Thursday, April 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 16, 2019

This studio is set to replace an A list mostly movie actor from this franchise. This time it is because of his own doing and no big voice behind the scenes is going to be able to save him no matter how hard they crush on the actor.

Johnny Depp/JK Rowling


  1. I wonder if even Burton is willing to work with him again.

  2. Besides the insurance risk problem, his age and lost looks are also a problem. If he can't okay Keith Richard's what else can he do looking like he does now. See Mickey Roarke.

  3. Johnny. You're such a dumpster fire. Wish it was different.

  4. Why in the hell do they keep showing me Bollywood ads of a bunch of teenagers dancing?

  5. Burton should reboot A Nightmare on Elm Street and have Depp play Freddy! Someone whisper this in Burton's ear!

  6. J-- LOL, Ive got them, too. I have to say, Im impressed!

    Johnny needs a really good life coach/celeb wrangler asap. Maybe someone can corral him and Nic Cage, and ship them off somewhere safe to detox and regroup

  7. I'm just about to do a deep dive on the West Memphis 3. Vedder and Depp will be spoken about!

    1. Did Marilyn Manson also support the (guilty as hell) West Memphis 3? Just goes to show what a POS Depp is!

  8. Just saw the trailer for The Professor. He doesn’t look like a complete mess in it, and he’s playing an arguably normal person in it (so fingers crossed that this will be a turning point. If RDJ can come back from complete dumpster fire zone, I think JD can do the same. It’s really sad because he was so great, and such a nice person when I met him (really all about the fans at the event).

  9. I really love his movies..... I just wish he wasn’t such a POS so ai could actually enjoy them without wanting to punch the screen every time he enters ugh.

  10. He sucks nowadays, it can only help the franchise. Hopefully Rowling has lost her lady boner for him.

  11. @Brayson I'd only have to meet him once I suspect to lose any earlier crush. LOVED Depp and he was an amazing actor but he is an utter bloated mess now. He looks like he wreaks of urine soaked clothes, bad dental hygiene and booze. All the years he HATED being a heartthrob and commited to Tim Burton roles, didn't play up his looks, he even tried to actively minimize and DESTROY them with his perpetual funk. Well, he succeeded. Now he looks like an overblown BLOWN up doll that has been rolled in dirty cigarettes. So sad.

  12. "lady boner" is called a wide-on

  13. Nah, lady boner is more fun to say and doesn't sound like you're insulting a woman's weight.

  14. JD started in Hollywood very young ,... I wonder if he was target of abuse like most children and teen actors seem were ...

    That would explain a lot ... A GREAT ACTOR WITH INNER DEMONS ..


  15. depp tupac movie is available to buy on dvd June 19

    City OF LiES

    www amazon it

  16. Hey hey hey.... I LIVE here and have been following every nuance of the WM3 since the killings took place in May of '93. I was pregnant then, and believed what I saw on the news and heard from the cops. It wasn't until the trials started a few towns away and I saw FIRSTHAND the manipulation and misinterpretation of the evidence (or lack thereof) and how the HIRED 'experts' fed the 'Satanic Panic'. Bottkm line is this, you tell me how three teenage boys, One of whom has the IQ of a lamp, murdered and mutilated three 8 year old boys on a muddy ditch bank in the pitch black of night and left not a SHRED of physical evidence behind(not a hair, a shoe print, a fingerprint, no sweat, saliva or blood DNA) EXCEPt that of a step father to one of the boys. That could be explainable as secondary transfer BUT for the fact that is was found in the bindings of a child that ISNT his. Do some research about ALL of it before you drink the kool aid, my friend. One of these kids spent 18 years on DEATH ROW for a crime he did not commit. They took the Alford Plea simply because the state wanted to close the door on Wrongful Incarcerations suits in the future It was simply a way for the State of Arkansas to cover its ass and not admit wrongdoing.

  17. The hatred shut-ins feel towards Depp is highly disturbing. None of you personally know him, yet you believe anything that's posted anonymously on a blog about him?

    The West Memphis 3 are innocent. There is no evidence proving they were involved in the killings of those poor boys. Being weird or into the occult, as most teens were back then, doesn't mean they're guilty.

    The fact is, this warped hatred and vilification of Depp only really started when Amber Heard falsely accused him of DV and because he cracked a joke about Trump, which was no worse than the jokes Trump supporters were cracking about Hillary on a regular basis.

    He clearly has issues, which is why he is an alcoholic. Personally, I hope he gets help before it's too late.

  18. I love Johnny Depp and his movies, looks don't always = great movies!!
    Thank you @MissMe & @VikingSong, I feel the same about the WM3..
    It's amazing how you would hear bits of gossip about Johnny here and there, but it was mostly taken with a grain of salt.. then along comes this disgusting gutter snipe, just spilling one lie after another and all the sudden she's Mother Teresa and he's Atilla the Hun!! Then when he gets himself somewhat together, he comes back with a ton of evidence to prove what a lying slag she is, he still gets shit on!!

    I don't get it, he gets laywers and evidence and files in court...she sells to freaking gossip rags.. but he's still the head one.. seems legit!!

  19. @VikingSong
    I can tell you were fooled by Paradise Lost. On the contrary, there was plenty of evidence to convict the West Memphis 3, regardless of the Satanism still professed by Echols.



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