Monday, April 22, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 12, 2019

This foreign-born A- list mostly television actress with a failed movie career behind her and paying for exposure is entering into her last season of this hit pay cable show. She didn't show up last night for this popular foreign chat show yesterday which left her foreign-born co-star to talk about the show by himself but she still somehow had time to go shopping.

Emilia Clarke/Kit Harrington/Graham Norton Show


Brayson87 said...

Well if you can't find time for shopping then you're really not living. ;)

Brayson87 said...

Loved how on GoT her character was totally unfazed by finding out she'd been f*cking her nephew, just the line of succession stuff that bothered her😅

Anonymous said...

Me before you made over 200 mil at the box office on a 20 mil budget... wouldn't really call that a failure? Also where are the blinds saying Donald Glover is a "dual threat with a failed movie career" ?

Enty, again, just picking on someone he dislikes.

sandybrook said...

I am kind of curious to find out what she did that made Enty dislike her so much. Besides refusing to beard for Kit. Anyway Entern, her career hasn't failed.

MDAnderson said...

I’m curious. I hope this isn’t coming from AP

Snatch and Ladders said...

Ahh give it up. I've done much worse, although obviously not in the public eye, after brain aneurysm surgery. Which one of Enty's pals hates Emilia so much?

TerribullTres said...

Danny Glover does not have a failed movie career, what are you talking about?

s.s. said...

It isn't success when she's signed for future Star Wars films in the franchise, but she hasn't been promised anything, and they have no plans currently to use her character.
The producers have been desperate to re-tool the faded franchise, but it's obvious they don't see Clark and her character as an answer.

It isn't fair to say she killed the Terminator franchise but she was slated to be a key player in the franchise and the franchise looks dead.

BRAD PITT said...

2018 Solo: A Star Wars Story Worldwide Box Office gross $392 million

2016 Me Before You Worldwide box office gross $208 million

2015 Terminator Genisys Worldwide box office gross $440 million

Emilia has two movies coming in 2019 rom com Last Christmas and thriller Above Suspicion

Anonymous said...

Donald Glover you candy ass. Do they all look the same?

Anonymous said...

Donald Glover, not danny glover, who she starred alongside with in Solo.

Amy said...

What the hell did Emilia ever do to you? lol

Amartel said...

Someone is once again tediously taking sides in the uninteresting Kit Harrington/Rose Leslie/Emilia triangle. Emilia did those kids a favor! Plus, if you don't have time for shopping then I don't want to know you.
Good day, sir!

BRAD PITT said...

so far Emilia movies have grossed over 1 billion at the worldwide box office

Solo: A Star Wars Story ... $392 million
Me Before You ............. $208 million
Terminator Genisys ........ $440 million

Guesser said...

@MDAnderson,AP is a long,time source for gossip,and maybe she has an issue with Emilia. You don't want to lose your sources. Now that the show is coming to an end,she probably has a lot of stuff to unload.

Brayson87 said...

Solo: A Star Wars Story...$300 million budget
Me Before You.............$20 million budget
Terminator Genisys........$158 million budget

The math says that she should stick to chick flicks 😅

B626 said...

Phucking young
Han Solo worked out OK

Kate k said...

That was hilarious. Can't wait to see how she handles it.

Winston Smith said...

Unless they cancel movies next week, how can her career in movies be failing when its just starting. As people pointed out, her movies have made money including one that made 10X its budget. Is she a superstar in movies, no but with the right role that can be turned around in no time.

Emily said...

No one in Game of Thrones cast has to pay for exposure right now, let alone one of the pivotal characters. Lawd. Enty should feel embarrassed about this one.


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