Friday, April 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 16, 2019

If the alliterate entitled television actress didn't think she was doing anything wrong, then why the hush hush? Why didn't she tell everyone? Why did she tell her offspring to keep quiet?

Lori Loughlin


  1. That she will end up doing more time than Jusse Smolette is ridiculous.

  2. Presumably her useless daughters signed applications which included false representations. They knew. Charge them for whatever is possible and put their spoiled worthless asses in stir. <<-- dreaming of a fair world.

  3. WTF is with the Radar story that Fuller House is bringing her back?!

  4. @hushhush you are so right. The fact they want to put this woman in jail while Smollett doesn’t even have to apologize for something WAY worse then what she did is just mind boggling.

  5. Yes what she did was wrong, but you're going to tell me other famous people, even the Presidents, didn't donate a wing or make a "donation" and viola, their kids were accepted to the college! Yet that piece of sh!t Smollette gets off. I guess being tight with the Obama's can get you out of anything! And all those molesters in Hollywood are walking around free! Sad!

  6. Let's be clear on who "they" are.

    Jussie Smollett was let off the hook following the intervention of Michelle Obama's people. One good guess is that Kamala Harris is also involved.

    For whatever reason, Lori Loughlin isn't in a position to cause trouble for Harris' campaign or the Obama's post-tenure grift.

  7. That she was fired at all is ridiculous. She was being the best mom she knew how to be which is the basis for the Lifetime channel she starred on. These people are ACTORS - who cares what they do in their real life .. there are LOTS worse people in Hollywood working today ... like child molesters, etc!

  8. If she had owned up like Huffman did, I would be more forgiving. But this naïve persona is just infuriating. Smollet? A whole other level of piece of shit, and a whole other level of mental illness. Are we really going to keep teaching our kids that there are no consequences? Enough is enough.

  9. Tax fraud supercedes everything it seems, including pedo crimes and CP. Don't fuck with the IRS people!

  10. I think it is more likely that she didn't think she was doing anything illegal (or at least anything that she could go to jail for) which is probably true. Not the kind of thing you want to brag about and the kind of thing you would want to keep quiet about (and tell your kids not to talk about.) Before this thing blew up I think a lot of people would have been shocked (and many are) that the penalties are potentially this severe for something like this.

  11. The Obamas didn't have a damn thING to do with that Jessie mess. Please stop with with the bullcrap. Just because Trump is a pos don't put the Obamas' down. SMDH at some of you'll.

  12. Her smiling for the cameras makes her look crazy

  13. Who cares if they are "star fuckers". They are not in the White House anymore so they can star gaze all they want. Jeez.

  14. They used the Oval Office for their star fucking. Nobody would have paid any attention to a community organizer from Southside Chicago if he didn’t use his race and star fuckery to get there. You call Trump a POS and maybe he is, but he didn’t have to starfuck his way to the Presidency. He was the star. He was the epitome of the cult of celebrity. Everybody left, right, center, gay, straight, black, white, brown, male, female has wanted a piece of him for over 30 years. They were beating on his door 24/7/365 for a nanosecond of his attention. Until he beat them at their own game against all odds. Now they just throw their toys and have their tantrums. I wish they would hold their breath until they passed out. A little peace and quiet for 5 minutes would be nice. Then the adults might be able to get something accomplished.

  15. @Sultan: She was ‘being the best mom she knew how to be’ so that includes bribing, lying, and trying to force her kids to go to a school
    That they didn’t even want to attend? Some mom!

    @Texas Rose: If she didn’t think that she was doing anything illegal, why the need to lie? And why the need to keep quiet?

    +1 @Sook

  16. Honey Bunny, Michelle Obama's chief of staff contacted Kim Foxx trying to make Jussie's mess go away. Try the newspaper sometime.

  17. @aquagirl- what lie or was it just the omission of the true story? People keep quiet about a lot of things that aren't illegal. Like I said you probably don't brag about having to spend tons of $$ to get your kid in college. (Most people would think you're an f'ing idiot to spend $500k just get your kid in a particular university.) I also said that even if she thought it was illegal it wouldn't result in such severe penalties. I haven't talked to her so I'm just guessing here but think my position very defensible.

  18. No, the Powers that Be in Chicago didn't want Smollet in a Chicago jail. Why? Because he would have had the crap beat out of him, plus been repeatedly raped. That very possible future would have made the City of Chicago liable for a multi multi million dollar lawsuit. It was a whole lot cheaper to let Smollet go free. He still has to pay the City of Chicago for all the investigative expenses, which is in the multiple hundred thousands.

    And, no, the Obamas didn't free him.

  19. esp rich privileged celebs. She thought a slap on the wrists and some embarrassment.

  20. Silly rabbit,

  21. Weekittylass: Trump isn't a star fucker?? Are you freaken kidding me?? How old are you girlfriend? I've watched Trump in NYC since the 70's and believe me there has been no bigger star-fucker of "D" list celebs than Trump. He also never met a model he didn't like or try to fuck (even with a pregnant wife at home-allegedly) His whole tv show was built around D list celebs.
    When he ran for President, he realized that people really hated his guts, they didn't mind standing with him for a pic before he ran but not after.

  22. @SlimKeith I think you have a different interpretation of "starfucker" than most others do.

  23. I think you are confusing starf#@ker with slut f#@ker. Trump is a social climber and a name dropper. I am not aware of any stars he f#@ked.

  24. @TexasRose: What lie? Besides the $500,000 bribe, which is a lie, how about having her daughters pose for pictures to pretend that they were on the rowing team which they weren’t?

  25. @Slimkeith born in 1957,lived in Upper Saddle River, NJ from ‘68-‘75. Read the NYT, NY Post, NY Daily News and Wall Street Journal every Sunday after Mass. The Bergen Record every morning. Oh, and the National Enquirer every week (Thanks Mom). I may be a little younger than you. Even when we moved to SE VA we still received those newspapers except for the Record. Trump is the ultimate salesman. That is where his skill set lies. People call him a liar, but in his mind, he’s ‘puffing’, trying to close that sale. I remember all the sales offers coming to my parent’s house in the late ‘70’s for Trump Tower. I also remember all the vile literature coming from Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond’s campaigns. My Puerto Rican mother would just laugh at them. Interesting times indeed.

  26. Trump is a fucker period. Obama is a black man who has the right to tell his story of his life but racist like a lot of you is the reason he had stories of being discriminated against. But with no brains it never crossed your mind.

  27. I hope they throw the book at this lying, arrogant piss of shit and her dumb as rocks daughters too.

  28. @Rabbit:
    Smollett wasn't going to be in a Chicago jail, because for one thing, Chicago has no jails. It's the Cook County Jail.
    2. When he was in the Cook County Jail, he, like R Kelly, were in the jail's hospital for their protection.
    3. If he had been convicted & sentenced, he would've immediately been sent to the Illionois Department of Corrections.
    4. So Chicago would never have been on the hook for paying him anything if he got beat up in prison!

    Learn something before you comment!

  29. She's just gonna smile and play dumb

  30. Please please let her serve some time behind bars.



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