Friday, April 12, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 5, 2019

When you can pick up the phone and call Mark Zuckerberg, I guess you get the social media handle you want even if it has already being used by someone. They didn't even bother to ask the owner because they are so entitled.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry


  1. What was the handle? Aholes

  2. I am sick to fucking death of these two freeloaders.

  3. Keep them page views high Enty so I can get better quality ads on your home page. Wawa was there today, so keep up this great work!

  4. Passes popcorn to all who want it

  5. When is she having that baby? The surrogate,I mean. Here is something I haven't heard brought up,how does Kate feel about Meghan's morning sickness free, bed rest free ,sore feet free pregnancy? It's pretty insulting considering how difficult her own were.

  6. Thanks tatty, I'm hoping some reptilian theorists show up and start fighting with the stans 🤣

  7. @sandybrook,I keep getting ads for the Celine Dion shows. Obviously the rumors aren't hurting her.

  8. The baby is due any day now according to everything I read. I guess Celine doesn't HD grudges so any publicity, even Entys, is good.

  9. @Brayson87 - reptilians are really demonic spirits. Jim Morrison, the lizard king was a Shaman.

  10. @Nosey, Does that mean that Meghan is going to lay a giant egg?

  11. 🙄 What else do you expect

  12. Whenever I need absolutely privacy, I tend to make a grand public announcement about how much privacy I'm going to need. Usually, that happens right after I create my Instagram and publicise it in the papers, and have Oprah talk about me, myself and I.

  13. Englishmen, show some self-respect!

    Stop paying for these layabout fools.

    Heads on pikes!

  14. @Brayson87 -if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

  15. @Nosey. reptilians? demonic spirits? Tell me more.

  16. @Notagoodscreenname - some conspiracy sites (example David Icke) say that the royals are reptilians. I used lizard king Jim Morrison as an example that maybe they're really shamans opening themselves to demonic spirits. (Bunga Bunga Mr. Crowley?)

  17. Could psychic powers emerge from inbreeding? Like you keep the family bloodline too pure and all of a sudden junior is bending spoons using his literal third eye?
    Or was that the Martians with bad shielding in Total Recall 🤣

  18. Back in the day Royals could have people executed. Now THAT's entitlement. An IG page? Not so much.

  19. It was accidental that in this case, there was a real human behind the account SussexRoyal - a guy who barely ever posted, by his own admission. Anyone who reads the fine print - like lawyers knows that unless you have registered your handle(s), you explicitly agreed this could happen to you in the terms and conditions. And it's for a reason: domain squatting happens on social media too, where people grab domains and handles they think will be used by someone famous, in hopes of getting a pay-off. Instagram let's you register for free... this Sussex football fan opened his account legitimately, but Harry and Meghan's Instagram is going to make money for Instagram, where said football fan will not.

    You may not like it, but you're using a free service - there are going to be strings attached. Facebook owns all your kids' photos and can use and reproduce them at will without your permission - isn't that more alarming?!

  20. If anyone is a reptilian overlord, it’s Mark Zuckerberg.

    The guy whose IG was yanked also had his Twitter yanked (had the same handle for that...and was severely harassed on Twitter by Harry and MeAgain fans over not handing both over voluntarily).

    Baby Sussex can’t be introduced until Gayle King has had a chance to air her exclusive in May. As to the Sussexes courting the US media, it’s because only the US media will care about them until a scandalous divorce happens. It’s the same with with Wallace and Edward, they moved to where they were treated like royalty and weren’t snubbed (and pretended like they were the ones ignoring the snubbers).

  21. Plastic Sheets 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  22. @Brayson87 - You're sooooo close to what I think is the right answer! There are many different types of mind control, even things as simple as subliminals in movies/tv. MK Ultra is a general term and had many projects like paperclip, bluebird, artichoke and monarch etc. Project Monarch is named after the butterfly and has to do with creating genetic memory similar to how butterflies know from birth when to fly north and south even though they've never done it before.

    COPIED from link below - Under Project Monarch, victims, usually young children, are subjected to intense trauma, inflicted to the point at which their minds dissociate from the experience.

    They're developing the ability to dissociate in their bloodline.

  23. Don't give a flying fuck

  24. Don't all celebrities do this? Justin Bieber's wife did this back in October too. The fan that had the accounts was devastated.
