Monday, April 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 25, 2019

Another day, another horrible fan encounter for this foreign born A list talk show host who told a fan to get a life when he asked for an autograph.

James Corden


  1. Just say, "I don't give autographs" and walk away. Why is that so hard? Then don't be in the public eye and go get a real job.

  2. Hmm. I'm not sure I believe this, tbh, and I'm not even a fan of JC.

  3. He's a nasty cunt, Vikey, someone I know had to drive for him when he was on a promo thing for something way back in his Gavin and Stacy days before he was internationally known and said he was by far the nastiest piece of work he ever encountered. Bear in mind this guy has driven most of the Game of Thrones cast, and a hell of a lot of big names when they are shooting movies at the Titanic Studios, and he said that Jellytussle Corden stood out by miles as the worst piece of work.

    He said there was that either his assistant or liason from the the company he was there to pimp was treated like shit by the fat fuck. Normally the celebs are professional enough to be polite even if they are out of sorts or pissed - though Peter Dinklage is something of a God with the drivers, they would carry him about piggy back style if he wanted.

    1. Jellytussle????
      LOLOLOLOLOL. Classic <3

  4. And not just because they could either. Harland and Wolff would need their two giant cranes to lift Corden.

    1. Poor Sampson and Goliath. No-one deserves that burden.

  5. I still chuckle at the fact his shitty horror movie bombed hard any time I see this irritant's name mentioned anywhere.

  6. He’s a pussy little man child

  7. Who would want his autograph??

  8. Amazing a no talent has fans.

  9. To be honest I didn't even know he existed beyond the carpool karaoke.

  10. @Flashy Vic ... Harland and Wolff! DeeeLorean reference next?! Made my day!

  11. OK, England promises to take him back. But only as swapsy for either Katie Price or Gemma Collins.

  12. We really don't want him back. We loathe him.

  13. If I asked a 'celeb' for an autograph and they told me to get a life, I'd answer back with "Yeah, you're right. What the fuck was I thinking?!"

  14. I'm bummed about this, but I can see it.

  15. He's a huge cunt. The UK hate him

  16. It's shocking he has fans tbh.

  17. He's so annoying. I hate his carpool shit. He should be driving an electric too if all he's doing is wasting gas and making emissions pollution. Dumb fuck must have fucked some male executives he's in the Freemasons with to get this job. Ungrateful cunt.



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