lines in the late 70s. That sucked.

  17. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Over $4/gallon.

  18. UK and NZ priced in litres but current UK & NZ prices in US dollars - cheapest in London is around $6.75 per US gallon and Auckland NZ slightly cheaper at around $6.50 a gallon. Prices have been higher in NZ around $7.50-$7.75 a few years ago.

  19. Ughh, days I'd like to forget, lol! I had just got my hairdressers license and finally found a good job somewhat closer to home... A really cool high end salon that was run by 2 younger and fun women. It was on the outskirts of Boston, and in a hoity toity town. Around 2015 & gas prices were out of control! But, bc I wanted to start as an assistant and learn everything the right way, so that someday I could work in any high end salon & make the same money they were making ($65 just for a regular wash, cut, blow dry). So, I had to take the crap pay for a while but that was fine w me, bc I was also learning... Anyway, it was around $4.89 a gallon up there. A few times it hit $4.95 but thankfully didn't stay long. I drove a little Toyota, that normally takes $24 to fill, & lasts 4-5 days, was then taking almost $90 a week! Almost my whole pay was going to gas. Thankfully I usually made enough tips to get back n forth, but eventually, after Christmas it died down big time and I could not do it anymore. I haven't worked in a salon since. But, that same car now takes $24 to fill, and lasts over a week! I work less than ten min away, too. Sooo less stressful, it's nice.

  20. 1.60 euros per LITER. Most containers which look like a gallon over here, hold 5 liters. I remember telling a friend of ours who was coming over and wanted to rent a car, that at the time it worked out to about $6 per gallon. This is in Belgium. I'm sure that costs for France are going to go up, after 16 weeks of Yellow Vest protests, and it becoming more and more violent all the time. I'll drive into the French villages, across the border, but I will avoid Paris this entire summer. It's going to be a mess.

  21. I remember paying at least 1,73 EUR/L in Germany back in August/September 2012. With the conversion rate at that time of about $1.30/EUR, it cost about $8.50/gallon.

    Thank you (not) for playing around in the mineral oil market back then, Goldman $achs!

  22. Anonymous10:22 AM

    $4.70 this morning at olympic and westwood. Los Angeles. I'm sure i've paid higher though. I'm used to it.

    1. Oh god unknown. Join costco. Its so much cheaper

  23. Anonymous9:40 AM

    SD, I don't even know where a costco is near me.
