Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 26, 2019

This one of many offspring who happens to be a reality star is hoping a move will allow her the chance for her own show.

Jinger Duggar


  1. That family is like House Frey.

  2. Actually, Jinger is the one who is the most normal of the nineteen.

  3. They purposely undereducated all 19 of those little f*ckers and now we will have to deal with a slew of gross spin-offs because this is the only life they know. Lord forbid they use any of that teevee money to send any of them to school.

  4. Did her brother diddle her? TLC is the "Touching Little Children" network. It is the most-twisted, weirdest network. They show fetishes, incest relationships, sister wives, hetero trannies. What are we supposed to be "learning"?

  5. No, he didn't "diddle" her. From what I read he would grope them when they were sleeping, still fucking disgusting but I don't think any of them were actually touched under the clothes.

  6. And I doubt Jim Bob would let her have her own show unless he was getting a salary from it too.
