Monday, April 29, 2019

Your Turn

Did you watch Game Of Thrones?
Avengers End Game?
None of the above?


  1. My vegan friend says butchers are gross, but the guy who sells her fruits and veggies is grocer.

  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I dont watch GOT, but I gave up my endgame tickets thursday night because I was too tired, and then didnt have a chance to go this weekend. :(

  3. None of the above- but I read two books this weekend

  4. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Anyone need the Thanos snap code?

    $thanosSnap = function() {
    terminate($baddies->where(function($baddies) {
    return $baddies->not('Insertyournamehere');

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Dammit. I had everything inline

  5. End Game, and now i'm going thru 5 stages of grief. I'm on stage 2, denial.

  6. Endgame. I had to take a nap after.

  7. Troy- im impressed! Good books?
    GOT since premiere of first episode. Enjoy Avengers and most Marvel movies, but I am not die-hard enough to do lines and crowds for something that is going to be there days/weeks later

    1. Thanks Vita!
      I have a goal to read a book a week this year and I’m already at 33 books! 📚
      This weekend I read the TB12 book 😞- it was ok. The first half is Tom Brady basically being like I’m so awesome because I do pliability(aka stretching and foam rolling) and then the second half is exercises that plebs like us can do, but he is quick to say that THE BEST way is to work with a TB12 trainer. As someone who started running in their 30’s, I’m gonna try out the exercises and my sore muscles feel better after a couple days of the foam rolling. BQ here I come!
      The second book was a dime a dozen “whodunit” kindle unlimited books. something about a fire- gave it three stars 🙃

  8. GoT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg .... yes. i watched it. and had a heart attack.

    also watched NBA playoffs - Nuggets & Spurs, Celtics & Bucks, and Golden State and Houston.

    and LivePD.

    and yes, i have a life. i cleaned like a crazy person, did laundry, ran errands and worked out both days. voila!

  9. BOTH! My personal nerd Super Bowl weekend.

  10. @Vita - me too! since the very first one. so i've seen the first season more times than i can count, and re-watched previous seasons before the premier of the next one.

    can't believe only three episodes left!! *sob*

  11. Yay! Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley is back! I missed your silly puns!

  12. This was the worst weekend of my life. My heart hurts so much. I love you 3000 Jorah.

  13. That is a QUALITY pun, Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley

  14. Never ever saw one and not interested in those types of movies

  15. GoT. I have Endgame penciled in for this coming Sunday.

  16. Saw both. Huge fan of the GOT books and the show. I hope George Martin will finally finish the books. Watched most of the Marvel movies and endgame was great.

  17. None of the above, thank god

  18. My weekend viewing was as follows.
    Neighbors 1981
    Gunfight at the O.K Corral 1957
    2001: A Space Odyssey 1968
    Cat People 1942
    Soldier In The Rain 1963
    North By Northwest 1959
    The Corpse Vanishes '42
    My Bloody Valentine 1981
    The Seven Ups '73
    Nighthawks 1981
    Used Cars 1980
    Cheech & Chongs Nice Dreams 83
    Cannery Row 1982
    Friends of Eddie Coyle '73
    Narc 2002
    Hooper 1978
    Prophecy 1980

    I had fun.

  19. Both of the above, THANK GOD. Why? Because both were a lot of fun (I was so scared sometimes but that was fun) and a great escape from the shitty world we live in.

  20. None of the above

  21. I am a GoT junkie and really enjoyed last night's episode! I was going to see Endgame tonight but one of my kids can't go and said I can't go without him, so hopefully later this week.

  22. Anonymous10:50 AM

    GOT fan. Hubby's purchased the Fire and Ice series (what that slacker has written anyway). I'm forced to listen to hubby's dissertations on where and how the television series diverges from the books. Thank gawd we are finally past where Martin's books end and I can enjoy the show in peace.

  23. GOT, at first i tought it was an heavy" brick" as LOTR, that i more or less dislike and never had the will to finish to see it all, then i started to see it and...hooked on it by first episodes. It's silly, after all, but great characters, great and good actors, fell in love with the dragons :)) and so on.

    i might watch Avengers, but there are so many movies like that, out there..and then, i watched Iron Man 1 and 2, DareDEvil, SpiderMan with Toby and with Andrew ( my fave, but i could like to see Holland), Fantastic 4 , i feel quiet FULL of these movies, thanks, i think i will pass.

  24. GOT. Fairly certain that I dropped the F-bomb more times in the first 30 minutes than I have in the past month. Am miffed that this threat that they built up for almost a decade is gone before the rest of Westeros could appreciate what the North and Daenerys sacrificed, leaving so many questions behind. Back to the actual game... it's going to be good.

  25. @Lyss16

    i feel your pain. <3 <3

  26. none

    watched NBA and went to our local Rodeo Thu-Sat

  27. None of the above!

  28. Im there for the withdrawal support group, should one be formed! Last night was intense to say the least.

    Ginger-n-Juice, MDAnderson,Lisa & anyone else who saw both Endgame and GoT-- Since both are intense, climactic chapters, that's a lot for the old ticker in one weekend! Without giving anything away, please, which left you more mindblown/emotionally exhausted?

    SpiderRico-- you should be one of those TCM viewers who designs a playlist &/or introduces a movie!

    Ann- your story about hubby is adorable!😁

  29. Both, although I'm more of a DC fan than Marvel.

  30. Saw Endgame on Friday night... SMG cause I'm not standing in line for any movie. It was good. I liked Infinity War better.

  31. @ Vita GOT left me pacing the room and just an emotional wreck. I like this season better than the last one. I still like infinity war more than endgame but it was the best ending. Endgame made me laugh and cry, so that was a better experience.

  32. I saw both and my six-word spoiler-free review is the same for each of them:

    "Good, not great. I was entertained."

  33. I saw End Game! I really enjoyed it :)

  34. None of the above...
    I was too busy waiting for the Pete Buttigieg rumblings on twitter to manifest themselves. Then BAM!

  35. Neither GOT nor Endgame. I was busy listening to Confessions, which was a BBC podcast of some extremely funny stories. I laughed and laughed!

  36. Wife and I just cried all weekend because we love each other so much.

  37. Neither. I finally watched ASIB. I thought that Gaga was very good. While I was impressed that Bradley sang, I felt as if his performance was an imitation of Kris Kristofferson’s, except that KK was a million times better.

  38. I've seen Avengers: Endgame three times - first showing on Thursday (2-D), then 3-D on Saturday with friends who couldn't go Thursday and Friday all 7 showings were sold out in my little 'burg, and 2-D on Sunday with friends who couldn't go Thursday or Saturday.

    I didn't read any of the George Martin books, so I didn't have the desire to watch the series based upon them. From what I've heard though, sounds like I missed the boat.

  39. Neither of them. I finished a book on Ted Bundy.

  40. No to both, not my thing at all

  41. Saw Endgame, yesterday. I want my 3+ hours back. Is not this amazing and ground breaking movie, all the critic say it is. Too damn much and tries to hard.

  42. None of the above.

  43. Endgame. Liked it but could have waited for it to be on-demand.

  44. Thanks, everyone who answered my question within the question!

  45. Avengers. I thought I was ready. I was not.

  46. None of the above ..and people are still busting my balls trying to get me to watch

  47. NONE! And happy with that,

  48. Neither. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

  49. No interest in either of them.

  50. GoT really sucked for many reasons. fully irritating and completely BS.

  51. Neither, niether, nor.

    The weather has been gorgeous!

  52. Could not care less about GoT. Hubby watches it but says he's just kind of enduring it at this point, so that's not really a ringing endorsement. *L*

    Much to my surprise, I find that ten years later I am in love with the Marvel universe. We stayed away from opening weekend but are going to a matinee this Friday, and I am greatly looking forward to it. Son/stepson agree with the critics that it's fabulous.

  53. None. Hate Fantasy.

  54. Sobbed like a baby during Endgame, granted watching it at an 8:30 am showing after working all night on the psych ward did not help. Watched Got last night and it was EVERYTHING!!!!

  55. Iron Man Dies is the new Yoda Flies. lol

  56. None of the above. Reading and rewatching Voyager

  57. None of the above, No silver surfer, so i won't watch.
