Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Easter

Not even a mile from the famed music festival in the desert are two separate compounds. One is the famed home of a long time entertainer who was A+ list and continues to make tons of money even after death from the empire he established. One of the men he groomed is someone all of you know. There is a gap between the entertainer's estate and a subdivision that will never be zoned for construction. It is referred to in the compound as the gap. If this was Cold War East Berlin it would probably be called the death zone. This gap is the length of a football field and runs around the compound much the same way a moat would. High walls prevent anyone from just walking into the gap. For much of the year, it is just a place that, if you have enough money, people can rent out. It is very expensive to rent and no matter how much you pay, one of the homes is completely off limits. That home is the nerve center of the board of The Bohemian Grove who use the desert compound each Easter to work out the final details for their summer ritual. They also are known to try out various males and should things get a little rough or one of those males would like to run off during the night, the gap stops them cold. Nothing gets past the gap. The nerve center has lists of members and files on each and dirt on each. It has countless servers filled with all kinds of information about all kinds of people.

Now, one added little tidbit to this. I mentioned two compounds. There is a tunnel between the entertainer compound and also a compound consisting of three homes built by a shell company of the company that is a huge part of the music festival. The three homes and the entertainer compound are probably a good half mile apart, maybe a touch more, but there is a fully lit cement tunnel much like you would see underneath a football stadium that runs between the two locations. It can easily fit several golf carts or small cars in the passageway. Escape route for performers or a way for them to enjoy something more ominous courtesy of the Bohemian Grove board.


  1. Marc Griffin/Seacrest

  2. Merv*
    Seen the compound-it’s insane

  3. Of course Enty of course.

  4. Did anyone else listen to the Velvet Mafia podcast? I was surprised Merv's name was no bandied about, as I always thought he was a key link between early generations of Gay Hollywood, and a number of "mentored" performers/professionals who make things up now.

    And when I Googled "David Gergen" and "Bohemian Grove" I was quite surprised, but it's clear he was a part of it.

    1. I listened and it was def one of Enty's best. I think his definition of the VM was also somewhat defined by the revenge factor should someone cross them.

      Maybe Merv was of the mentor/protector variety, which does make more sense. You catch more flies with honey than with shit

  5. https://www.desertsun.com/story/money/real-estate/2018/04/19/coachella-party-paradise-tug-war/514147002/

  6. i didn't know about this. more info to research.

    gad i need to get to work. lol

  7. Never been to Bohemian Grove, but I've been to the Bohemian Club on Taylor Street in SF a few times. Cool place, and because it's private they keep the bar open past 2 AM.

    I don't know anything about all this kinky stuff, but people with money do some crazy shit. That said, I doubt nefarious goings-on are anywhere near so organized as suggested on this site.

  8. Merv Griffin and Ryan Seacrest

  9. If you google maps - Escape Room Palm Springs is a block away from Merv's place - creepy

  10. Ryan is the classic LA success story. He went from Merv's house boy to a 50 million USD house filled with his own house boys. The student became the master.

  11. The gist of the story is true, it's just the typical drama and assumptions we should be used to by now.

  12. @J, They'd probably love you at Bohemian Grove, you could totally get a sweet position on staff if you're flexible, make some quick money. ;)

    But seriously it's the same guys who suspended Kevin Spacey not because of the freaky sh!t he helped arrange there, but because he talked about it to outsiders.

  13. Anytime they say no women and no cellphones you know you've got to watch your a$$😅

  14. FWIW it's an arts-oriented club. They have "regular" members who pay a shitload of money to join and get connections, and "associate" members who pay a lot less but are recruited from the arts. These people are expected to contribute by, say, performing in the various musical groups or putting on plays or whatever. So you'll meet members who are in the SF Symphony or at local universities. All suggesting there's a lot of gay members. Which is fine, of course, but also consistent with the prevalence of gay-tending bad-behavior rumors.

  15. Merv Griffin Estate. I was there 2 years ago. Its huge and there are two properties next door to each other.
    I actually thought the house needed to be redone and was NO 5 STAR place.
    When I turned the water on in the bathroom the faucet came off. ???
    its on the main street and does have a wall. When you drive into the property you go back a ways.
    Waste of money. Dont ever rent it.

  16. Are there old Merv blinds that I've missed? He seemed like an easy-going, Good Time Charlie type, but Im sure with an empire of that sort, there's always more to the story.

    Im interested in this blind, I just dont have any info. I live in a region where some old homes were connected by carwidth, underground tunnels built for mobsters during Prohibition, so I don't doubt this. Merv's estate looks gorgeous. I hate the idea of 78 homes being built on part of the property.

    Tricia-- do you remember seeing the wall?

  17. Natalie- So, YOU saw the wall! Great first-hand experience!😁

  18. Merv probably needed two houses so he owuldn't have to disturb Eva Gabor with his diddlings.

    @Vita - Merv was sued by a few guys - Danny Terio (the old Dance Fever host), and a bodyguard, among them. Both sued him for sexual harassment, though I think both lawsuits got thrown out.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. https://goo.gl/maps/tV923Bmd1VThUvTd7

  21. I love Bohemian Grove blinds. More please enty!

  22. ages.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=merv+griffin+house+desert&fr=yhs-iba-1&hspart=iba&hsimp=yhs-1&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.trbimg.com%2Fimg-554bb4d7%2Fturbine%2Fla-fi-hotprop-merv-griffin-ranch-20150507#id=0&iurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.trbimg.com%2Fimg-554bb4d7%2Fturbine%2Fla-fi-hotprop-merv-griffin-ranch-20150507&action=click

    The walls and gap can be seen in this photo.

  23. LA Times article about Merv's house


  24. Moose-- thanks! I figured there had to be something! Danny Terrio! Wow did I love that show, lol! Between that show and watching the Solid Gold Dancers, my gold lame leotarded dancer dreams were strong!

  25. Re. Merv Griffin, anytime you see someone like him with so much money and so much clout...you know they are connected. ie. absence of talent. They go off to spend their final days in Las Vegas. Sam Giacanna was quoted by his brother in Double Cross, "Working with the CIA is just like the mob, in fact, it is the mob." Sam finished something like 8th grade and rose in the ranks because he enjoyed murdering people. At the last , he was traveling the world meeting heads of state.

  26. @molly - Merv wasn't some untalented hack - the guy started as a big band singer, had a number of million selling records - but he was smart enough to know that the money was made on the business side of the industry. Started his own record label at a young age, got into production and development.

    And of course, his singular biggest accomplishment(s) - he invented both Jeopardy AND Wheel of Fortune.

  27. @Vita there s a video on youtube of him talking to Geraldo in the 90s about his molestation by Merv, and everyone in the audience is laughing at him and Geraldo is totally defending Merv and humiliating Denny. You can understand why no one would speak out about these things back in the day. It is disgusting.


  28. Mere has been using young men for sex..
    this dance show from the 70’s host told a few decades ago he was made to do things to keep his job, no one believed him
    but some of us believed him.. He was too popular to lie about something that happen to him, well he went away never heard from him again.. These Hollyweird ppl take up for each other disgusting behavior..

  29. Thanks @gauloise for the video link. Heartbreaking to see such disrespect.

  30. Totally Team Terrio.
    Geraldo is such a douche.

  31. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Let me know when they start hosting the hunger games so I can get tix. TIA

  32. Gauloise-- thank you for that link! Wow, made my skin crawl. I can only hope that the laughs were surprise and discomfort and taking bad cues from their host. I'd like to think I'd hear him out respectfully in any era, but listening from 2019, I feel awful for him both for the Merv encounters AND the mocking crapfest that was that interview with Geraldo. Amazing only one chair clunked that mug over the years.
    Will always be grateful for Jeopardy and Wheel, but this is a shame. Wherever the rest of that episode is, I hope Deney and his lawyer got some justice there and, more importantly, from Merv.

  33. I remember watching an interview with Merv donkey's years ago. He said he made his wife wear vanilla extract behind her ears as a perfume, he was such a foodie. How bizarre I thought at the time.
    Poor Denney, he is so nervous in this clip coz he's telling his truth. Thanks Galouis.

  34. Merv had a concrete tunnel under the Palm Desert & Seacrest is in charge of the nerve center? Wew.

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