Monday, April 01, 2019

Your Turn

Best April Fools Day joke you have heard about or participated in.


  1. Talking my friend into seeing Ocean's 8. Said it was a good movie.

  2. Cant remember the correct station to give credit, but a popular radio station completely changed format for most, if not the entire day. It was a rolling freak out, doubt, double check, repeat for hours bc few expected it to continue for so long.

  3. What BG does every year. But they didn't get me this time! Ok, for a minute, maybe.

  4. I like the guy who carried all the old tires to the top of that volcano and sse them on fire to make everyone think it was erupting. He even arranged them to spell "April Fool's" so helicopters could see it when they flew over.

    1. *Set them on fire.

      I hate the mobile version of this site. It messes up my text entry every time.

    2. Now THAT is a prankster need in my life! 🌋🚁

      Back in 2009 when I was working in Borneo/Sumatra, I almost got a free helicopter ride (we were going to look at the burning peatlands, or was it the palm oil trees? I forget). Anyway, my boss had a change of plans and I never got that heli ride and I’m still salty about it.

    3. OMG Kelli thank you so much for sharing that site! 😂😂😂🤣😂💛😂😂😂✨

      This is epic: 👏🏼

    4. You're very welcome!

  5. I really believe that Ace person at Blind Gossip has some sort of mental disorder. It's not funny or clever. It's just weird and sick. The person writing this has an awkward/strange outlook. Probably some sort of social disorder.

  6. I think Ace gets paid to place items. How else would he earn money from his website? Web ads don't pay very much.

    And unlike Enty, Ace doesn't (claim) to have a side job as a lawyer.

  7. BG site's PG rumors is wild. Laughingly so....DIVA.

  8. After Stones cancellation for so called Jazz Fest, Led Zeppelin was going to replace them with reunion show.

  9. The Taco Liberty Bell still makes me chuckle. More because my very 'MURICA college roommate believed it and flipped out.

  10. According to the podcast Disgracedland, Jim Morrison is the Zodiac Killer.

    I think it was fun the way he constructed it but then I'm no Morrison expert.

  11. Nah I'll save that one for another time.

    Unrelated, it is a great day to tease people that are paranoid their significant others are gaslighting them 😜

  12. @Nutty The BG one got me for a second and then I looked at my calendar. I agree with you that he's being paid to place these MM "blinds" especially about her father and Kate. And whenever I've called this out, he's refused to post my comments!

    She has her grubby little paws everywhere! I'm just awaiting the Toronto Paper updates now.

  13. Every year when I was growing up, Dad would yell to us "Girls there is a cow in the back yard". And every year we would run to the family room to look out the window as he said "April fools". It wasn't tricky or unusual. He did the same thing every year and we fell for it every year. He died when I was 20. I miss him every day.

  14. TVAnnie-- that is such a sweet story! RIP, Dad!😍

  15. This morning I wetted and crushed an empty tp roll to make it look like a turd and put it on my kid's white bedspread just before I woke her up. "Eeewww! What is this?!" I got her goooood.

  16. Quit my job 4 years ago. My boss thought it was an April Fool's Joke so she never called HR until I called them for my exit interview (one of those where they walk you out same day since you're going ot competitor) and seeing her face was amazing.

  17. I usually bring homemade sweets to the office, and one year I took yellow car washing sponges - cut them down to fit into cupcake tins (with the little frilly paper cups), and spent a LOT of time making the most perfect icing/frosting for them. Decorated the tops in rich buttercream, put them in a cupcake carrier and took to the office.

    They sat there, and sat there.. No one would eat one.

    So I lifted the cover, took out one and peeled the paper back, and took a bite. Mmmm yellow cake and chocolate frosting - who can bitch about that?

    That broke the ice. We still laugh about it today, years later. "I wasn't gonna say anything because my mom/wife/grandma made some once and I could barely eat it but I did." "Yeah, but did you keep eating it after you figured out you had a mouth full of sponge?" "Who lets good chocolate frosting go to waste?"

    Then there was the year I took everything out of a co-worker's top side drawer, turned it upside down then shoved everything back into it using a piece of cardboard to keep everything in place until it was full. Closed the drawer, pulled out the cardboard, and waited.

    One year in culinary school, I slipped four live lobsters into my adversary's produce bin (right at knee level). He screamed like a little girl.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. April fool's jokes are for people ten and under. Like mohawks. Only for kids.
    After 10 years old it's just embarassing

  20. April 1st not worth effort. Ima party pooper.

  21. Rosie dear, you sound like you're probably fun at parties. Yikes.

    I just texted my boyfriend that I might be moving back to the Bay Area...still awaiting his response.

  22. @Rosie: I agree with you. Sadistic people play pranks and "practical jokes."

  23. I HATE practical jokes. I don't play 'em and nobody plays one on me twice.

  24. There's a company Dharma Trading with inexpensive silk fabrics and a wide range of dyes. I receive their print catalog and have ordered from the website. Today I received their 'April 1st e-newsletter with important news'. and like the doofus I am, panicked at the news their website would be discontinued because 'true fiber enthusiasts need to hold something tangible so orders will only be taken from the catalog'. Damnation!

  25. I love the joke I saw on Facebook today with a K-9 cop giving blue steel while showing off the newest member of the force - a black cat!

  26. Gentlebreeze-- lol! It's always that hair of plausibility that reels you in!😂

    Sagan-- That's a good one, though I know many who would have been just as content with the quality frosting after the joke!😁

  27. For the last 8 yrs I've drawn on my sons face while he slept... Just a mustache, and eye brows if I can get to it. I'm usually giggling too much to continue and his dad is a huge party poopers and says it's "not nice" but will stand and watch .. I just think he's thinking about the future! Lol!
    I also usually do little stuff like one yr serving dinner on miniature dollhouse dinnerware. Mac n Cheese, 3 noodles on the plate. A literal drop of milk in a mini cup, w mini fork to eat with & served it straight faced like nothing was wrong..hahaa, the look on my sons face still makes me laugh, like I was out of my everloving mind. Lol! It's been a while since I've come up with anything that would work. It seems like all the usual things I've done. Broccoli replaced the lollipop, saran wrap strip across the door... I need to find new material for next yr. But he's also getting older so I have to be more careful... Karma, lol!
