Sunday, April 14, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 7, 2019

This alliterate designer has kept her child support issues out of the court system because she doesn't want her alliterate ex to go to jail. That is all about to change though because she wants to get paid what she is owed.

Rachel Roy/Damon Dash


  1. Pay her dough, cookie dough!

  2. Time to make some good faith efforts, Sir! It's going to go a lot easier than if the court gets involved and sees the neglect. It's for your own kids!

  3. These alliterative names make it seem like every last celebrity out there used to be a reporter for the Daily Planet.

  4. It's a fine line between Rachel Roy and Rachel Ray.

  5. I so thought this was RACHEL RAY and I was like holy crap!!!

  6. Becky with the good hair

  7. I thought for sure this said Rachael Ray, and I thought to myself, "Does Wretched Ray even have kids? When did she hook-up with Damon Dash?"
