Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 26, 2019

As I shared with you a couple of months ago, the reboot of this classic MTV reality show was a snoozefest. Editing was not going to make it better. There is a slight chance that the show might not air unless some serious changes are made to it because of just how boring it is.

The Hills


  1. The Hills have Eyes?

    1. Apparently they Closed Wide Shut with boredom...

  2. They can always make it even more boring by bringing back Audrina

  3. Heidi and Spencer have been very open in their podcast about how no one on their cast was willing to really be vulnerable and share the interesting (and not so pretty) parts of their lives. They explain that the majority of cast members are too afraid of making themselves look bad which prevents them from fully participating in the drama and story line. Sounded like most of the cast signed on in hopes to boost their instagram fame so they can make more money through ads. So, long story short.... we are left with a boring show.

  4. Jeez it was boring the first time, ventriloquist dummies would be more entertaining.

    Looks like it's coming June 24th

  5. Uh...blame the writers/producers. They're the ones who are supposed to come up with the "storylines" for this stuff!

  6. Was it um..not boring the first time? Am I mistaken or do they not just go out to fancy restaurants, eat salad and gossip?

  7. haha - good one Tricia!

  8. I unashamedly admit watching laguna beach and the hills. Without LC and Kristin C tho who would care. Boring im sure.
