Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Your Turn

How long is too long for guests to stay in your home?


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    lol one night.

  2. Depends on the guest. For some, 30 minutes is too long.

  3. About 3 days they can stay longer if it's their treat. My apartment saves them room and board.

  4. Measured in hours, I'm not running a f*cking hotel.

  5. 2 Hours. I just start walking around naked until they leave.

  6. Fish and friends stink in three days. That's the rule.

  7. Do you mean fuck buddies? As soon as they cum, they gotta go.

  8. Months, if they're easy. Lots of space.

    If annoying one day is too long.

  9. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Three days and then I'll make you a hotel reservation (on your dime). When we moved to a warm, sunny climate we suddenly had friends and relatives who wanted to visit during the winter.

  10. The people who have stayed at my family's home with us have always been the friends we've considered family. They know us and not to expect any "airs." We've had many friends stay for 2-3 weeks at a time over the years.

  11. 4 hours is too long

  12. Depends on the guest. For most family and friends the general rule is 3 days and yer outta there!

  13. Overnight is good. 2 nights is pushing it!

  14. I give a weekend. Like a long weekend. 4 days is enough

  15. It depends on who the guests are.

    A while ago, my wife & I decided (okay, she decided) that we didn't want any guest staying overnight with us anymore.

    But, we always offer out of town family a local hotel/motel to stay at. Our treat.
    That way, we get to see them when they arrive, let them do what they want while here, (We live in Las Vegas, so why not?), then see them at scheduled intervals.


    I don't care! (I mean, We don't care!)


  16. One hour. At my age it takes about 45 minutes so a 15 minute get your shit and get out period is what a good host should offer.

  17. Hours not days. You don't gotta go home, but you can't stay here!

  18. I won't stay at your house, if you promise not to stay at mine. I HATE being a house guest and I HATE having them.

  19. That depends. If it's our friends, a week or two is good. If it's my in-laws, particularly my m-i-l or s-i-l, even half a day is too long. I've been done with them for years and I'm not going to have them in my life. My husband can do what he likes. No pressure from me, either way.

  20. Three days - yet please do not expect me to entertain you the entire time.

  21. It depends on how well mannered they are & how much they are mooching. A good guest always stays in a hotel. I always stay in hotels. I don’t want to burden people in their homes. Yuck.

  22. Generally a weekend, though my nieces and nephews sometimes stay a week.

    @Silver girl: the worst is when you ask a house guest what they want to do. And they shrug their shoulders and say ‘I don’t know.’ I mean I live in NY. There’s a million things to do here which I can do every day because I LIVE HERE! You’re visiting and it hasn’t occurred to you what you might want to do? (Sometimes I mention options and it’s like pulling teeth.) Next time stay home.

  23. I have lots of room, and private baths. Stay a week.

  24. I own a whole city block, with AirB&B on each corner. They can have their choice. Plus I'll walk their dogs, babysit their children, and thrown in meals. on me.

  25. It only depends on the guest. I have relatives who are welcome to stay as many days as they like, and I have relatives who are only welcome to stay for a (shortish) dinner.

  26. I have 56 beautiful guest rooms. 6 miles away at the Marriott.

    But if they need a place to stay for a day or two, and short of fundage, then they're welcome to stay two nights. Third morning, they need to be looking.

  27. I follow my mother’s adage: “Guests, like fish, stink after three days.”

  28. Depends. If you have plans for the whole time and you just need the guest room then there's not a real limit-but I do expect a we are here from x to y-then here's a key, there's the fridge, you passed the grocery store on your way down the road to get to the house, knock yourself out. If you are looking for me to take time off and use my vacation days to support your vacation and be your tour guide and spend my money taking you to every tourist trap in San Francisco and be your vacation housewife, you have maybe a weekend, unless I reaaaallly like you or there is some kind of close blood relationship.



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