Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 26, 2019

This A list everything in her mind is finally starting to question whether being publicly embarrassed down the road by her significant other is what she really wants. This engagement is looking less likely to make it to the wedding.

Jennifer Lopez/Alex Rodriguez


  1. She can do better than a baseball player.

  2. She should publicly cheat on him in a spectacularly obscene fashion.
    It's really the only way to get out of this without looking extremely foolish

  3. At least it's reassuring for regular women that beautiful celebrity's like Jennifer and Halle Berry are insecure and nuts like us at times! Haha

  4. Why would you blame the woman for getting cheated on, AList?

  5. I don't think spectacular, obscene, public cheating is going to diminish how foolish she looks. That said, I hope she tries it. I recommend a leaked tape of a lesbian encounter with her buddy Leah Remini.

  6. Anyone see that MeAgain and Harry now have an official instagram page?

  7. I think this is hilarious.

    It would be a sad day in the history of thought if those two separated.

    Can you imagine the conceptual spaces their conversations go to?

  8. These two were never going to get married in the first place.
    Just a contracted relationship for attention.

  9. If she is smart, she'll dump him. He isn't going to stop cheating on her. No matter how much she works out and poses with that stupid open mouth "sexy face" expression.

  10. ARod just wants access to her fabulous accessories closet!

  11. She is WAY too desperate to be relevant aka married to a MEGA STAR and part of omega coupe to say no. She will just marry him and THEN use publicity at some point to cry victim in yet ANOTHER story although it does make her look aging and sad to have her hubby cheating with young hookers and strippers. Wake the F up, J Lo. If I looked you and had your life, I'd be COMMANDING respect and riding on top of the world.

  12. She's already been married 3 times, for fuck's sake.

  13. This marriage will never happen because this 'relationship' is nothing more than a business deal.
    They already have some sunglasses line together.

  14. I'm guessing this is how he got that black eye

  15. Don’t get married Jennifer, just stay engaged for a few years until the glow wears off. You two look good together, doesn’t require marriage.
