Today's Blind Items - The Campfire
Remember that old SNL skit featuring Alec Baldwin as a Scout Master on camping trips who was a child molester. Well, sometimes truth and fiction intersect. I'm assuming it is fiction that Alec is a child molester. If you know otherwise, let me know. The thing is, this situation is a little different than what you might be expecting. This actress was A list at her peak. Mostly television. She was on a hit network show. She doesn't have any children, but has been known in the past to borrow a niece or nephew and make it seem like their own. Anyway, our actress isn't working, and has instead decided to volunteer for some organizations that deal with troubled youth or youth that have single parents and their kids attend after school programs. There have been rumblings from several of these organizations that our actress is arranging things so she ends up spending one on one time with young female teens or tweens. She mentors them and gives them rides to and from school or the aftercare programs and has been sexually molesting them in the process. No one wants to say anything because she donates a lot of money and she i well known and don't want bad publicity about their organization. The thing is though, the number of teens/tweens molested is approaching a half dozen. Something needs to be done. At least confront her.